Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1309 This Kid Is a Little Stupid

Chapter 1309 This Kid Is a Little Stupid

Ada Suli was really unlucky. This was the first time she had left protection. She walked around alone, but she didn't expect that someone would catch her out of Kowloon City.

As an alien, Adassuli had no awareness of aliens at all.

She also came to Earth eight years ago, when she was just a six-year-old doll.

The guards had almost all died after trying their best to bring her out of the monster passageway, and the only survivor had suffered serious injuries before dying.

A scouting squad from Dong Junwei's army passed by and happened to see the crying Ada Suli, so they brought her back to the Shanhai Customs base.

Everyone thought that she was a human child. A kind-hearted female soldier adopted her. Two years later, Guo Sihai finally found Ada Suli and brought her back to his alien father-in-law, Ada Khan.

The female soldier had also become Adassuli's foster mother, following her all the time.

Therefore, Ada Suli was actually raised by Earthlings. Her temperament was closer to Earthlings, and her experience was similar to Earthlings.

So when she woke up and saw the black people around her, she was so scared that her whole body was trembling. She didn't know what they were.

These so-called black people are different from the black people on earth.

They looked darker and stronger. Their average adult height was more than 2.5 meters. Their eyes and teeth were blood red, like demons.

"No, don't come over. Who are you?"

Ada Suli screamed, but she was only mocked by the other party's great god.

The black Dark Beast's language was the Sword Spirit Star Common Language. This language was different from Chinese, but half of its pronunciation was the same as Chinese.

Adassuli had been exposed to two languages, one was Chinese and the other was common language, so Adassuli understood what the Dark Beast Negro said.

"Little human girl, don't be afraid. We are Dark Orcs, good people! Do you understand?"

Dark Beast Race?

Adassuli had never heard of it.

However, at this time, she had calmed down a little and looked around.

Heavens, this is a large-scale barbarian tribe.

Totem, Beast Bone, Bonfire, Wooden Cage, Vine Tent.

What worried Ada Suli the most was the corpses hanging in front of their tents. There were all sorts of species, including humans.

Ada Suli was now fourteen years old. She was not an idiot, so she could tell that the black Dark Beast in front of her was definitely not a good person. As a result, she was even more afraid. She did not know what to do, so she could only report her background.

"Let me go. I am the sister of the Second Head of the Alliance, Adana Ren! If you send me back to Jiulong Mountain, she will definitely give you a lot of Sword Soul Stones!"

The only currency currently in use on Earth was the Sword Soul Stone, because it was useful to almost all races.

The Sword Spirit Qi on Earth was much thinner than that on the Sword Spirit Star. All kinds of race creatures wanted to become stronger, and sword cultivators could not do without the Sword Soul Stone.

Adassuli's offer did not attract much interest from the nearby Dark Orcs.

One of the Dark Orcs suddenly bent down and grabbed Ada Sully's collar to lift her up.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Let me go!"

Ada Suli struggled with all her might, but she no longer had any abilities, so her strength was naturally much smaller.

The Dark Orc walked several hundred meters away with Ada Suli in his hand, arriving at a cellar entrance, and then tossed it inside.

Ada Suli fell three meters and then fell into the water. She sank a meter and a half before slowly floating up.

When she came out of the water, she found it difficult to breathe, because the surroundings were filled with foul stench.

This cellar was very large. It was a square with a side length of ten meters. Its overall depth was more than ten meters. It was filled with smelly water below. Only three meters above it could reach the entrance of the cellar. Adassuli swam to the side, but she couldn't climb up.

Suddenly, the smelly water stirred up water. Adassuli could feel something stirring the smelly water up and down from the bottom of the water.

Her heart rose to her throat, and she was already scared to death!

Suddenly, the water surged and a large ball of meat emerged from the water!

It was really a ball of meat. Below it was the body of a snake. Because it had no skin, its muscles looked scarlet and eye-catching.


Ada Suli was so frightened that she screamed. The meat ball had already opened a big mouth. Ada Suli wanted to dodge, but there was nowhere to escape.

With a buzz, her eyes darkened. Ada Suli was so scared that she fainted and her body floated in the water.

At this time,

Qin Potian had already sneaked into the Dark Beast Race's camp and found Adassuli's location.

He was already short, and his movements were very nimble, so he didn't get noticed when he sneaked into the camp.

Just now, Qin Potian had received a piece of information about the Dark Orc Race from Lv Lu.

They are super omnivorous carnivores, which means they eat all kinds of meat.

However, they did not eat living creatures. Instead, they liked to eat dead creatures.

Moreover, their methods of killing their prey were also very special. They would not directly use knives to see blood, but would frighten their prey to death!

This may sound strange, but the Dark Human race has always done this. They have all sorts of frightening scary methods. No matter what species, as long as they possess spirituality, they will possess fear genes in their personality elements.

So all creatures with fear genes are scared to death.

The Dark Beast Race loved to eat creatures that were frightened to death. This was their tradition! It has been circulating for countless years.

Qin Potian's understanding of things wasn't strong, so he really didn't understand the Dark Beast Race's behavior. He just felt that it was a little strange.

Moreover, Qin Potian did not know why some creatures would die of fear. He had never known what fear was since he was young!

After passing through the tents one after another, Qin Potian finally arrived not far from Adasuli.

At this time, the beautiful little sister had already fainted from fear. The Dark Orcs were pulling her out of the cellar filled with water.

"Ah, why did you faint from fright? Isn't this courage too small?"

"It's fine, it's fine. We're sending her to another place. I don't believe we can't scare her to death!"

"Let's keep her in custody first. Didn't the Patriarch say that he still wanted to use her as a hostage?"

"What more hostages? Just scare them to death! Anyway, this person is already here, so the person who wants to save her will naturally come. No one cares if the hostage is alive or dead!"

As he spoke, the Dark Orc who was carrying Adassuli walked to a large wooden house and opened the door to throw it in.

"Haha, it won't be long before this little human woman is scared to death! Think about it later, are we going to cut meat and eat it raw, or are we going to roast it with fire? Boiling it in water is fine!"

The Dark Beast Race clansmen laughed out loud and then left, regardless of what was happening in the wooden house.

Qin Potian tiptoed through the tents and finally opened the teleportation portal to enter the wooden house. He hid in a corner and looked around.

The wooden house was unfurnished and crude, and several braziers hung on the ceiling emitted dim lights.

With the help of the lights, Qin Potian saw more than ten zombies with ropes tied around their necks. They did not have fingers or teeth, which meant that they could not transmit the T virus. However, they were still aggressive and eager to eat. Thus, after Adassuli was thrown in, more than a dozen zombies immediately pounced on her, ripped her clothes apart, and then bit her flesh.

It was a pity that they had lost their teeth and some bones had been removed from their faces. Therefore, their bite was powerless. They could not harm Adassuli at all, but they had woken her up from her coma!

The zombie's face was terrifying. There was no skin on it, and its muscles were all dark gray. Furthermore, they were all in a rotten state, and worms with flesh crawled back and forth on them.

Ada Suli woke up and started screaming, her tears coming out of her eyes.

She was a delicate little princess. She had never seen such a terrifying scene before.

Just as Adassuli was about to faint from fright, her small hand suddenly grabbed her arm and dragged it to the corner of the wall.

A small figure flickered back and forth, and the dozen zombies in the room were immediately killed.

"Little sister, don't be afraid. I'm here to save you!"

Qin Potian was not afraid at all. As the saying goes, newborn calves were not afraid of tigers, but he was a fresh and tender calf.

Ada Suli did not expect that she would not save him when she was at her most helpless. Her heart was still uneasy. After waiting for a long time and finally stabilizing her emotions, she discovered that the one guarding her was actually that little brat, Shorty!

His heart was blank and he was in a daze. He saw the short man walk around the room and return to his side dejectedly.

"Little sister, what should we do? Your clothes were torn apart by those zombies just now. I looked for them. There's nothing for you to wear. Are you cold?"


Ada Suli was shocked. She lowered her head and discovered that she was actually naked. She hurriedly hugged her bulging chest with both hands. Her face was originally pale, but now, it was even more bloodless.

Eight-year-old Qin Potian curled his lips, disapproving of Ada Suli's actions.

It wasn't that he hadn't seen the woman's body before. Qin Potian's biological mother was Liu Ru. However, Liu Ru was currently in the Death Spirit Space. Although the mother and son could talk via video, they couldn't meet each other.

Therefore, Qin An's wife was Qin Potian's mother. She took good care of Qin Potian. Two years ago, a group of women often took a bath with Little Potian. Therefore, this kid didn't think that there was anything strange about a woman's naked body. He also didn't think that Ada Suli's figure was very good, because in his eyes, his father's streamlined muscular figure was perfect! It was also his goal! Dad said that as long as you exercise properly, you can also have a body of muscles! He didn't want to look like a mother, his chest bulging, soft, how ugly!

Ada Suli didn't know Qin Potian's ideals and thoughts at all. At the age of fourteen, she already had other thoughts about men and women, so she was naturally ashamed. After all, Shorty was also a man!

However, Ada Suli was somewhat grateful to Shorty.

In such a strange environment, to be able to see an "acquaintance", this is how reassuring ah?

More importantly, this acquaintance seemed to be a fellow with decent abilities.

Didn't he instantly kill those zombies that looked terrifying?

Who the hell is he?

The tangled Ada Suli sat up and curled up in the corner of the wall. Then, she raised her trembling hand to wipe the tears off her face.

"We … Where are we?"

'"I think it's a long way from here in a place called the Dark Beast Forest! It's full of villains outside. Little sister, I'm going to save you, but there are too many people outside! Although I'm not afraid of them, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you in a fight with them! Hey, give me some advice, what should I do?"

Ada Suli was slightly stunned and began to admire the little brat in front of her.

He was clearly here to save him, but he actually asked him how he should escape. This was truly speechless!

Perhaps because of Qin Potian's foolish and unafraid appearance, Ada Suli finally calmed down completely and did not have so much fear.

Yeah, what do we do?

Just now, she saw that there were all those dark beasts nearby. She should have been brought in by a flying birdman. If she could not fly, it would be very difficult to escape.

Ah, Ada Suli's gaze drifted towards Qin Potian, and she couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

In the story of the earth's people, the princess was captured by the devil and escaped. Prince Charming would always appear to save her.

He had fallen into a crisis today, how could the one who saved her be a little brat?

Moreover, this little brat obviously didn't understand anything! Now that he was naked, why … why didn't he feel the slightest bit?

In fact, he really couldn't blame Qin Potian, because he was indeed a little brat!

In his eyes, naked women weren't as fun as clay figurines.

A group of clay figurines could play a game of war between two armies on a sand table. What's the use of a naked woman? Qin Potian couldn't figure it out.

"What's your name? How did you get in here? Are you really going to save me? Why?"

Ada Suli felt that she should get to know this little brat. After all, he was her only hope now.

"My name is Qin Potian! Little sister, of course I have to save you! I have always loved to help others since I was young. When I saw a stray dog on the street, I would run home and give it a steamed bun to eat!"

Ada Sully swore that if this was in Kowloon City, she would immediately jump over and strangle the dead child to death. Unfortunately, she could only think about it now. She still had a smile on her face and did not dare to offend the little brat.

"Furthermore, Maya appeared when you were captured. I only knew that you were my Uncle Sihai's relative! My father Qin An and Uncle Sihai are good friends! They often drink in the Heavenly Curtain!"

"Ah? Are you Qin An's son?"

Adassuli was shocked.

"That's right, haha, little sister, you haven't visited my house before. I'll invite you to Heavenly Residence later. Heavenly Residence is fun, and there's also an amusement park! Even though my younger brothers are a bit naughty, I'm not afraid of them. Don't worry, as long as you go, I'll treat you well!"

The upright Qin Potian did not feel that this was a dangerous place at all. Not only did he chat about family matters in front of Ada Suli, he also invited her to the Heavenly Residence as a guest.

Ada Suli was stunned for a while before her mind lifted up.

She was no stranger to the name Qin An. She had heard from her brother-in-law that he was a super powerful fellow with superb abilities. Then his son should have inherited a relatively good ability, right?

Yes, it must be!

Otherwise, how could he have chased after the captured him and even sneaked into the enemy's camp to his side?

Although this little brat wasn't Prince Charming, he should still be considered a little brat, right? He might really be able to save himself.

Moreover, since Maya already knew that she had been captured, her sister and brother-in-law would soon receive the news. At that time, they would definitely send someone to save her.

The Maya system is a super-awesome artificial intelligence system. Even if she leaves the Jiulong Mountain region, she should be able to track her location!

Then as long as we continue to wait, help will arrive in a few minutes.

If that was the case, then there was no need for the little brat to do anything. All he had to do was protect himself in this enclosed wooden house!

Haha, you're really smart. You came up with a solution so quickly.

Ada Suli felt a little proud in her heart.

At this moment, something unexpected happened to Ada Suli. The little brat actually opened the door and walked out, standing at the door.

Ada Suli's face turned green. She couldn't care less about her naked clothes and the disgusting zombie corpse on the ground. She stood up and trotted to the door. She hurriedly whispered, "Hey! Little… Little boy, what are you doing? Quickly come back!"

Qin Potian smiled and turned to look at Ada Suli. Then, he said,

"The main reason I sneaked in was because I was afraid that the enemy would find me and hide you. Then I won't find you anymore. Little sister, since I'm already by your side, I don't need to worry anymore. I was a little timid just now. I really shouldn't have done this. I'm sorry, little sister!

Dad taught me to be responsible. Since I plan to save you, I can't back down.

Dad also said that being a man requires courage and confidence. Isn't it just a bunch of monsters? I can't teleport with you, so it's impossible for me to sneak out. Then let's kill him!

Right, right, father also said that boys should be brave and thick-skinned! "


Dumb, Ada Suli was completely dumbfounded, unable to understand how Qin Potian's legendary father educated his children.

And what the hell was Qin Potian?

Why are you so smart and stupid?

While Ada Suli was in a daze, Qin Potian had already run out and brought back a large amount of tiger skin and a few bull tendons.

Actually, he didn't know nothing, he could at least distinguish between inside and outside.

The mothers were only naked in front of their fathers, and even they were still children now. Therefore, Qin Potian felt that he should get Ada Suli a set of clothes at this time.

Qin Potian wrapped his beautiful little sister around Ada Suli with tiger skin.

Although he was small, when Lida was endless, Adassuli was like a doll in his hand and was wrapped tightly in it in a short while.

After that, Qin Potian tied the bull tendons to the tiger hide, then tied Ada Suli horizontally in his hand and walked out.

"Little sister, watch me save you!"

"Ahhhh, you idiot, quickly put me down!"

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