Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1191 There Are Two Women in Red

Chapter 1191 There Are Two Women in Red

Li Haibo's expression became gloomy. Indeed, his guess was correct!

Actually, when Wei Ran arrived with the Russian woman and another black-clothed man, Li Haibo recognized the goddess in his dreams at a glance.

However, he was not too excited to lose his judgment.

He noticed that Wei Ran seemed to be injured, his body stiff, and it was very difficult to walk.

Beside her, the black-clothed man had been supporting her. To be exact, he was dragging her. It was very rude.

In other words, they should not be simple companions. At the very least, the black-clothed man had no good intentions towards her.

The Russian woman, the man in black, said she was a merchandise and was going to be sold to Jiulong Mountain.

Li Haibo could also be considered to have read countless people, so he felt that as a goods, the expression of a Russian woman was too comfortable, too calm, too indifferent.

In addition, Li Haibo was a small beast tamer, or mosquito keeper.

He found a mosquito the size of an ordinary mosquito, but very smart.

Actually, the book Doomsday Biography referred to this mosquito as a clingy human bite, a level 2 mutated beast. Its characteristics were relatively intelligent, sensitive to human voices, and it could be domesticated.

When sucking human blood, it could be sucked all the time, and secretly. The pain was not intense. The blood sucked into its body would not prop up its body, because of the existence of black dots.

Therefore, if an ordinary person was attacked by this mosquito and did not discover that it was bitten, he would faint because he slowly lost too much blood. In the end, it could not be said that he would be sucked to death.

Thankfully, these mosquitoes weren't very interested in human blood, so they wouldn't take the initiative to attack people on one side unless they were under control.

Li Haibo would release mosquitoes to probe when he felt that there was something unusual about his guests.

Then today, when the mosquitoes landed beside Wei Ran and the others, Li Haibo discovered that Wei Ran had a small bag on his neck, while the black-clothed man and the Russian woman had smooth skin and did not react at all!

This could only prove that Wei Ran didn't have any abilities, the other two had. It wasn't strange for the black man to have abilities, but if the so-called Russian female slave also had abilities, shouldn't she take some measures to control her? Instead of letting her walk freely without a rope, they weren't traveling.

Also, the man in black looked at Wei Ran with an unfriendly gaze, while his gaze towards the Russian woman was filled with love.

Li Haibo understood that feeling very well. A man fell in love with a woman deeply, so he went back to look at her like that. That was how he looked at Wei Ran back then!

In summary, Li Haibo felt that Wei Ran might have been controlled. Although this was just a guess, Li Haibo didn't dare to be careless because he knew that he was a weak person in front of an Adept, so he had to be careful.

After dinner at night, Li Haibo sat in his tent and thought.

He told those people a story this afternoon, a story that happened many years ago with Wei Ran and Bai Li.

This story was not meant to express his feelings to Wei Ran, he was trying to probe!

In the story, he repeated Wei Ran's name with emphasis, but the gazes of the Russian woman and the black-clothed man did not change from beginning to end.

In other words, they probably didn't know Wei Ran, at least they didn't know the name.

All the deductions were finally confirmed after Li Haibo's men reported to him. The black-clothed man sneaked into the Russian woman's shack. The sentry didn't dare to approach because they were afraid of being discovered by an Adept, but things like shacks would leak light and not be soundproof.

Therefore, the sentry could be sure that they were doing something between men and women in the tent.

Hmph, true apocalyptic merchants don't have relations with goods. This is their taboo, and it's also a character that has been formed in the apocalyptic world for more than 20 years.

In other words, the black-clothed man was not a true apocalyptic merchant, so Li Haibo couldn't figure out why he had to pretend that their destination was.

However, no matter what, if Wei Ran was really controlled, he would still want to save her, because he had given up on this woman back then and regretted it until today!

That was why Li Haibo dressed up and went to Wei Ran's tent. After a simple conversation with her, he finally confirmed everything. What he thought was right!

In that case, he might not be able to calm down tonight. He was no longer able to grasp where his fate would go!

Unless he gave up on Wei Ran again! And then another twenty years of regret! But how many more twenty years did he have left in his life?

Watermelon Li drilled into Qin An's tent. He had been following his sister all along. His father said that the little man had to learn to protect women.

"Don't bully my sister! Rustle! Machine gun!"

After the kid came in, he made a gesture with his hand to aim at Qin An, and then he let out a sudden sound …


Li Tao Tao kicked the little watermelon and climbed down, then twisted her ears and carried him out.

"What are you doing? Two pens!"

"I'm protecting you, sister. Why are you kicking me? I have a gun, and it's protruding …"

"Sharp your grandmother's chicken thigh, play with mud at the door, don't embarrass me!"

"Tsk, look down on me!"

"Damn child, I'll seal your mouth if you keep popping out!"

"Hmph! Dada, dada …"

Li Taotao, whose face was flushed red, returned to the shack, feeling that her childish younger brother had embarrassed her.

When she went to look at Qin An again, she found that Qin An did not seem to care, because he was staring at a corner with surprise in his eyes.

"What are you watching?" Li Taotao asked curiously.

"… Someone who has something to do with me appeared. She is still 20 kilometers away, setting up a tent to rest. There are also two women with her, but I don't know them! I wonder if they will come here in the end … It's so strange, because she is also wearing a red robe! "Just like Wu Xiaofei, who is still eight kilometers away from here … they are all bright red colors. Could it be that they are more popular this year?"

Li Taotao frowned and said,

"You're a clairvoyant! You know what happened twenty kilometers away! Hmph, you're really boring."

While she was bored, Li Taotao did not turn around and leave. She did not have any playmates in the Scrap Picker Camp. It was only nightfall, so she had nothing to do. She felt that it was good to talk nonsense with the kid in front of her. After all, although he was very strange, he gave off a very kind feeling, as if he was not a dangerous person.

"Suddenly acquired the ability and left the camp to come to this side of the mute girl; Wei Ran, the woman who was controlled and subjected to the cruelest treatment; Level 9 mutant Russian woman and her loyal black-clothed man; The upcoming black-clothed assassins Qiao San, Wu Xiaofei, and Xu Dakai; She and the two mysterious women camped nearby wanted to save Li Haibo, who had been away from the goddess for many years. And… and that protruding brat, Watermelon Li! What a great show! "

Qin An whispered to himself, ignoring the dumbfounded little peach blossom.

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