Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1148 The Zombies Are Coming

Chapter 1148 The Zombies Are Coming

'"Well, according to our previous calculations, we should be there in two minutes. In other words, we should be able to see them now, but the north side is very quiet. It's a bit strange. Could it be that Qin An has attracted so many flying zombie beasts over there? That shouldn't be possible!"

"Where are the scouts?"

'"They're all retreating. They're about to come into contact with each other. Naturally, they have to hide in the bunker. Wait and see. Perhaps because Qin An's impact had an obstructive effect on the flying zombie beasts, it's normal for them to appear a little late. Those who should come will always come. They can't hide!"

Guo Sihai looked very deep. Cheng Gang nodded, and everyone in the room had different expressions.

Ten minutes later, the mecha troops had already arrived in advance and set up a defensive line.

Fifteen minutes later, air-transportation helicopters arrived in large numbers. More than a hundred squadrons and 30,000 to 40,000 people landed on the ground along the helicopter's cord. It was not unspectacular. They immediately joined the defense line.

Twenty minutes later, Dong Junwei personally took a connecting flight from the rear and rushed over, intending to take charge of the defense line and swear to live or die with it.

He had already received a report from Guo Sihai that Qin An had rushed into the group of corpses in order to kill those high-grade flying zombies that posed a greater threat.

Hence, Dong Junwei felt that the flying zombie herd hadn't arrived so late. It must be because of Qin An. This brat had stopped the flying zombie herd from advancing and bought a lot of time for the defense line!

Dong Junwei was very gratified. He felt that Qin An was indeed reliable.

However, relying on one person's strength to charge was inappropriate! After all, he was a person of status now. Let's see how smart Guo Sihai was.

Thirty minutes later, the defensive line was seven kilometers long. The mobile fortress, shelter, mecha warriors, tank cannons, knives, spears, swords, axes, axes, and forks were all lined up one after another. Everyone was waiting … waiting … eagerly … in anticipation … their hearts were burning with anxiety!

Who gathered the information before? Didn't you say the flying beast would arrive in eight minutes? This news also reached the Sword Edge, and the leaders of the Sword Edge even set up countdown meetings to discuss countermeasures.

But half an hour had passed, why didn't even a single mosquito fly over? Ah? Could this be a military exercise? Or was it too dark? The flying zombie beasts had already reached a distance of one to two hundred meters. However, they were all blind, so they didn't see it? Could it be like this?

Dong Junwei was in command of the armored RV, and the vicinity was filled with all the officials and think tanks.

Everyone's eyes were wide open. After a long time, Dong Junwei coughed and said, "Ah, scouts… send them out to take a look! Oh right, don't send any planes, send ground intelligence. The enemy's flying zombie beast should be extremely fast. The target of the plane is too big, and it is very likely that they will be annihilated if they leave!"

A straightforward lieutenant general said, "Commander, it's been half an hour. What the hell is going on? I'm already in a hurry!"

"Dongsheng, I know that you are a mutant, but you are also a commander. Don't follow me for another two hundred and fifty. Yes, wake up!" The deputy general beside Dong Junwei, Ye Liangchen, spoke bluntly.

The surrounding people laughed heartily. They only felt that the atmosphere had suddenly become much more relaxed. Perhaps it was because the danger that should have come had not come.

Three kilometers to the north, Guo Xiaochuan and Wang Dasheng were talking in a low voice while advancing rapidly.

"Damn it! What the hell are you doing? Didn't you say there were hundreds of thousands of flying zombie beasts? Let's go out and scout, why didn't we send robots?" Guo Xiaochuan complained.

"Robots are targets in the air. They are easy to attract flying zombie beasts. It's not appropriate, so let's scout them from the ground." Wang Dasheng was very honest.

"F*ck, then why didn't you send a mutant?"


"I've just taken a fancy to a female soldier. Yesterday, when I was showering in the public bathroom, I was really enraged. You don't know her figure, she's really great!"


'"The signal here is not good either. I haven't called my mother yet! What if I sacrifice myself? I heard that all the big shots have special lines and their phones are open. Why is our signal not good? Privileges! Corruption! Damn it!"

"Hey, Guo Xiaochuan, that's enough! Shut up!" Wang Dasheng couldn't stand it.

"What are you doing? Why don't you spit on me?"

"Fuck you! We are mutants, we are scouts, who are we not going to send?"

Wang Dasheng exploded.

They were all mutants who grew up at high speeds, and as they spoke, they ran another two kilometers northward.

Just as Wang Dasheng finished cursing Guo Xiaochuan and Guo Xiaochuan was about to retaliate, a roar suddenly came from the northern horizon. The two of them were stunned at the same time, and their bodies trembled as they stopped in their tracks.

Wang Dasheng took out his night vision binoculars and looked forward. A 20-meter-long flying zombie beast with 100-meter-wide wings appeared in the camera!

"D5! It's D5! I saw the crystal mark!" Wang Dasheng shouted.

"What are you yelling for? Hurry up and report back! The flying beast is coming!"

As soon as they finished speaking, the two of them turned around and ran, flying back to the defensive position!

In an instant, the phone started to get busy. The news reached Dong Junwei's ears in twenty seconds. Dong Junwei immediately gave the order and the entire army entered a state of battle!

At this moment, everyone became nervous.

The mecha warriors formed a five-man team and pulled out a strong iron net to guard the nearby mobile fortress. Their mission was to face the enemy head-on when the flying zombie beasts arrived and protect the mobile fortress and the nearby power grid equipment.

The soldiers in the mobile fortress were responsible for covering the shooting from behind. They were mainly mecha warriors.

The five mecha warriors combined with a mobile fortress would form a combined defensive point.

The tanks began to adjust their positions and were responsible for bombarding the approaching flying zombies at the first possible moment. The cannonballs they were equipped with had the ability to chase after the heat. After the cannonballs exploded, they were multiple warheads. The heat they locked onto was the zombie's brain. In other words, when these cannonballs were fired, they did not need to be aimed at. They only needed to find an approximate target design.

The mutants also wore mechs. Their mechs were all special sensing mechs that could coordinate with the abilities of some mutants to fight. However, since Ling'er was far away from her, and the Sensor Mech wasn't able to obtain Ling'er's Sword God Force, the effects were average. However, in the face of so many flying zombie beasts, it was always better to wear a mech than nothing.

Dong Junwei commanded the armored saloon to drive into the forest where the defenses had been constructed. As a commander, he would naturally be able to personally come to the front line to cheer up the soldiers. However, if he really wanted to fight, he would naturally have to find a relatively safe place. He couldn't let himself be in danger right from the start!

In short, all the preparations were ready. Everyone was nervous, waiting for the arrival of the zombie beasts!

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