Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1131 Son Of Four Mothers

Chapter 1131 Son Of Four Mothers

"What what? How could the Queen be the Lord of Red Luan City? I remember that we wanted to attack them earlier, which was why Shentu Ganglie of Mountain Marks, Hongluan of the Peak and Wang Sixi of Common County joined the Qin Alliance. The fact that Qin Alliance has the same strength as us makes people angry when it comes to Wang Sixi. Originally, he even said that he wanted to join our Tang Dynasty, but then he rebelled against Qin Alliance and defected to Qin Alliance! Wait, didn't the Queen want to destroy Qin Alliance? "That's right. If Qin An is the only man in the Queen's past and future world, why would she really want to go against her own man?"

"Looks like the women in the Bei Chen Manor are indeed very rare. Even you know about these things."

"Young Master, Young Master, don't talk nonsense. Quickly tell me, how did our Queen become Hongluan?"

Perhaps it was because Xiao Cui was full, so he didn't eat anymore and sat beside Bei Chen and kept asking questions.

Bei Chen smiled and said,

Didn't I say that Tang Yu had already begun to pay attention to some of the forces around her in the early days? Even during the most difficult times, she had never taken back the people she had sent out.

Not only had she placed her subordinates in Bei Chen Prefecture, she had also made many other arrangements, including Hongluan's Absolute Peak.

Hongluan was actually a virtual character. The earliest Hongluan was a female soldier beside Tang Yu.

Tang Yu divided her people into two groups to develop together. She thought that if it was too dangerous to stay in only one place, then separating the two forces would mean that if one wave was destroyed, the other wave would also be a path of retreat.

Tang Yu did not want to survive in the apocalypse. What she wanted was to create a queen and achieve immortality!

When Hongluan appeared, she usually kept a low profile. Her face was covered with red gauze, so that no one could easily see her appearance.

Since he was a virtual character, he naturally wouldn't be alone.

Tang Yu's most trusted subordinates, Gu Li and Sun Yue, had actually been to Hongluan.

This was Tang Yu's technique.

The forces that were divided out had to be firmly controlled. If they were to use one person as their leader, Tang Yu was afraid that one day, she would become another force that did not belong to her.

Therefore, Tang Yu arranged for Wei Xiong, a puppet figure, to step forward and act as the second-in-command of Hongluan's forces, giving orders in front of everyone.

After that, the virtual character Hongluan sent his closest subordinates to take turns to take up the position. However, there were fewer people who came into contact with him. His most important responsibility was to supervise Wei Xiong and give him orders to call Tang Yu.

Ah, toying with people, Tang Yu is always a professional.

After circling around for a period of time, the number of people in Hongluan gradually increased to 7,000 or 8,000.

Tang Yu felt that it was inappropriate for her to let them wander around. At that time, she had already established herself in Jiulong Mountain. Although the Tang Dynasty had many internal conflicts, it was only an internal conflict. Therefore, Tang Yu allowed the Hongluan forces to enter Jiulong Mountain and appear in a settlement camp near Qin Alliance.

Afterwards, the conflicts within Tang Capital intensified. Master Bei Chen and a group of people who were dissatisfied with Tang Yu wanted to deal with Tang Yu.

This was also very normal. Let's say Master Bei Chen. Back then, Tang Yu had originally defected to him, but in just a few years, Tang Yu had actually established an independent Tang Dynasty organization in his faction. However, he was helpless. How could he swallow this breath?

In order to fuse the internal contradictions, Tang Yu decided to take a dangerous move, and that was to start a war with the outside world.

Because there was going to be a war, because there was going to be plundering resources, some of the voices against Tang Yu gradually decreased. Everyone understood that if Tang Yu wanted to go out and fight, it was not Tang Yu who would be affected in the end. Instead, it was the Tang Dynasty Alliance that had not been completely formed at that time.

Therefore, Tang Yu had used this method to realize her plan of killing two birds with one stone.

The first was to stabilize the internal situation, and the second was to push the Hongluan forces into Qin Alliance, allowing Hongluan, a virtual character, to become one of the seven city lords of Qin Alliance!

Well, there's a lot going on here, It was not something that could be said clearly in a few sentences, The main reason I know this is because I have always entered the palace as a lover of the Queen. Everyone thought that I was going to flirt with the Queen, but in fact, I was going to be taught by her … She, like most mothers in the world, is very nagging and hard-working. These years, she has taught me a lot about how to behave!

Then because I gradually grew up and completely controlled the Bei Chen faction, the coexistence of the four kings and one queen that Tang Yu had painstakingly built for many years had long since ceased to exist.

The three kings are of their own sect, while Tang Yu and I are mother and son!

Tang Yu was probably getting older and lost her ambition when she was young. She seemed to be a somewhat awesome and pitiful woman, circling between four men.

Actually, she was just playing with those three fools.

If she wanted to, she could have completely eradicated them a few years ago, because her power could already support the entire Tang Dynasty! She was no longer the woman who took advantage of men to ascend the throne. Instead, she had become the real queen who stood high above the men and looked down on them!

It was the same sentence. She was old, tired, and her heart was even more tired.

So when Qin An returned, the man that she had forgotten once again revived her fiery heart that had been sleeping for many years.

Tang Yu had a substitute all these years. She was an ordinary woman who looked exactly like her.

Occasionally, Tang Yu would let a woman hide in the palace and then go to Hongluan herself.

After Qin An returned, she ran out almost every day, and she didn't even have much time to lecture me alone.

Ever since I entered the Bei Chen Manor, she has often found opportunities to come into contact with me alone.

This is also her magic. When I was five years old, she sent me to Bei Chen Manor. She was afraid that Master Bei Chen would really raise me into his own son, so she would look for every opportunity to meet me and remind me of two things.

Firstly, my biological mother is Tang Yu. Secondly, my foster parents' enemy is Fang Zihai, and Fang Zihai is Lord Bei Chen's man.

Actually, I could have killed Fang Zihai a long time ago. After Master Bei Chen passed away, he no longer posed any threat or use to me.

It was Tang Yu who stopped me. She told me that putting her enemies beside her and treating them with a calm heart was a kind of tempering of the will. This was a fortune in life that could be encountered but could not be sought.

Hey, scary woman.

I respect her very much, but most of the time I don't like to call her mother, because she is not a woman in my eyes at all.

Let me tell you a secret. Back then, Master Bei Chen was secretly assassinated by Tang Yu. He only pretended that he died of natural causes. No one knows all of this. Only I secretly saw the assassin she sent. That person is a special ability from the Horseman Organization. I've seen him in the palace before.

Therefore, Tang Yu was the one who was able to take over the power of the Bei Chen Prefecture so quickly.

However, I'm actually very grateful to her. At least she didn't give me an order to personally kill Master Bei Chen. After all, that was the second adoptive father who treated me like a biological son.

Tang Yu didn't have Mrs. Bei Chen. Perhaps it was because of her conscience, or perhaps it was because of my emotional examination. There must always be someone who stayed behind to let me repay their sincere efforts over the years.

"So we like to call Mrs. Bei Chen's mother, but it's not Tang Yu, let alone Li Ying who abandoned me back then!"

At this point, Bei Chen's gaze darkened.

Little Cui frowned slightly as she stood up and hugged Bei Chen's head on her chest.

"Poor Young Master, your mother doesn't want you anymore. Your stepmother is a heartless queen, and your foster mother is a pitiful creature. She died violently, and now this fake mother, Mrs. Bei Chen, is a fool. She is raising her husband's slaughterer's son, but she doesn't know.

"Ah, you are truly a pitiful person. You really want to use my heart to warm your face!"

"Hey, Xiao Cui, what are you… What are you doing? My face is about to burst from your big chest… F*ck, let go of me! B, Young Master is choked to death by you!"

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