Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1084 Heroic Aunt Xiaoyu

Chapter 1084 Heroic Aunt Xiaoyu

Not only did Liu Yuanchao think like this, but Wu Yan, Wu Zhen, Jin Gang, Liu Wenli, Shangguan Yeying, Cheng Jiayao, Lu Lu, and Ye Lingxuan also thought like this.

At this moment, only He Tianyu, who was usually the least courageous and least talkative, had different thoughts.

She bit her lips tightly, her eyebrows knitted tightly, and she kept dragging her backpack on her back with her hands!

That was her treasure. She had spent all her savings over the years to buy it from the black market to deal with Qin An. Now, Qin An had encountered a terrifying monster instead of seeing it. What should she do? What should we do?

He Tian Yu was very conflicted. When she saw the flaming monster slowly walking towards her, she finally made up her mind.

Forget it. It seems that I didn't have the luck to kill Qin An in the end. Then use up the things that she had painstakingly prepared!

Thinking of this, He Tian Yu took off his backpack, looked at the fire monster, and then turned his head to look at the sea of fire.

After pondering for a moment, He Tian Yu took out her small pistol and rushed towards the sea of flames. As she ran, she fired two shots at the monster.

"Xiaoyu, what are you doing?" Ye Lingxuan was the first to discover He Tian Yu's actions, and then she shouted loudly.

Liu Yuanchao and the others also discovered He Tianyu who was charging towards the flames!

"Heavens! He Tian Yu, come back quickly. That flame temperature is too high, the area of the wall is too large, we can't rush out!"

Wu Zhen knew that she was not alarmist. Even if they were mutants, they wouldn't be able to cross this sea of flames, Because when they ran in the sea of fire, their bodies would be burned quickly. In order to repair the continuous damage, the TC virus would inevitably enter a weak state. At that time, their mutation ability would disappear and the damage they would suffer would be even greater. In the end, a malignant cycle would be formed and they would be buried in the sea of fire.

He Tian Yu didn't seem to hear Wu Zhen's shout at all. She was also a mutant. Although her level was relatively low, she desperately let go of her legs and ran. She actually ran quite fast.

Because of He Tian Yu's action of walking alone, Nascent Flame was attracted. His child-like head let out a very sharp laugh. When He Tian Yu ran 30 meters away from the firewall circle, he jumped 200 meters and was not far behind He Tian Yu!

No! This distance was not enough! He still had to run forward!

He Tian Yu did not know what she was thinking. Her courage was originally the smallest. Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to be unable to make up her mind to kill Qin An.

But is she crazy now?

If she did this, she would most likely die!

Will he die? Is death scary?

He Tian Yu seemed to have these two questions entangled in her heart. In fact, all of the entanglements were only in a single thought. She continued to run, and the distance between her and the circle of the wall of fire started to shorten from thirty meters!

Twenty-five meters away, her clothes began to burn with flames, and her entire body was drenched in sweat.

Twenty meters away, her skin began to sizzle, and her sweat was evaporated.

He Tian Yu felt numb all over his body. The TC virus was gathering on his body to repair her injuries.

Ten meters away, her strength began to weaken. The TC virus had already entered a weak state due to more severe surface damage.


If she ran any further, she would run into the sea of fire!

Was she really going to die? How could she make such a choice and do such a foolish thing?

But now, did she still have a way to turn around?

There was no other way! Her whole body was in unbearable pain because every part of her body was burned.

Five meters, the edge of the flames had already been pushed on He Tian Yu's body by the wind. He Tian Yu knew that he had reached his limit!

He Tian Yu took out a ball wrapped in arson insulation from his backpack with his burning hand. He Tian Yu insisted on tearing the arson insulation apart with his own hand, and then threw the items inside a dozen meters away!


Everything was over, she was finally brave once in her life!

He Tian Yu felt that she should have shed tears, but the tears disappeared in an instant under the burning flames.

He Tian Yu actually felt very wronged, always very wronged!

She had been abandoned by her own mother since childhood. Although she had been taken good care of by her sisters' families, she was still an orphan!

It was not easy to meet his mother, but her mother was a monster that had to eat human flesh.

That's fine. On the day we met, Qin An, the bad guy, had her arm cut off and threatened her mother!

Every time He Tian Yu thought of this, he felt that he would not be able to live.

Watching the plot on TV, the scene of mother and daughter separated for many years was either very warm, or the daughter was very awesome and asked why the crying mother did not want her.

Why was she so embarrassed when it was her turn?

She actually became a prop Qin An used to threaten his mother?

The saddest thing was that she didn't dare to resist. She was actually afraid of that man!

Even if he became her mother's enemy, she had not had the courage to attack him for such a long time!

This time, He Tian Yu had actually thought of many things before leaving Hanging Sword City. She had once told Qin An that she wanted to kill him three times. If they all failed, then their hatred would be over. .

No matter what, she had to try and start fighting!

Otherwise, if he had more contact with Qin An in the future, he might not be able to make a move.

Therefore, He Tianyu secretly went to the supermarket in Qinjun City and spent all his savings over the years to buy three kilograms of PTM liquid. Body. Explosive!

He Tianyu had heard of this explosive when he was in Zangxi before. It seemed to have been developed by that madman scientist.

She did not know that a madman scientist was actually a magic apprentice of the Divine Secret Sword God Ling'er.

However, this was not important. He Tian Yu only needed to know that this explosive was extremely powerful!

Once three kilograms were detonated, it would be enough to destroy everything within a hundred meters of the hemisphere! It's all!

In other words, from the explosion point onwards, even the ground on the ground would be blown into a huge pit! Then the surrounding flames would naturally be destroyed by the powerful power of the bomb!

In this way, the fire monster chasing after him would also be killed. Then the sisters, Uncle Jin Gang, and Aunt Wu Zhen would be able to escape from this sea of fire, and they would be saved!

But what about him? Will he die?

Actually, this was not within He Tian Yu's plan.

He Tian Yu was not that kind of smart girl. She had originally thought of doing it, but after doing it, she thought of the outcome that she would also be killed by the explosion!

However, He Tian Yu was no longer in the mood to regret it.

Because she knew that once she regretted it, she would cry wrongly.

This bomb was originally used to deal with Qin An, but now it was going to blow him to death. How depressing, aggrieved, aggrieved, and speechless was this! Could it be that before she died, she would still shed tears for this!

No, no, no! She could neither regret nor cry!


After his sister died, she would definitely be sad. What about a few years later?

Would they say that when they brought their children to their graves?

"See? This is your aunt Xiaoyu. It's a pity that she sacrifice herself to save us back then.

However, do you know that she used all the explosives she had saved to blow herself up? When you grow up, you must not learn from her. She is a complete idiot and a pitiful bug! '"…"

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