Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1073 Night Strike

Chapter 1073 Night Strike

The night breeze blew over, and the air carried the scent of the sea.

Right now, the Yahoo squadron's camp was close to Changli, less than 20 kilometers from the coastline.

About a kilometer to the east of the camp, there was a small defensive reconnaissance fortification. It was actually a large pit of one to three depths. On top of the pit was a cover made of grass. Inside, there were two ordinary soldiers guarding it. They took turns observing the surroundings.

Of course, they were just hidden sentries. A small team of five people, and the other three people were all patrolling within a thousand meters of Fang Yuan.

Inside the pit, the two soldiers were a man and a woman. The woman's name was Shu Jie and the man's name was Peng Kai.

"Shu Jie, why is your name so similar to the product name of some kind of aunt towel?" Peng Kai was forty years old this year. He leaned against the wall of the pit and swept his eyes back and forth on Shu Jie with the faint moonlight coming from the crack in the grass lid.

Shu Jie was less than thirty years old this year. She was considered a person of the post-apocalyptic era, and her appearance was very good.

"Shu Jie's company is owned by my father. The headquarters of the company is located in Daya District 3 of Sunshine City. Are you also from Zangxi?"

"Oh! Right, right, right. Why does the name Shu Jie sound so familiar? Haha, your father is quite talented. He actually used your name as a trademark for the company's products. I'm from the sixth district of Sunshine City, and my home is near College of Heroes."

"Oh, it's quite far from us."

"Yes, the six districts of Great Asia are all places where rich people live. In the words of the apocalypse, you are still a rich second generation, haha!"

"Aren't you sleeping? Now that I'm looking outside, it's your turn in the second half of the night!" Shu Jie frowned slightly. She did not like this Peng Kai very much.

"Don't sleep. With you by my side, wouldn't it be a waste if I fell asleep? And what if I had sex? What if my dream shouted out and exposed our hiding place?"

"Hmph, then don't stop talking. Shut up and look at you honestly!"

'"Ah, women in the apocalypse are different from those before the apocalypse. Women before the apocalypse are more reserved, while women after the apocalypse are more straightforward. By the way, you should be around 27 to 28 years old now, right? Have you given birth? Why did you join the army?"

Shu Jie frowned even more tightly. After a long time, she said,

"Having given birth to three, women in the apocalypse had early contact with men for the sake of their children. Of course, none of them were so reserved. The child's father was a mutant, a scum! When I was young, I admired mutants very much. I followed him when I was 15 years old. He had many women who never knew how to respect and love us. We were together for seven years after the birth of three children. Didn't you say that before the end of your lives, there was a saying called Seven Years Itch? After seven years with him, all that remained was boredom with each other, so we parted ways. The oldest of the three children is now in College of Heroes's youth class, and my parents are taking care of the two younger ones. I didn't want to be pointed at at at home, saying that I was a woman abandoned by Lord Mutant, so I came to join the army! Yes, it's that simple! "

Shu Jie seemed to be talking to herself, her voice soft and gentle.

Peng Kai patted his lips and sighed, "Ah! What a pity! A ripe flower! Look at your figure, look at your appearance. If you can give me Old Peng a lifetime of sleep, then I will be satisfied!"

"Hmph, are you old enough?" Perhaps it was to dispel some of the sadness that had just arisen in her heart. Shu Jie made herself as rude as Peng Kai. He could tease her, and she could tease him instead. This was the military camp of the apocalypse, and she was the female soldier of the apocalypse.

"Big? Haha, you might as well give it a try! I'm just leaning against this wall and won't move. Why don't you touch it?"

"I'm too lazy to bother with you. I'm afraid I'll pinch you to death if I'm in a bad mood, you son of a bitch!"

Regarding Peng Kai's teasing, Shu Jie dared to retaliate!

Peng Kai chuckled. Just as he was about to continue speaking, his expression suddenly sank.

"No! It's too quiet!"

"What?" Shu Jie was slightly stunned for a moment before she stopped talking.

After listening, Shu Jie's face turned pale.

Actually, there should be bug cries at night. The cries of those bugs merged into the darkness to form the hue of the night.

At this moment, when they calmed down and listened, there were no more bug cries. It was unknown when they seemed to have disappeared from this world.

Why is this happening?

Shu Jie quickly lifted the straw lid and looked out. Under the moonlight, the surroundings were open and flat.

The camp chosen by the Yahoo squadron was located at the edge of a small forest. There was not much grass around it. This way, their field of vision was wide and they could prevent a sneak attack.

Shu Jie did not notice any hostility at first glance. Just as she was about to put down the straw lid, Peng Kai suddenly hugged her body and curled up in the corner of the hole.

"What are you doing!" Shu Jie roared in shock.

Almost at the same time, a cold light flashed through the corner of her eyes.

Looking sideways, he saw that the grass lid had already been cut in half by someone with a knife. A child who looked only seven or eight years old was standing at the edge of the hole.

The position where he stood was opposite to the direction Shu Jie had just seen, so Shu Jie did not see him.

However, Peng Kai could see the flickering cold light through the gap between the straw lids.

After pulling Shu Jie into his arms and dodging the attack of the knife, Peng Kai had already figured it out.

There must be a Sin Daughter here, and this Apocalyptic spirit child appeared alone. He was just cleaning up the guards on his side. Their large team should be hiding nearby.

What should we do? Apocalyptic spirit child is a Dark One, not something the two of us can resist. Since he was discovered, he was even so close to him! Then we can only fight! Right now, there was no way out!

He quickly took out a TC virus suppression bomb from his waist bag and threw it into the pit to detonate.

This type of TC virus suppression bomb was the lowest grade. It could only reach a range of ten meters. After about ten seconds, it could temporarily cause the mutant to lose its ability. However, it would take a bit longer for the dark ones to take effect. It would take around fifteen seconds.

Peng Kai wasn't sure if he and Shu Jie would survive in fifteen seconds, but he knew that he had to complete three things in fifteen seconds!

The explosive effects of low-level TC virus suppressor bombs are accompanied by dense smoke, which means that it can also act as a smoke-mist bomb.

The Dark One's vision was blocked. Would he jump into the pit or stay outside?

As he pondered, Peng Kai took out his gun.

This kind of pistol was specially equipped and used by the squad in charge of security. A magazine could be loaded with 120 rounds of ammunition. As long as the safety was activated, it could fire continuously.

The power of the shooting was naturally not great, because the bullets were very small. However, the bullets were equipped with acoustic jammers. Once the signal soldiers in the Yahoo squadron exploded, they would be able to receive the signal. Thus, they would know that danger had arrived, and then they would react quickly.

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