Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1070 You Gesture, I Guess

Chapter 1070 You Gesture, I Guess

At eight o'clock in the night, there was a curfew in the Yahoo squad camp.

All soldiers cannot light up the lights, nor can they shout at will.

Judging from the information received, the evil girls in Mo Ling Sect are currently leading the Dark Ones around, wanting to eliminate the human vanguard.

Some of the scouting teams had already been killed, and a few of the squadron camps had also been invaded, resulting in more or less losses.

So the Yahoo team doesn't want to be exposed to the dark, The night was dangerous for the battlefield. Only one hundred of the three hundred people in the camp could sleep peacefully. Most of the other soldiers had to be fully armed to guard the temporary fortifications at the edge of the camp. Not only did they have to monitor the movements nearby, they also had to be responsible for the defensive work of the camp.

Qiu Jinse's squadron had just been established, so Yahoo did not assign them any tasks, and everyone was happy to be at ease.

At this moment, in a tent that had just been erected, eleven people were sitting on the carpet in a circle, surrounded by delicious Jiayao.

'"Everyone, isn't this tent nice? It's very sealed. Even if the inside is brightly lit, there won't be any light coming from outside. Besides, as long as we don't shout loudly, even if someone passes five meters outside the tent, they won't hear us talking!" Gu Lanfei's personality was somewhat arrogant, so his words always gave people a proud look.

Everyone in Qin'an didn't care about her tone, because everyone was really satisfied with the tent. There were a total of six oil lamps placed on the wall. The tent was indeed brightly lit, and there was really no light outside. It could only be said that Gu Lanfei wasn't bragging!

'"Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright! Brother Cheng Gang's younger brother is really awesome. Not only did he bring so much wine, he also brought a lot of good dishes! Haha, Cheng Gang, if you have the chance, you have to introduce me to your younger brother who flies a helicopter. It's really awesome! I admire him. By the way, where did that helicopter come from?" Guo Sihai's face was flushed red. No matter how he looked at it, he did not look like the next generation of state leaders.

"Of course it's my personal property. Do you think the government will send me a plane to follow me everyday?" Cheng Gang's face was flushed red. He was very awesome. Seeing this, Qin An felt unhappy. He decided to fight with him tonight! Even if he couldn't make Cheng Gang really drunk, he still had to drink up his dozen boxes of liquor!

Wuma Danxin, Gong Xue, Hongluan, Ye Siya, Liusu, and Qin Le were all honest people. At this time, they were only smiling and accompanying each other. Occasionally, they would smile at each other and pick up the dishes in front of them with chopsticks. They didn't eat at night. Now, they were really hungry.

Qiu Jinse was sitting beside Qin An, and she was also dumbfounded at this time.

She was a little confused about the situation and felt like she was being bullied.

Originally, she wanted to go to bed early, and she had already chosen one of the two tents as a place to sleep. However, she did not expect that she would be pulled into another tent to attend this so-called welcoming party before she could get under the blanket.

The crux of the matter was that she was the only one of the eleven people here who was an old man, and the rest were new!

Was she supposed to deal with ten people on her own? At that time, if one person toasted her with a glass of white wine, she would probably die. She would not wake up, and she would not even know how much money she would help her family count if she was sold off at that time!

Actually, Qiu Jinse also had a special ability, which was to sense hostility.

She could often inadvertently discover who was dangerous to her and who was harmless to her.

Now, Qiu Jinse could not sense any hostility from Qin An and the others, so she relaxed her vigilance. She believed what Qin An said, they were all friends of Rong Rong.

Actually, this was the most reasonable explanation. Otherwise, how could the Military Department know of her existence and place so many mysterious people beside him? Most likely, they knew about the black-clothed man's organization and wanted to take action against them.

Qiu Jinse's mood was very low, because she felt that the secret she had guarded for many years might be known by outsiders. In the end, the humiliation of her father living under Tian Yuee as a puppet could not be concealed.

"I don't think it's interesting to drink like this. Why don't you play some games?" Guo Sihai suggested excitedly.

Actually, his personality was not bad, as if there was no city, as if he was always optimistic. However, the more such a person, the harder it would be to see his true thoughts. The so-called city should be making people feel that there was no city, right?

"What game are you playing? Truth be told, great adventure? Wine order?" Cheng Gang held the wine cup in one hand and the chicken drumstick in the other. The handsome man's image had long disappeared, and he looked like a sloppy uncle.

"Isn't our captain unwilling to talk? Then let's play a game that can be played without talking, haha!"

"What kind of game is this?" After all, the tassels were still young, so they were naturally happy to hear that they were going to play a game.

"This game was very popular before the apocalypse. Let me guess! Although the game is simple, if you lose, you will be punished with alcohol!"

In the room, Qin An, Cheng Gang, Hongluan, and Gong Xue were all from the pre-apocalyptic era. Naturally, they knew about this game, but the others didn't.

Guo Sihai vividly explained the rules to a few people he didn't know.

This game was originally very simple, so everyone understood Guo Sihai's slight explanation, and they all felt that it was a little interesting.

"Then I want to team up with Qin Le!" Liusu was simply afraid that Qin Le would be snatched away, so she anxiously rushed to issue a statement on the right to use Qin Le first. Unfortunately, other than her, the others in the room had no interest in Qin Le at all.

"Alright, I'm free anyway, so let's play. I'll team up with Ye Siya!" Gu Lanfei naturally chose his sisters.

"Let's work together!" Cheng Gang almost jumped over and pulled Gong Xue down beside him, completely disrupting Gong Xue's desire to find Qin An.

"Then let's team up!" The cold beauty, Wuma Tienan, held Hongluan's hand.

Guo Sihai smiled and said, "Then the rest of Little Qin Qin will be with our captain! I will be the host and the producer. Whether this game is fun or not depends on the title. If any of you can't complete the title in a while, don't deny it!"

Looking at Guo Sihai's bad smile, everyone felt unwilling to admit defeat. Everyone was not a small character, so how could they deny it by playing a game?


Qin Anqiu Jinse, Gu Lanfei Ye Siya, Cheng Ganggong Gongxue, Wuma Tienan Hongluan, and Liu Su Qinle were officially formed. A game PK on the wine table began.

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