Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1056 A Bizarre Race

Chapter 1056 A Bizarre Race

In the vast folded plane of the universe, the galaxy where the Sword Spirit Star resided gathered enormous amounts of energy.

Here, the word "enormous" is not understandable in the human sense of the earth.

Earth, for example, feels that the sun is so energetic that anything approaching it will be fused.

The planet's gravitational energy was enormous, so celestial bodies could maintain their orbits instead of flying wildly and causing billiards every day.

For the galaxy where the Sword Spirit Star was located, the so-called huge energy was another form of expression.

Energy-to-energy collisions do not cause storms, but create life.

Dragged by the soul power of a creature, the energy moved along with the soul power and finally collided. This was the way the Law Behemoth was born.

In other words, the Law Behemoths were a combination of energy, and their strength used their own personalities to defend the so-called Laws.

Since there were such miraculous things happening, then the Sword Spirit Star was naturally a very miraculous place. It was not strange for other miraculous things to happen.

The Ancient Fragrant Shadow God Race was a race that wasn't strange on the Star of Sword Spirit!

Its origins may date back to the legendary time when the father and mother of planets coexisted.

Yan Liuxiang believed that she should have been formed from the energy of the heavens and earth. Perhaps it was a Law Beast at the beginning, and it had undergone countless years of change before finally becoming a human.

The so-called Fragrant Shadow Clan only had Yan Liuxiang, but there were actually many people.

Naturally, this was somewhat contradictory. Qin An didn't understand at all at the beginning, so the idiot who was already wearing a pajamas began to explain in detail again.

"Anyway, I don't know who the source is, the story passed down is like this.

One day, Yan Liuxiang was in the middle of a sea of flowers. She was casually swimming around. As she smelled the fragrance of the flowers beside her, a very rich fragrance suddenly appeared. It was even stranger and more beautiful than the fragrance of the flowers nearby.

Yan Liuxiang naturally did not understand what was going on, so she searched around in the sea of flowers for an entire day. Finally, she discovered that the strange fragrance had actually appeared on her body!

Yan Liuxiang could not explain this phenomenon. She could only continue to travel around the world indifferently. However, one day, when she was walking, she suddenly heard her own voice coming from behind her body.

'Who are you?'

Yan Liuxiang was slightly stunned. When she turned her head to look, she was completely stunned. She was a naked woman! And her appearance was exactly the same as his!

Before Yan Liuxiang could say anything, the naked woman suddenly disappeared. The repulsive attribute of the distance allowed her to travel through space to the other corners of the Sword Spirit Star!

This is where the story really begins.

From then on, Yan Liuxiang would often clone, and unintentionally, a soul would walk out of her body, and then use the essence of heaven and earth to condense her body, becoming a new Yan Liuxiang!

Actually, to put it bluntly, this ability of the same avatar should be considered the hereditary method of the Fragrant Shadow Clan! I used the method of self-replication to create descendants, and after the descendants appeared, they were unable to approach me by a hundred steps. As long as they entered within a hundred steps, the repulsive force would allow one side to teleport randomly to other parts of the planet!

All of Yan Liuxiang are actually one person, at least we were born exactly the same as the mother, including memory and way of thinking.

But we are also separate individuals, because we have our own independent thinking ability, and because we are not in the same region, so we will have their own growth experience.

Ai, the Yan Liuxiang you see now is just a Yan Liuxiang! There are still a lot of me. They have already arrived in your plane world, and their branches are in different parts of this planet!

This was all because of Yan Liuxiang, who had cultivated some spells. She gathered all of us together with her spatial teleportation magic and said that she wanted to discuss the survival of our clan. As a result, the Space Time Gate appeared and we were all sucked in. After passing through the Space Time Gate, Mage Yan Liuxiang's spatial teleportation magic failed and her repulsive force once again occupied the leading position, sending us back into the teleportation world! That's why I'm here.

"Do you understand me this time?"

Qin An understood, but he was already stunned. What kind of race was this mud horse? How could he be so weird?

'"Ah, this plane world you are in is a bit strange. The moment I traveled, I actually felt her power. I really didn't expect that someone who disappeared for a long time would actually appear here. Perhaps this is all fate!"

"Who is she?" Qin An felt that communicating with this stupid Yan Liuxiang was actually not difficult, because she was very talkative and seemed to be very innocent. She did not have any scheming appearance. Basically, she would answer whatever Qin An asked. She could be said to be knowledgeable and endless.

"On the Sword Spirit Star, we have forty-nine gods. They are extremely powerful and omnipotent. Among the forty-nine Sword Gods, the eighteenth ranked Sword God is called Fragrant Shadow. She is one of our clansmen, and her name is also Yan Liuxiang! This was because Yan Liuxiang was the only one in the clan who had successfully cultivated to become a Sword God. In the future, I won't say anything else. In short, remember that we are all Yan Liuxiang, also known as Yan Liuxiang. If you find it hard to distinguish between numbers, or add modifiers to your name, such as… "

"For example, are you a fool, Yan Liuxiang?" Qin An asked solemnly.

"Right, right, right, right, you are very smart, I am stupid melon YanLiuXiang! The one who brought me here is called Mage Yan Liuxiang, and the Sword God I mentioned earlier is naturally the Sword God Yan Liuxiang! My race is the Ancient God Race, which means that it has been passed down for a long time. At its peak, the total amount of Yan Liuxiang added together was several billion yuan, scattered all over the planet. We actually have two reproductive systems, one is self-division, which is very random and does not require any necessary conditions. Then there is another method of reproduction that is similar to that of the Third Eastern Continent, where a woman is conceived through male-female contact and eventually has offspring.

We prefer the former to the latter. To be exact, we don't understand the latter at all, because there is only Yan Liuxiang in the Fragrant Shadow Race. In other words, there are no male youths of the same race. Naturally, we don't know what to do.

Finally, one year, a Yan Liuxiang became a pioneer. She dared to try to marry herself to a person from the Third Eastern Continent. Three years later, she gave birth to a baby. After that, the nightmare of our clan came.

Originally, we would only be able to exert force on each other within a hundred steps of each other, but ever since that baby Yan Liuxiang appeared, everything has changed. Yan Liuxiang, who was closer to her, would occasionally lose consciousness, then approach her and be fused with her.

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