Yuan’s Ascension

Chapter 510: Heaven Tier, Meeting Master (2)

Within the Second Origin Eldritch Field, on a void continent.

Oh? My Little Junior Brother has actually claimed the Heaven-tier title? Chang Hong, who was in secluded cultivation, received the news.

I really underestimated him. As expected, my judgment is still far inferior to Senior Brother's. Chang Hong sighed inwardly. A hint of a smile appeared. This is fine too.

At least his current performance won't tarnish our master's reputation. Chang Hong shelved all thoughts about Wu Yuan and resumed his cultivation.

He bore no ill will towards Wu Yuan personally. It was just that he previously thought Wu Yuan wasn’t worthy of becoming a disciple of the Eldritch Sovereign due to his weak talent and strength.

The Cang Feng Continent, vast and expansive, spanned hundreds of billions of li. Within this vast continent were different spatial layers and many hidden worlds.

One such hidden world had a diameter of over a hundred million li. It was inhabited by countless demonic beasts with bizarre appearances, most of which had extremely low intelligence and were exceedingly savage, killing each other and even devouring their own kind.

Yet, there were a few demonic beasts that were exceptionally docile.

On a stretch of barren land, wild grass swayed in the wind. Eldritch Sovereign Kua Chi sat in lotus position, the gentle breeze bringing him an inexplicable sense of tranquility.

The deduction of Life.

But the lives I create either cannot reproduce normally or cannot generate sentient intelligence. Eldritch Sovereign Kua Chi pondered deeply.

His powerful immortal consciousness effortlessly enveloped the entire world, observing the movements of countless lives.

Swish! Countless points of light converged, forming a dark-robed phantom.

"Master." The dark-robed phantom bowed respectfully.

“What’s the matter?” Eldritch Sovereign Kua Chi asked softly.

As one of the rulers of the eldritch world, his subordinates were powerful and numerous; most matters were delegated to them.

The black-robed phantom before him was in charge of internal intelligence within the eldritch world.

“It’s about Wu Yuan, the disciple that you took in recently,” the black-robed phantom said respectfully, “He has applied for a root establishment treasure and requested to become a member of the Fourth Origin Eldritch Field.”

“Oh?” Kua Chi’s brows furrowed slightly. “Is that all? Follow the standard procedures. There’s no need to give him special treatment just because he’s my disciple.”

He felt a twinge of displeasure in his heart. He was currently at a crucial moment in his cultivation.

“Sovereign, under normal circumstances, there would be no issue. But he has just become a heaven-tier member of the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field and is requesting a Semi-Legendary root establishment treasure.” The black-robed shadow continued respectfully.

“Moreover, he is asking for a qi refiner type treasure. I thought it was inappropriate and decided to report this to you.”

“Heaven-tier member of the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field?” Kua Chi was slightly taken aback, somewhat surprised. “He arrived in the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field just over three years ago.”

“Yes.” The black-robed shadow nodded.

He wasn’t surprised in the least, as he considered it normal for a disciple of an Eldritch Sovereign to progress so rapidly.

In fact, Wu Yuan’s progress seemed a bit slow to him.

“No problem. I understand. There’s no need to worry about this matter. You may leave,” Kua Chi commanded.

“Yes.” The black-robed shadow respectfully acknowledged and swiftly dissipated.

On the desolate plain, only Eldritch Sovereign Kua Chi remained.

In just over three years, he's become the heaven-tier member of the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field? With a mere thought, Eldritch Sovereign Kua Chi unleashed his immense immortal consciousness, diving deep into the Cang Feng Eldritch Realm.

What kind of existence was he? His immortal consciousness could easily descend from a higher spacetime dimension upon any region of an immortal continent’s spacetime territory.

Swiftly, he 'saw' it, scenes of Wu Yuan's battles over the years, his contemplation of the Dao, everything flowed with the passage of time. All of it, he grasped in his mind.

Unexpectedly, I misjudged him. I had thought it would take thousands, if not tens of thousands of years, for this Wu Yuan to show his edge. A slight smile was revealed on Eldritch Sovereign Kua Chi’s face.

But his spirit and mentality have transformed unexpectedly. Not bad at all.

Breaking through the bottleneck of an Intermediate Law's True Intent stage so easily, his Dao comprehension aptitude is even better than I imagined. Kua Chi pondered silently.

Longevity, Celestial Body... coupled with his immortal root, let's give him a chance. Though difficult, he might just succeed. Kua Chi, an Eldritch Sovereign of unparalleled knowledge who had mentored countless disciples, knew well that Dao comprehension was only one facet of talent.

Some peerless geniuses advanced rapidly at the start, but as they faced greater bottlenecks, their progress slowed.

Among his numerous disciples, which one wasn't a monstrous prodigy?

The most monstrous reached the Astral Monarch phase in under a hundred thousand years, how extraordinary was their talent?

But even after trillions of years, they were still stuck at the final step, unable to become Sovereigns.

Yet, some geniuses progressed steadily, step by step, eventually surpassing others to become the strongest.

Eldritch Sovereign Jing Yu. Kua Chi's thoughts turned to this being within the eldritch world.

In the beginning, he was quite unremarkable. He couldn't catch anyone's eye; he couldn't even become an earth-tier member in the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field.

But he kept progressing, eventually becoming an earth-tier member in the First Origin Eldritch Field, though his performance couldn’t be considered dazzling.

He overcame his Tribulations to become an Astral Lord and, after tens of millions of years, finally became Astral Monarch.

Yet, over trillions of years, he quietly broke through to become an Eldritch Sovereign, and was now the strongest Eldritch Sovereign in the Cang Feng Eldritch World, surpassing even Eldritch Sovereign Kua Chi in strength.

High Dao comprehension aptitude was indeed crucial; greatly increasing the chances of becoming an Astral Lord or Astral Monarch.

But while Dao comprehension aptitude could be quantified, providence, spirit, willpower, and other factors were elusive. Some individuals who appeared to progress slowly still stood a chance of becoming super powerhouses.

Moreover, my little disciple here isn't exactly slow in his Dao comprehension progress either. Eldritch Sovereign Kua Chi smiled faintly.

He’d initially taken in this disciple due to the heavenly endowed eldritch tattoos. But Wu Yuan's performance had greatly satisfied him, far exceeding his expectations.

After a moment of deliberation, Eldritch Sovereign Kua Chi sent a message to Astral Monarch Hou Qu, "Hou Qu, bring Wu Yuan to see me.”

In the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field, inside the Essence Tower.

The other rewards and resources that come with being a heaven-tier member are secondary; the key is this Semi-Legendary treasure. Wu Yuan thought silently, sitting in lotus position. I hope this application gets approved.

Why did Wu Yuan crave this treasure so much?

His body refiner self already had the Boundary Tree; it was hard to find a better root establishment treasure. Even the Eldritch World might struggle to provide one.

But it was different for his qi refiner self. Upgrading his third-grade immortal root to a second-grade one while breaking through the normal way was nearly impossible.

Moreover, even if the application goes through, I’ll still need to visit Astral Monarch Hou Qu. Wu Yuan pondered.

Visit his master? Although he was Eldritch Sovereign Kua Chi’s disciple, Wu Yuan had no means of contacting him, and could only reach Senior Brother Jiang Huan or Astral Monarch Hou Qu.

Buzz~ Suddenly, a colossal aura descended, enveloping the entire void continent.

Immediately, a voice echoed in Wu Yuan's mind, “Wu Yuan."

"Astral Monarch Hou Qu?" Wu Yuan was slightly startled.

Wu Yuan shot out of the Essence Tower immediately.

At that moment, Cen Jiang and other Void Refiner servants felt the aura too. They left their respective posts, trembling in fear as they knelt. The unseen pressure was terrifying.

"Astral Monarch." Wu Yuan bowed slightly.

The visitor was indeed the burly Astral Monarch Hou Qu clad in battle armor.

"Come with me." With a wave of his hand, Astral Monarch Hou Qu enveloped Wu Yuan in an invisible force, and the two swiftly departed from the void continent, leaving behind a group of bewildered servants.

"Back then, it was the Astral Monarch who personally brought Master here. Barely any time has gone by, and the Astral Monarch is meeting Master again?"

"Could it be that Master is a disciple of the Astral Monarch?"

"It’s possible." Several Void Refiner servants whispered among themselves.

"Shut up, all of you," Cen Jiang hissed.

She, too, was puzzled, sensing that her master was incredibly mysterious.

First, Jiang Huan, whose status rivaled the Astral Monarchs, frequently visited this continent residence.

And now, the Astral Monarch had summoned their master again?

Astral Monarch Hou Qu enveloped Wu Yuan in his power as they traveled.

"Wu Yuan, your performance is impressive. Becoming a heaven-tier member so quickly, even if it's only within the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field, is still a rare achievement," Astral Monarch Hou Qu praised with a smile. "The Eldritch Sovereign gave me explicit orders to bring you to meet him."

"Master?" Wu Yuan was slightly taken aback.

"Indeed, this hardly ever happens. Haha, actually, the Eldritch Sovereign rarely intervenes in his disciples' affairs. He mostly gives them free reign to forge their own paths. Your Senior Brother Jiang Huan was also left in the Origin Eldritch Field for hundreds of years before being summoned again," Astral Monarch Hou Qu laughed. "You are an exception."

"Oh?" Wu Yuan's heart stirred.

He vaguely guessed that the master's summons might be related to the root establishment treasure he applied for.

Before long, they arrived.

This time, Astral Monarch Hou Qu did not take Wu Yuan to the temple but instead tore through multiple spaces, arriving at a vast, desolate world.

So many demonic beasts. Wu Yuan immediately noticed the extraordinary nature of this world.

Swiftly, the two landed on a broad prairie where Eldritch Sovereign Kua Chi, clad in beast hide, sat calmly on the grass.

Not far away, a few demonic beasts roamed.

"Eldritch Sovereign," Astral Monarch Hou Qu landed and greeted respectfully. "I’ve brought Wu Yuan."

"Master," Wu Yuan also greeted respectfully.

"Hou Qu, there's something I need your assistance with," Eldritch Sovereign Kua Chi said softly, taking out a storage bracelet with a flip of his hand, "Take this treasure and head to the Redmoon Immortal Continent once more."

"Don't let anyone know of this. I've sent you the specific instructions through the eldritch voidrealm. You may leave now," Eldritch Sovereign Kua Chi commanded bluntly.

"Understood," Astral Monarch Hou Qu responded respectfully, though still somewhat confused. He accepted the storage bracelet and swiftly departed from this world. [1]

Wu Yuan was left alone with Eldritch Sovereign Kua Chi.

"The storage bracelet contains the root establishment treasure I selected for your qi refiner self," Eldritch Sovereign Kua Chi said with a faint smile.

"One Semi-Legendary treasure, perfectly suited for your qi refiner self."

1. decided to leave it as that hahaha ☜

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