Chapter 44 - Like A Phoenix

Bumping into his muscular wall like chest knocked April back and she staggered before Dean caught her in his powerful arms. She retracted herself from his arms and gave him a fake smile.

"Thanks," April answered politely as she stepped back and walked towards the lift she wanted to run.

Dean was overjoyed at literally bumping into April but she was acting so strange. She had dodged him and looked like a scared kitten, not his like usual wild cat. What had happened for her to avoid him? He followed her into the now waiting lift. He swore he heard her sigh as he entered the lift with her.

April saw Dean enter the small lift with her and she let out a small sigh. He was exactly what she wanted to avoid today. In the small lift his large frame touched her shoulder, his leather-like smelling cologne surrounded her. The short journey felt like forever in this small space.

Dean stared at April out of the corner of his eyes trying to decipher her new attitude. Her clothing all looked the same as usual then he looked at her face. Although she had tried to hide them under makeup he couldn't miss her red tired eyes. She was flawless except for a small bit of black paint. When and what did she paint? Is that why she is so tired?

Dean reached out his elegant hand to rub the paint from her cheek. He didn't want her to walk around with paint on her cheek.

April saw Dean's hand come up to reach for her cheek and she avoided it.


The lift door opened and she ran like a wild animal set free from its cage. This cage was the lift and she ran from her feelings of butterflies and bliss. She wasn't broken she just needed to learn how to accept her feelings and to love again. After all, it was her own fault to think James would be true to her.

Deans hand was left suspended in the air as he then watched April rush to her car to escape him. It was okay he thought to himself. He could be patient with her, she had been so hurt and was still recovering. Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, she had to completely burn to ash before she would rise. He watched her drive off before getting in his own car and sending a text to Micheal.

(Hey Dude, look out for April today she seems a bit off. Dean)

He knew Micheal would look after her today and he had no doubt she just needed a friend and some time.

April had driven again on autopilot getting to work within half an hour. After her long night, she decided to get a coffee before work so she parked up at Walker interiors and walked to the same cafe she had visited the day before with Sophie and Aarna.

She walked the short distance and entered the cafe, she ordered a cappuccino and poured in brown sugar. She ignored the sweet treats she loved still not hungry leaving the cafe and bumping into another chest.

She quickly apologised, "I am so sorry. Did I get coffee on you?"

"No no, your fine, hey April how have you been?" The masculine voice asked.

Hearing the voice she knew so well she looked up and saw James. He looked so handsome in his blue suit and hair slicked back. He was the last person she had thought she would bump into but then wasn't fate cruel.

James was overjoyed to see April, he realised that once she wasn't around and he had let her go in favour of Lucy what he had had and what he was missing in life.

"Hi James, sorry I have to go to work. I don't want to be late." April gave a short reply and walked around James towards her work.

James caught up with April, he was going to Walker interiors also.

"I will come with you, I would like your artistic eye to help me with the villa I just bought," James responded as he walked side by side with her.

Great April thought, at least it would be a short walk. Picking up the pace she walked quickly to Walker Interiors.

James made small talk the whole walk and April responded only when needed after all she still needed to be polite to a client.

April then got in the lift with James in tow and headed for her floor. She was once again trapped in a lift trying to ignore her feelings. She fake smiled and responded and before she knew it the lift door opened.

Emily saw James and approached him and April was very grateful for the eager and shameless woman that she is, James couldn't bother her while he had Emily surrounding him.

April sat at her desk and turned on her computer. She saw Aarna sitting at her desk and smiled over at her. She continued to work and as others drifted in she said good morning. James was caught by Emily and for that April was relieved.

James had come over to her desk as he was leaving and she said goodbye as she would to any other client with a small smile as it was all she could manage.

Aarna asked her to go to lunch to which she refused she didn't want to eat or make small talk. So everyone left the office and she was alone for a while. She didn't notice them come back as she threw herself into work.

Knock knock

Hearing a knock April furrowed her eyebrows and looked up. She saw Micheal standing before her and a half smile spread on her face.

Micheal had had back to back meetings all day and he rushed to April's office and thankfully she was still there working away. He saw her small smile and he inwardly sighed, something was wrong Dean had been right.

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