"Do you still remember that tea that I gave you yesterday?" Cygnus was still looking at him and was having fun observing the major's ever-changing reaction.

The man was someone with a high pride and as a person in his position he was looked upon as someone strong and authoritative. He was seen as a cold and uncaring man and yet there he was right now, shaking in fear as he waited for the master's next words.

"What about that tea?" Ginehart could not understand what the other was talking about. It was just a tea, after he drank that tea, he remembered passing out after just a sip of it. After that thought, he was suddenly struck with a realization. "Did you put something on the tea?" he asked in surprise.

If he drank a simple tea then he wouldn't pass out like that and what's worse was that he woke up with those around him nor remembering about that damn meeting. They must have put something on that drink that's why it had that kind of effect.

"Have you realized it already?" Cygnus smiled when he read the other man's thoughts. The man was sharp and he could easily grasp the situation. Such a great asset, he could use a man like him so he did the best thing he could.

"You don't have to worry. You just drank a small drop of my blood." Ginehart almost choked on his own saliva after those words were dropped like a bomb in front of him. Cygnus who broke the news to him was still relaxed and didn't find anything wrong with feeding someone his blood.

"That is not a very funny joke. I'm fed up with this. I'll be leaving." He stood up from his chair and fixed his clothing while giving a glare to the master.

Cygnus didn't mind the major's reaction. It was understandable since no man in their right mind would do something like that. It was a concept that was difficult to believe and understand but Cygnus was not someone normal.

He just goes with the flow and does everything according to his own thoughts. If he wanted to kill or destroy, he would just do that and no one would stop him. If he wanted a person to be at his beck and call, he would make that person his servant, whether that person wanted it or not.

Ginehart was already at the door and was about to open the door when he heard Cygnus's voice telling him to stop. His body stopped and that made him frown but he still insisted on opening the door and yet his hand was not moving according to his will.

pαndα,noνɐ1,сoМ "Return to your seat," Cygnus commanded once again. They watched as the major struggled by the door. It was clear that he was forcing himself to leave and yet his body was not cooperating with him. "Now."

The major's body turned stiff at the force from that one word. His whole body and even his mind suddenly obeyed the man. The major's eyes turned cloudy and his body turned around. He slowly walked back to his chair and sat down.

When he came back to himself, he was back to where he was and all he could do was curse the other, "You bastard!"

Cygnus laughed but it was really fun to watch as the man struggled so much. "That's just an example of how my blood works inside your body but there's more. One of the effects it has is that, it can strengthen your body as proven a while ago, since you did not die with just a syllable of my name."

"Why are you doing this to me? Is it because I was watching you and your group? Or is it because of Sir Revus, because I didn't stop him from seeking trouble with you?" He was honestly lost right now. He did not understand why the other would go to such lengths to make him suffer.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"Ah, please major, do not misunderstand. It was not because of those things, I just found you very useful for so many things. Now that you are under my supervision, you will become my eyes and ears inside the kingdom and when I tell you to do something, you will do it for me," Cygnus simply answered because it was the truth.

The room fell into silence with those words as the major became speechless from what he heard. The stillness inside was broken when they heard a knock from one of the servers. Mr. C gave the man permission to enter, so they entered and served the food he ordered.

"So, I am basically your slave." It was not a question. It was rather a statement that was directed to himself as he tried to understand his own situation right now.

"Why don't we eat first and talk about that while savoring the food." Mr. C lead the others and served the food for the master. The other two who were acting as bystanders also got their own food.

Everyone inside the room was taking this matter too casually for the major's liking. "Then are these two also under your control?" He pointed at Nina and Astrophos who were now busy eating the food.

Cygnus looked at the two then back at Ginehart, "No, they're not but they are following me of their own accord without problems so I am keeping them by my side. However, you, major, is a different story because anytime you can actually betray me. So, I made an extra preparation to avoid that."

Ginehart couldn't refute the other's claim because he knew himself. He was not the kind of man who would stay under the command of anyone because he himself had an ambition and he can't afford to be shackled by those who were on a higher ground than him.

"Since you are under my control now, you will be providing us with information inside this kingdom's militia and the nobles who are running this country. You will also provide us assistance when I deemed necessary and of course you will obey all of my words. If you fail to obey, then you will die, in the most painful way you can think of."

It was as clear as the sky, those words of warning that were directed at him. He looked at the people in the room and realized that his situation was better than him being dead. He wasn't able to attain his goal for a long time now and maybe he can use this opportunity to step up.

"You have a good thought there, if I like your performance, then I can help you with that ambition of yours," Cygnus grinned and applauded the man who was again surprised that the man could read his mind.

It must have been because of the blood inside him and the fact that the man can manipulate minds so the major accepted it as a fact. He felt that it was just a waste of time to be thinking over things that he already accepted as a fact.

He calmly looked at Cygnus, "I'll do my part to your satisfaction so you should promise to keep me alive no matter what happens."

Cygnus chuckled at how fast the major accepted everything. His brain did work differently than the others or it was just because his mind was already corrupted from the beginning that was why it was so easy for him to accept and turn every situation into an opportunity?

"Alright, you have my word. As long as I am satisfied with you, you'll keep your life."

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