Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 353 Escape And Meeting

Elvira became furious. She did not want to admit that what the man said was true. Her undying loyalty to the royal family was the only purpose of her life. To protect them was her responsibility.

If not for the royal family, she would have died on the streets. But because she was given the chance to serve the king, her life turned for the better. Now that she gained eternal life, she vowed that she wouldn't abandon the royal family.

"You wouldn't understand because you do not have anyone in your life that you wanted to protect." Her fists were clenched as she willed the iron bars to disappear.

A long water whip appeared on her hands and she grinned. She was finally able to surpass the anti-magic spell inside her cell. The magic circle broke into pieces and disappeared into thin air.

Elvira waved his hand and the whip moved towards the iron bars. The force and mana on the whip cut through the bars cleanly. She took her time and stepped out of the cell.

"Who wants to come with me?" She purposely raised her voice so that the others could hear her.

But none of them answered her even if she waited for a a whole minute. She closed her eyes and walked away without looking back. Since they were determined to stay, there was no reason for her to force them.

She walked pass through the damp hallways but no guards came. Her footsteps echoed in that silent space but none of the enemies came. She did not know what to feel because all she could think about was reaching the royal family.

Elvira saw stairs that would lead her up at the end of the hallway. She took deep breaths and slowly approached while keeping her vigilance for any traps that might be planted there. She deliberately made her footsteps slow and light but nothing happened.

She took the first step on the flight of stairs and there was nothing. After taking ten more steps, she became more confident. She was already running up and when she saw a door, she rammed towards it.

The door opened to an abandoned house. It was dusty and full of debris from the destroyed furniture. She looked around but she saw no one. The door was actually unguarded.

This should have been suspicious of this matter but because her mind was preoccupied with something else, she disregarded this fact. She walked across the dirty floor towards the exit of the place.

The door creaked at the force of her arms as it opened to a forest. The house she was in was actually in the middle of nowhere but this did not pose any difficulty for her. She casted magic and slowly levitated into the air.

As her height reached beyond the trees, she could already tell where she was. She frowned but paid no mind to it. She turned around and propelled herself with magic at the direction of the Lumier, the capital of Lunaira.

At the same time, Cygnus already had a smile on his face while drinking tea with the others. "It finally begins." He muttered followed by a loud and crisp laugh from him.

"Oh!" Ignius suddenly reacted and looked in the master's direction. He then laughed and even clapped his hands because of what the master did.

The others in the room couldn't help but look at the direction of the laughing dragon. They all looked confused and wanted an answer from him. It took him a while before he finally gave in.

"One of our prisoners managed to escape and she's headed towards Lumier right now." Ignius kindly informed them.

It took a couple of minutes before the realization dawned on Nina and Nahar. Vain on the other hand was still confused. Even though he was strong, he would remain a child.

"So, are we going to sit here and wait for them to come knocking on our door?" Nina then inquired with her fingers on her chin.

"Well, that is better than us making a move. It will also give the illusion that we do not know anything." Ignius answered for the master.

Cygnus nodded. It was already no surprise that they knew his intentions. Now all they needed to do was wait for the effect. It would be so much fun to see them in chaos because of what would happen. These were the times that he wanted to witness as the world descended into chaos.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"Do Reitou and Ezio know of the plan?" Nina suddenly asked after the information was revealed to them. She was concerned that they wouldn't know what was happening and would be out of the loop.

"Ari already informed them," Mr. C answered. He already instructed her to inform all of the people involved even General Linius knew of the plan.

Three days have passed since Elvira escaped. She already reached the city's walls and slipped in silently. She navigated through the streets incognito until she reached the familiar place where she lived all her life. Now all she needed to do was show herself to the king and tell him everything.

ραΠdαsΝοvεl.cοm Elvira stood at the entrance for a long time before she decided to enter. Using her magic, she was able to evade all the guards that were roaming the halls and guarding each room of the palace. Elvira made her way towards the king's study and entered without the king noticing her.

She stood there for a while as she watched the king work. After a few moments, she finally revealed herself and called out the king's name. Orpheus looked up and was surprised to see Lady Elvira standing there in front of him.

He stopped all he was working on and walked up to the woman. "Lady Elvira, how? You are here?" He was confused as to how the woman they had been searching for was suddenly standing inside his office.

"I managed to escape and I am here now to tell you who your enemy is." She answered without hesitation. "I might die after I tell you this but I just couldn't let the royal family be involved with something that already happened in the past."

"What are you talking about, elder?" He became more confused because of the woman's words. He couldn't help but look at the woman's appearance too.

The last time they met, the woman was still at her best but now she looked ruffled and unkempt. It was far from her elegant looks in the past. Her clothes were torn and her face and arms were marked with grime that was unbefitting of her status.

"But before that elder, please let the servants serve you first before we continue with this discussion. I can see that you are exhausted. This conversation can wait." The king then called for the guard that was stationed outside of his study.

Once the guard entered, he gave him orders to escort their guest and let the servants help her change. The guard was also ordered to go to the kitchen and let the chefs prepare a set of meals for the elder. Elvira was indeed exhausted so she accepted the king's hospitality.

She took a bath and was dressed before she was given the food that the royal kitchen prepared. She ate with gusto even though as an immortal it wasn't necessary for her to eat or drink because she would still remain alive after being starved. After the meal, she returned to the king's study where Orpheus was patiently waiting for her.

"Please have a seat elder and make yourself comfortable." King Orpheus guided the woman into the couch.

After they were seated, the king stared at the woman for a while before he finally sighed. It was good that the elder managed to escape her captors unscathed. Now, he didn't need to hold back once they found out who the World Breaker was. He was also ecstatic because the elder seemed to bear good news for him.

"I am happy and relieved to see you elder. We thought that we wouldn't be able to find you. We had been doing our best and using our best resources to find you," the king started.

He started to tell her about how they got the Justice of Light to help them find out who the enemy was. They had been scouring the kingdom and the other kingdoms for the World Breaker. The king also told the woman that there were several suspects in the capital but after investigation, they were found to be free of suspicion. While he was speaking, the woman remained silent as her face turned black.

The king noticed the woman's reaction. "What's the matter, elder?" He finally asked.

"You've let the culprit go." Elvira answered with a sour face. When she heard that familiar name, she already knew that he was capable of evading suspicion.

"What do you mean elder?" Orpheus didn't expect that the elder would say something like that and if that was the case then they would have missed the opportunity to capture their enemy.

"But I won't blame you because that man had the ability to deceive the people around him and he could get away with what he had done," she said in a low voice. She had a frown while clenching her fists.

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