Two carriages stopped in front of a worn-out temple in the middle of the forest. The posts and the structure itself were already falling apart and even the inside of it was full of dust. During the three trips the driver had made to the temple, he had been curious as to what they were doing inside the dilapidated temple but he dared not ask. He could only stay curious as he looked around.

There was not much inside the temple, only the old destroyed statues, candle stands and an unrecognizable statue in the middle of the room was there. He shivered as he felt uncomfortable because of his own thoughts. He shook his head and placed Ezio's body on the floor. The driver then went back and carried Isaiah's body.

They then helped each other to carry the bodies of the five sentinels who were with them. Their unconscious bodies were all dumped there and when they were done, the drivers of the two carriages left. The rattling of the wheels as they left the place echoed through the dark night until it faded into the distance that they had traversed.

No sound could be heard in the surroundings even though the temple was located in the middle of a forest. Not even the tweet of birds or the hoot of an owl could be heard. Only the rustling of the leaves as the wind blew gave a little bit of life into that ominous place.

A blanket of black smoke then slowly covered the place which stilled even the wind. The black smoke then slowly entered the temple and gradually a body slowly emerged from the sea of blackness. First, the head of a beautiful woman with long inky black hair appeared. She was naked and the only thing that covered her body was her hair.

As she fully emerged, her lower body was not bearing feet but it was instead replaced with a scaly long tail that reached until the outside of the temple. This part of her body was a bit slimy which added to the somewhat shiny black appearance of it under the moonlight. The woman's face brightened when she saw the offerings laid down on the floor.

She could feel a large amount of mana from the two young mages which made her excited. Once she consumes them, she would surely become more powerful. She grinned and even laughed at the thought of her surpassing the others. It was good that these visitors visited the town, their plan was indeed effective to lure out people they can devour.

The half woman half serpent spirit did not even give a glance at the other five bodies on the floor. She was only focused on the mages. She moved her massive body and bent down to take a closer look at the two when a tremor shook the temple. She was a bit startled as she looked around but she did not feel any other people around the area.

Her gaze went back to the two unconscious mages and narrowed her eyes. She saw a twitch on their bodies and suspected that they must be waking up soon. The spirit made the decision to devour them before they woke up. She opened her mouth and fangs protruded from her gums as she was about to bite Ezio.

A strong wave came from Isaiah and Ezio's body which knocked back the woman before she could even sink her fangs on them. She hissed with her forked tongue as she slid towards the two once again to consume them but before she could get near them, a black swirling portal appeared below them and swallowed them. A gate then appeared behind her where Ezio and Isaiah came out.

They couldn't believe what they were seeing, it was a huge serpent with the upper body of a woman about to bite them. Luckily Ezio managed to transfer them behind the woman. This must be the reason why they were put to sleep because they were offered as food to the serpent woman.

The serpent-woman's body moved which caused the temple to tremble because she sensed that the missing preys she was about to consume were behind her. She used her tail to trap them as she placed it behind them to stop them from escaping her. Ezio noticed this so he used the gate to transport them again to where they originally woke up.

After that, he used it again to transport them outside of the temple. If it was short distances, he could keep creating a gate but it would also exhaust him but their problem at that moment was the enemy and Isaiah's low mana. If they fight the enemy, they would be wiped out because their damage dealer used too much mana.

Well, it was thanks to that they were able to get out from that dream illusion but now he didn't know how to deal with the serpent-woman. Ezio knew that he couldn't just teleport blindly around and if he wanted to teleport to the town, he needed to concentrate to create a gate with that long distance. If Isaiah couldn't fight, he had no other choice but to fight in his stead.

"What should we do now?" he asked Isaiah who was a little bit pale.

He already expected that he would weaken after using that magic but he did not expect that they would be facing something far more dangerous after they got out of that nightmare. Isaiah looked at Ezio's back that was facing him and gritted his teeth. They were in a precarious state right now because he knew that Ezio was not that good in a fight.

"I apologize, I can make small lightning spells but it would not be enough to defeat that enemy. I've used too much of my mana on that last attack." Isaiah's jaws clenched together with his fists because of his weakness.

"How fast can you recover your mana?" Ezio asked again because he wanted to know if he could hold out so that Isaiah could recover his mana.

"I would probably need ten minutes to at least recover enough mana to unleash one of my final moves but I am not sure if that move could defeat the enemy," Isaiah answered.

"I'll buy you time then. I'll inflict as much damage as I can to at least weaken the enemy so that you can use your attack to defeat it. If that does not work, then I can continue transferring using the gate," Ezio explained.

He wouldn't go down without a fight and he wouldn't give up without trying any other win to at least win. It was one of the things that his uncle taught him while he was growing up. He may not have been able to apply it to many aspects of his life, he wouldn't forget to apply it to a dangerous situation like this where not only his life was at stake.

"Can you do it?" Isaiah asked. He was unsure if Ezio could continuously engage the serpent-woman in a fight for that long.

"Don't worry I've got a lot of practice but don't expect too much though," Ezio answered before he took a deep breath and slowly released it.

Beside him a magic circle appeared and when he dipped his hand inside, he grabbed a familiar weapon he had been using ever since their first travel to the Blackwell territory. He pulled out a scimitar with the blade that widened as it went up to the tip. It was black in color and the hilt was made out of gold.

He held the scimitar in his hands tightly as he stared at the serpent-woman that was hissing at their direction. Her forked tongue was coming in and out of her mouth then she gave them a grin. Her body was moving as she made her way towards them.

"Do you really think all of you can escape me?" she hissed then laughed, "nobody will be leaving this place alive."

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