Cygnus was confused as to why the elder was suddenly grinning at him. As far as he knew, masters always got angry whenever their disciple or apprentice was being bullied. Some would even go and kill those who bullied their favorite student.

"You really are fearless. To be able to say those things to my apprentice even though I am here..." Celes narrowed his eyes then he laughed.

"You are saying that and yet you did not stop me and let me continue. I bet that your apprentice's pride is hurt right now," Cygnus chuckled and shook his head. "I guess there are masters in this world who do not dote on their apprentice."

Celes couldn't stop the loud laughter after hearing those words. He even tapped the table several times but he still couldn't stop. The man's words were so ridiculous that he couldn't contain his burst out.

Cygnus and Astro waited for the elder's laughter to subside. This went for another ten minutes before he finally stopped and calmed himself. He took several deep breaths before he could finally face his guests.

"I'm sorry. What you just said was really entertaining. Where did you even hear that kind of thing? Apprentices in the Magic Tower come and go. It's true that we pick them personally but if they don't perform to the standard we want, then we will let them leave or make them regular mages." The elder leaned on his seat with a curious look on his face.

It was the first that he heard something like that. It seemed that the young man had a wrong preconception of them. Wherever he had heard that, he should correct it now that he was already a part of the tower.

Cygnus stopped drinking and looked at the elder, "Is that so, then pardon me if I was wrong. It seems that what I have read from books is very different from reality."

"If one of the elders takes you in as one of their apprentices, you should do your best and prove to them that you are useful," Celes bluntly gave the advice. It sounded like they were only after their abilities which was the truth so there was no point in hiding it.

"And if I don't perform well, will they kick me out?" The grin on the master's face made the elder stiff.

He felt that there was something hidden behind those words and the way he was looking at him was different from what he usually showed. Speaking of which, during those times that he met the young man, he noticed that there was something about him that made him uncomfortable. Now that he was looking at him closely that feeling intensified.

Celes shook his head, it must have been his imagination. He heard stories about the young man but it was difficult for him to believe that a person who looked meek and weak could do that. He gave Cygnus another look before he decided to ask.

"Did you really cut off your cousin's arm?" This question made the master look up in surprise. Celes noticed the surprised look from the person's face.

"I'm surprised that you are asking that to me now when every aristocratic family knows about it. Is the tower's information not enough?" Cygnus smiled. His face relaxed as he leaned back a little bit to raise his left foot and cross it over his other foot.

The elder was now certain about it. There was something wrong with the young man's personality. He appeared weak during those times they met outside and now that he was inside the tower, he was already showing his true personality. He looked smug and domineering right now, like he owned the place.

"Is this what you usually look like?" Celes waved at the way he was sitting in front of him. The feeling of being looked down couldn't be ignored.

Cygnus suddenly laughed, "This is how I always am, ever since the beginning. If you have a problem with it, you can always kick me out." He leaned forward and narrowed his eyes towards the elder with a smirk on his face.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Celes shook his head, "I will not do something like that. In fact it is better like this because there are people here who are more arrogant than you. I'm sure that one of these days, you won't be arrogant anymore." The elder did not flinch and met the master's gaze with a smirk of his own.

"I assure you, that won't happen." Cygnus did not back down because he was that confident.

He was there to make them all suffer and destroy their precious plan. And while he was at it, he won't let himself be bullied by those who think highly of themselves. His main goal was to wreak havoc in that peaceful place.

After that conversation, the elder let Cygnus go back to his room to rest. After this day, Cygnus will officially stay and learn at the tower and his plans will start to move too.

The next day, Celestine did not show up but the master did not care. He can navigate his way around the hall even without a guide. He took his time to walk the hallways made of stone.

There were no windows but he felt no suffocation and the halls were bright even though it was only lit with magic. Everything inside looked natural which would give anyone security and comfort.

He started to hum while walking since the hallways were silent. So far he hadn't run to anyone yet. He stood in front of the door to the assigned room before pushing it open.

The sound of the door made the whole room silent. The whispers from the inside died down once he stepped inside and all eyes were on him. He gave the onlookers a fleeting gaze before he took an empty seat.

Whispers started to go on again after he sat down and he knew that he was the topic. One voice was particularly loud and the person had no intention of hiding his enmity. Cygnus had no desire to make a big deal out of it and ignored their remarks.

When the man noticed that Cygnus was not responding to his snide comments, his face became contorted in anger. He walked up to where Cygnus was seated and slammed his fist on the table. The loud noise made the room silent and the atmosphere tense.

"Hey you newbie, aren't you going to pay your respects to your seniors?" The man glared at him and slammed his fist again on the table.

Cygnus lifted his head to look at the man who was disturbing his peace. He blinked and looked him from his head down before he ignored him once again. To waste his time on people who like to bully others was not his style.

ραпdα nᴏνa| сom The man got even angrier at the look that he received from Cygnus and how he was ignored twice. Without thinking about his actions, he grabbed the master's collar and pulled him up. Cygnus's upper body was lifted as he leaned forward and his eyes met the other's gaze.

"Don't be so full of yourself just because you are favored by the elders. In this hall I am the rule and a new person like you shouldn't show any disrespect." The man emphasized every word he said but Cygnus was not intimidated.

The master's eyes went to the hand that was grabbing his collar as he thought of ways to get rid of that filthy hand that was holding him. He could cut them off instantly or should he do it slowly starting from finger to finger then his elbows then his shoulders. He could also twist them off and crush the bones to make him feel the pain.

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