Chapter 558: The Plan Was Stupid

Translator: Henyee TranslationsEditor: Henyee Translations

However, Jiang Yunmo had recently become popular. He had made a small splash in the previous online period drama and had made a name for himself. Mei Tian was also praised as the obedient girl in the idol drama. With the two of them working together, the big bang of “Amazing Concubine’s

Daughter” was still in sight.

Therefore, no one was stingy about giving more opportunities to the two of them. This way, everyone could get more valuable shots together.

As a result, many people sat at Jiang Yunmo and Mei Tian’s table and ate with them. Naturally, they started chatting with each other.

Meng Ling was unwilling to go over and sat by herself. However, even if she wanted to go over, the seats there were already full, so she could not add another seat.

Meng Ling already had a premonition that the scene would be like this: “Meng Ling eating alone’.

The fans would feel that she was a bad person and offended everyone else. She deserved to be ostracized and isolated.

Only one young lady came over with a lunch box and sat down beside her.

“Sister Meng Ling, I’ll eat with you.”

The young lady’s name was Liang Yu, and she was also a supporting character. She had acted in quite a number of vicious female supporting roles, and she was currently not famous at all.

She could especially understand Meng Ling’s situation, so she would rather sit with her.

Mei Tian looked up. “Meng Ling, do you want to come over to my side?”

Mei Tian had a docile face and looked very approachable.

Tian,uselessthosethebefore LingDon’t eatyour could Mengheranything, leanedmouth,openedshethings.’food.However, over.manager her do moment “Meisay

Mei Tian helplessly said, “But we can’t just watch her sit there alone.”

“Don’t worry about it. This is the company’s arrangement. It’s not something we can decide.”

stop smile LingMengonly andtalking.atMei Tiancould

Jiang Yunmo raised his head and looked around before lowering his head to continue eating.

After Meng Ling and Liang Yu finished eating, they packed their lunch boxes and passed them to the staff.

oflips’Sorry.”his be toMeng Jiang saw Whenthehappened Yunmolunch hetwitched. box. Ling, packing his comers

Meng Ling smiled casually. She knew that this arrangement was not his idea or Mei Tian’s idea. No one knew who planned this behind the scenes.

Liang Yu said to Meng Ling, “These two people are pretty good, but the plan is stupid. What era is it now, and they still use such a method to promote it.”

Imowswhatcompany?” happened’Who thein

Meng Ling did not take it to heart.

Next was the recording of the team shooting competition.

as usual.her father. _ thefrom receivedher a Ling finishedjobMengshereturnedAfterhotelfilming, call shetodidand

“Dad, I think it’s better if you don’t let her come. Even if she comes, there probably won’t be many scenes.” Meng Ling sounded a little down.

“Why? Baby girl, who bullied you?”

worry Ling to her need.”is quite order’I_ Mengtopic.changedreally.” feel thatrecording tough. just There’s _thisfather,”Notnotin theno

“It’s good that no one bullied you. It’s still necessary. I owe Shi Jin such a big favor. I have to return it to her no matter what. Don’t you have a lot of celebrities participating in the filming of your show? Although she might not have had many scenes in the past, it would definitely be beneficial to her if she

went to show her face, right?”

“That’s true. Wait, who did you say?”

have saida oflot celebrities.’

“No, Dad. Who is coming?”

“Shi Jin, I said Shi Jin.”

ideawork’ShiShehadno —_Jin?remember Shirecently knew withjin? Did Which notbeen had home.didyou wrongly?”LingandShiMengDoctor herbusy go that Meng,

‘There was a huge gap between her and Shi Jin in the industry. She had never paid attention to the celebrities who were too famous.

“That Shi Jin, the singer.”

oneSongwriter’” “TheSinger’Ultimatefrom

“I think so. She’s the one I searched online.”

Meng Ling smiled. “Dad, are you serious?”

yoursendYou up with did later.” her”Whenyouyou?T’lldad can pickWeChat-her jokeever

“Got it.”

Meng Ling put down her phone and shook her head secretly. She did not believe this at all.

Shi heard — wereWhentojin?” “Whymanagerhappened be _youtalkingthe side. ShiaboutHersheat name, asked,she Jin’s

“My dad said that the artiste he recommended is Shi Jin.”

“Really?” The manager’s eyes lit up and she laughed dryly. “That’s so funny!”

jokefeltfather’s ather funnyall. Meng thatalsoLing was not

Did he know what status Shi Jin had now?

Not to mention that Shi Jin did not have much interest in these business activities, her schedule was something that even the top female celebrities in the industry could not dare be envious of. Basically, Shi Jin would not attend any of the ineffective social activities.

wereshebeautiful the willingplacesto value. highest and stunninglyattend thatalwayshadThewas

How could such a Shi Jin appear on a show like ‘Exercise Kin

The manager said, “I’ve already spoken to the production team. You will bring a substitute friend over. If there’s a chance, she will go on stage. If there’s no chance, she can only wait by the side.”

her you.”Ling thanked Mengsincerely. “Thank

The company was very harsh on artists who weren’t famous, but their managers were already trying their best to mediate their relationship.


medicalCapitalUniversity’s laboratory.Imperial

After a busy day, Shi Jin and Gu Jingyuan walked out of the laboratory together.

The others also followed them, chatting and laughing.

Liangsped lot.inJin ourarewhatTheseindeed Jinghis said, up heldprogressnotgood Chinese dataandat.” Shiover, we’re’Aftermedicine data reportthe handcamea

“You guys are pretty good too. My understanding of modern medicine is limited.”

“Shi Jin, you’re too humble. If it weren’t for you, it would have taken us at least two more months to reach this conclusion. By then, we would definitely be slightly behind others,” Liang Jing said sincerely.

own.Gufor Shi tofingyuanthis time.”Jin’s data, won’tcontinue guys will said, JinyouronShi everyhavehereof yoube “Withdayperiodexperimenting

Liang Jing was slightly disappointed, but eventually smiled. “Shi Jin has other work to do. I understand.”

Glasses Boy also looked disappointed.

hiseyes Zai flickering. head lookedup Shiat again, Jin,thenlowered Wei his

“Tl send you off,” Gu Jingyuan said to Shi Jin as he took in everyone’s expressions.

“Fu Xiuyuan is here to pick me up.”

Tllyouwalk laughed. Jingyuanschool the’Then gate.” withGuto


On the way.

SongXiuyuanFan theasinand satFu carreportdown his theatdrove. inlookedhand

Song Fan kept looking at the rearview mirror, observing Fu Xiuyuan’s expression…

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