Chapter 80 Surprised Jiang YuYan...

Jiang YuYan got off from the bed, stood in front of her brother and opened her palms in front of him and asked, "Where is my present?"Jiang Yang caressed her messy hairs with his both hands and tucked them behind her ears. Then he smiled and said, "Well.... that’s a surprise, which you will get in the evening"."Really?" Then I will be looking forward to it." She said and moved to the bathroom in her room.Jiang Yang left her room and went to his own room. He picked up his cell phone and dialled Lu Qiang’s number.Lu Qiang came out of the bathroom after having a shower, just then his phone rang. He picked up a cell phone and saw Jiang Yang’s name displayed on it. He received the call but before he could say hello, an impatient voice buzzed in his ear from the other side of the line.Jiang Yang: "Good morning! How is my dear brother-in-law".After listening to his friend’s words, Lu Qiang couldn’t help but smile pleasantly, but he nonchalantly replied, "Just got out of the shower."However, his heart was jumping with a joy because of what Jiang Yang called him, ’Brother-in-law’. He was fortunate that Jiang Yang was not able to see him at that moment otherwise he couldn’t imagine, what his friend had done with him.Jiang Yang: "Oh my my! Looks like, I missed an eye catching view. I envy my sister."Lu Qiang again smiled from ear to ear, showing his cute canines. He suppressed his smile and said in a serious tone, "Get to the point."Jiang Yang: "I hope, you remember, today is my sister’s birthday".Lu Qiang replied calmly, "I can never forget this day."Jiang Yang: "Well! I can guess that much... Let’s plan something".Lu Qiang: "Sure".Jiang Yang: "I took a day off. Let’s meet then. I will see you in your office, what say?".Lu Qiang: "Okay".In the evening, Jiang residence’s doorbell rang. Jiang YuYan was alone in the home. She opened the door and was surprised to see the person in front of her.Lu Qiang was standing at the Jiang residence’s door with the two gift boxes in his hands. One was quite bigger in size while the other was in a medium size. Both Boxes were wrapped in a baby pink coloured, beautiful and attractive gift wrapping paper.Jiang YuYan was surprised to see him, that she even forgot to call him inside and stood frozen in her place while staring at him."Cough**Cough! Can I come inside?" Lu Qiang looked at her while coughing few times to get her attention.Jiang YuYan came back to her senses after hearing his words and said, "Y...Yes! Come in" She moved to the one side to make a way for him to enter inside the apartment.Lu Qiang walked towards the living room with gift boxes in his hands and Jiang YuYan followed him after closing the door. Lu Qiang stopped near the sofa, turned around to look at Jiang YuYan and said while passing the gift boxes in his hands to her, "This is for you."Jiang YuYan looked at him surprisingly and received the boxes from his hands and said with a smile, "Thank You". She understood it was her birthday presents.Lu Qiang looked at her and said, "Won’t you open it".Jiang YuYan looked at him and said, "I will open it later"Lu Qiang said, "There is something for you in that box. Open it"Jiang YuYan walked towards the sofa and put those boxes on it. Then she sat down and started to unwrap them.In the bigger box, there was a lavender colour dress and one smaller box was there with matching accessories with that dress. In another box, there was a pair of sandals. After checking stuff inside the box, Jiang Yang looked at Lu Qiang and said again, "Thank you."Lu Qiang smiled at her, "Welcome."He sat on the sofa and calmly said, "You need to come with me somewhere".Jiang Yuyan raised her eyebrow and looked at him having a questioning look.Lu Qiang saw her questioning eyes and said, "Just get ready in this dress and I will take you somewhere"."Okay," Jiang Yuyan nodded, then closed both boxes and was about to ready to lift them.However, Lu Qiang stood up, walked towards her and said while looking at the boxes, "I will get them for you. You go ahead."Jiang Yuyan nodded, then moved few steps back to get away from those boxes to make a space for him to lift them up. Then moved in the direction of her room.Lu Qiang took those boxes and followed her upstairs.When they reached in front of Jiang Yuyan’s room, she stopped and turned around and said while looking at him, "I will take them from here".Then moved her hands forward to get those boxes from Lu Qiang, but he didn’t look at her, instead, he kept staring at the door.Jiang Yuyan retreated her hands and opened the door of her room. She entered inside and stood at the entrance by holding a door to let Lu Qiang go inside the room.Lu Qiang went inside and walked straight towards her bed and put those boxes on her bed. In a single glance, he observed her room and turned around to leave the it. He stopped at the door and said without looking back to her, "I am waiting downstairs. Take your time."When he left, Jiang Yuyan sighed as if she was holding her breath inside and was not able to exhale. She moved to the bed and sat on its edge. Her heart was pounding faster.When she saw him, she wasn’t able to ask him directly that ’Why he was here’. When he said that he would take her out with him, she was not even able to ask, ’Where’ and ’Why’. When he said, he will bring boxes to her room, she couldn’t help but lead the way for him. She felt like all the words were choked in her throat.After that night, it was the first time, when she faced him and that was so sudden. She didn’t know what to say or how to react. She just followed what he said as she lost all her senses to react to this particular situation. She got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to get freshen up to get ready to go out.

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