it's May. It's already hot, but Huo Chengfeng is covered with thick quilts and the heating is on in the ward. Jian Yun just came in for a while and was sweating.

Jian Yun also heard from Cheng Muze that Huo Chengfeng's body function degenerated and his body temperature regulation function also had problems. Therefore, the place where he stayed had to be kept constant temperature, but even this did not help.

Jian Yun looked at Huo Chengfeng's hand on the edge of the bed. A trace of fear flashed through her eyes, and then she quickly moved away from her eyes.

Because what she saw could not be called hand any more. It was as black as carbon and curled up like chicken feet. It was very terrible.

Jian Yun can't help but sigh in his heart. If Huo Chengfeng doesn't do it, he will never end up in the end.

"Jane Yun, here you are Seeing Jian Yun, Huo Chengfeng flashed a light in his turbid eyes.

Jian Yun frowns and looks at Huo Liancheng. She doesn't feel that she has such a deep friendship with Huo Chengfeng. Let him talk to her in such a familiar tone.

"I'd like to have a few words with Jian Yun alone." Huo Chengfeng looks greedily at Jian Yun.

Several other people on the scene didn't have any objection. They turned around and walked outside the ward. Jian Yun was so nervous that she couldn't do it. She had a subconscious fear of Huo Chengfeng and reached for Huo Liancheng's sleeve.

Huo Liancheng took Jianyun's hand and comforted her, "don't be afraid. I'm outside."

Jian Yun saw the sadness from Huo Liancheng's eyes, and there was a good plea to cover up. She was stunned. Didn't Huo Liancheng hate Huo Chengfeng very much? Why does he look so sad at the moment?

"Don't be nervous. I've been like this. Can I hurt you?" Huo Chengfeng voice is very hoarse, also very weak, said this with a trace of self mockery.

Jian Yun looks back at him, and she sees death in Huo Chengfeng's eyes.

Huo Liancheng patted Jian Yun's hand and turned to walk out of the ward. However, he did not close the door, leaving a gap in the door.

Jian Yun can see Huo Liancheng's back from the crack in the door, and her heart is slightly relieved.

"Can you come closer?" Huo Chengfeng tried to pull the corners of his mouth, as if to laugh, but now this action has been a luxury for him.

Jian Yun wandered, thinking of Huo Liancheng's words, she went forward a few steps.

"Sit down." Huo Chengfeng lies on the bed, always can't move, can only express his emotion through the eyes.

Jian Yun sits down according to Yan. At this time, she is also very curious. What does Huo Chengfeng want to say when he leaves her alone.

"Are you curious what I'm going to tell you?" Huo Chengfeng blinked when he saw what Jian Yun was thinking.

Jian Yun frowned at him and did not deny it.

"In fact, I want to apologize to you. I tried to stir up the relationship between you and Huo Liancheng before. I caught you to the top of the mountain and forced you to go with Lin Lanlan I want to ask you to forgive me Huo Chengfeng said dully.

Jian Yun's eyebrows frown more tightly, a face does not believe what Huo Chengfeng said.

"I know you don't believe me. You're going to die and you're good at it." Huo Liancheng closed his eyes, as if to say these words let him very tired, "you know, in fact, I have been very envious of Huo Liancheng."

"I didn't see it. I only saw that you envied him and hated him." Jian Yun is not polite.

"Ha ha, how can you be so straightforward!" Huo Chengfeng was not angry. He opened his eyes and looked at Jian Yun. There was a trace of appreciation in his eyes. Then he said, "I envy him, and I envy him, because he can do anything better than me, no, better than everyone else, from childhood to most!"

Huo Chengfeng's eyes flashed, "I knew when I was very young that my mother abandoned me and found a man with more money than my father. I didn't know the relationship between my father and that side. I only knew that my father had no skills, and that my father was in poor health and often drank alcohol. I was afraid of him. I didn't want to communicate with outsiders. They said I was autistic, and many people laughed at me..."

Jian Yun didn't expect Huo Chengfeng to talk to her. She was surprised, but she still listened carefully.

"At that time, I was too young to remember many things. I only knew that I didn't dare to go out of the house or talk to people outside until I was 10 years old. At that time, my mother had come back to take care of me, but I knew that she had two other children besides me, so I hated them..."

Listening to Huo Chengfeng's story, Jian Yun felt a pang of sadness. He didn't speak as fluently as before, and his expression was a little confused, but he could still speak clearly. However, when talking about the bitter past, his tone was still rigid, as if he was talking about other people's affairs.

"I really envy him. I know that my mother is only so kind to me because of her guilt. In fact, she loves her other son more. So I began to want to destroy him and destroy everything. I feel that no one can get what I can't get!"

"So I began to overcome my own fear, slowly, step-by-step implementation of the plan, I hate my mother, I feel that the reason why I would be ridiculed and ignored is because of her abandonment, so I tried my best to make her feel ashamed of me, and then use her..."The more Huo Chengfeng said, the more hoarse his voice became. In the end, he almost couldn't make a sound. Seeing that there was a straw cup on the bedside table, Jianyun quickly got up and brought it to him.

Huo Chengfeng waved his hand, "I can't drink water."

Why can't you drink water? He didn't mention it.

After closing his eyes and resting for a while, Huo Chengfeng continued to speak. This time, his voice was much calmer. After listening to him, Jian Yun could not calm down for a long time.

Because Huo Chengfeng said that he had a devil in his heart. The devil bred from the moment his mother abandoned him. He was controlled by the devil and could not make his own decisions at all.

This reminds Jianyun of Huo Liancheng telling her that Huo Chengfeng has schizophrenia. When she looks at Huo Chengfeng, she can't help but feel a trace of compassion.

"Have you always thought I was a pervert?" Huo Chengfeng suddenly asked Jian Yun.

Jian Yun looked at him and remained silent.

Huo Chengfeng but issued a laugh, "really ah, I do those things, is really abnormal can."

Jian Yun kept silent because she didn't know what to say.

Huo Chengfeng is also silent, seems to be trapped in some memories, his eyes once changed sharply, like a very painful look.

"It's all over. Don't think about it any more." Jian Yun wants to comfort Huo Chengfeng.

"You are a good girl," Huo Chengfeng's eyes turned back and fell on Jian Yun's face again. His eyes became soft. "In fact, I've seen you very early, maybe even earlier than Huo Liancheng knew you."

Jian Yun frowned, and doubts flashed through her eyes.

"Don't you believe it? Ha, you should still be in high school at that time. One spring, you went to zhezhou to participate in Aerobics Competition... " Huo Chengfeng Miss said.

After hearing this, Jian Yun's eyes suddenly widened, and she couldn't believe her gaze at Huo Chengfeng, because she did take part in aerobics competition in senior two, but only once. Because she did not major in aerobics, that time was just a temporary battle for the injured students, so almost no one knew she would do aerobics.

So, Huo Chengfeng really knew her before Huo Liancheng?

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