Jian Yun felt a little confused. He said he wanted to pursue her? What's the international joke? A man like him, who does not want a woman to go after her?

Jian Yun's first reaction was that Huo Liancheng was fooled by himself.

"Huoliancheng, are you out of your mind?" Jian Yun looked at the smile of Huo Liancheng's mouth. The more he saw it, the more he felt that his estimation was right. Otherwise, how could anyone have been kicked out of his life and still be able to laugh?

"Bad girl, what's good for you if I lose my mind?" Huo Liancheng stretched out his finger and flicked Jian Yun's forehead. He sighed helplessly.

He didn't do anything to Jian Yun. He just supported the wall with one hand. However, there was a wooden flower trellis beside Jian Yun, so from the side, she looked like she was surrounded by Huo Liancheng.

What's more, his action of playing Jian Yun's forehead was too intimate and ambiguous. Jian Yun frowned and decided to ignore it. After all, she was not good enough to kick him again because of this.

After a silence, Jian Yun said seriously, "well, I'll tell you frankly, I don't accept your pursuit!"

"Can you tell me why?" Huo Liancheng heard the speech, and his eyes were dim for a moment.

"I hate playful men! Especially rich and playful men Jian Yun met his eyes and said in a cold voice, "therefore, I advise you not to waste your time on me!"

"You -" Huo Liancheng also wanted to ask.

Then Chloe's voice came from the room, "how are you, Jane? Mom asked me to come to you! "

Jian Yun didn't want to waste time with Huo Liancheng. When he didn't pay attention, she bent over and slipped through his armpit. The rabbit ran away in an instant.

Huo Liancheng looked at Jian Yun's back, and his eyes were full of softness. Finally, he saw her smart side, which was really much more lovely than usual.

Although she said she would not accept his pursuit, Huo Liancheng was very depressed and disappointed, but as long as she was not married, he still had a chance!

This time, he will never give up!

When Jane Yun returned to the kitchen, Mrs. Bernard had prepared all the dishes according to her requirements, waiting for her to cook.

"Jane, why have you been there so long? Ha ha, it's not going out with Huo, is it Mrs. Bernard could not help joking when she saw Jian Yun's red cheeks.

"No, I just stayed in the bathroom a little longer." Jian Yun quickly denied.

"Jane, is the corner of your mouth bleeding?" Chloe, dressed in a princess's skirt, ran around all the time. At this time, she slipped to Jian Yun. Just as she wanted to show her rabbit to Jian Yun, she saw the blood on the corner of her mouth and couldn't help crying.

"Are you hurt? Jane Mrs. Bernard saw the blood, too, and asked with concern.

"No, it's dry and the corners of my mouth are broken." Jian Yun found that she still had a smell of blood in her mouth, so she went to the pool and rinsed her mouth with water.

Of course, this blood is not her, but Huo Liancheng invaded her before. She bit him in a rage. Hum, the lifeblood was kicked first, and then her tongue was bitten. It seems that Huo Liancheng must have a long memory tonight, and Jianyun suddenly felt very relieved.

But she didn't mind impressing him any more. Jian Yun looked at her shadow on the tiles beside the pool, and her mouth slowly drew up a sinister smile.

Less than seven o'clock, Jian Yun has prepared six dishes and one soup, sweet and sour ribs, braised prawns in oil, spicy chicken They are all home-made dishes, but they are full of color, flavor and flavor.

Mrs. Bernard brought it to the table, and Chloe, who was used to French food, began to drool at the smell.

At this time, Huo Liancheng and Mr. Bernard sat down at the table according to the host and guest. Jianyun personally brought up the last dish. She saw that Huo Liancheng was looking at her, so she pursed her mouth and deliberately gave him a smile, and then put the dish in front of him.

"Mr. Huo, I made it specially for you!"

Huo Liancheng took a look at Jian Yun and the dish of fried meat with chili in front of him, and his eyelids suddenly jumped with silence.

When the guests and hosts took their seats, Jianyun naturally sat down with Huo Liancheng. Both Bernards and Chloe ate very happily. They kept praising Jianyun's cooking skills, but Jianyun focused on Huo Liancheng.

She made this dish specially for him, and added ingredients specially. Jianyun's grandmother is from Hunan Province, and her mother is also fond of spicy food. This time, Jianyun brought her mother's own chili sauce from home. When she just made the chili fried meat, she deliberately put a lot of chili sauce. It can be said that this dish has reached the super spicy level.

It's estimated that even Wu Wenjing can't stand the spicy food. What's more, Huo Liancheng's tongue has been bitten. As long as you take a bite, the hot and painful taste must be super sour. Jian Yun thinks that Huo Liancheng will never forget tonight.

With such careful thinking, Jian Yun was not in the mood to eat, and her attention was focused on Huo Liancheng.

However, to her disappointment, Huo Liancheng ate several mouthfuls, but she was as calm as before. Despite Jianyun's obstruction, Mrs. Bernard insisted on tasting the dishes Jianyun had specially made for Huo Liancheng. As a result, she ate one mouthful of hot tears and snivels, and looked for water everywhere. Huo Liancheng ate half a plate of vegetables alone, even without a drop of sweat on her head.Jian Yun's eyes were straight. She suddenly suspected that she had used tomato sauce as chili sauce, so she also took a chopstick. However, as soon as she entered the restaurant, she was so spicy that she turned her back and stretched out her tongue. She tried to fan her mouth. Then, facing Huo Liancheng's playful sight, she took the water from him and drank it up.

Jian Yun can't help admiring Huo Liancheng. If he doesn't have a taste problem, he is a legendary maniac.

In addition to this super spicy dish, the dinner was also very enjoyable.

After dinner, Jian Yun will also go home. It's too late to get a ride here. Jian Jun just said she wanted to go, and Huo Liancheng also got up to say goodbye. The Bernards were very happy to see them together, so they agreed to contact by phone and sent Huo Liancheng and Jianyun out of the door.

"I'll see you off!" Huo Liancheng naturally took Jian Yun's hand and led her all the way to the parking lot.

Jane Yun did not pull it out for several times. The Bernards were there again. She was not easy to move and had to swallow her anger.

It was not until he got on the car that Huo Liancheng released Jian Yun's hand. After saying goodbye to the Bernards, Huo Liancheng started the car. Jian Yun thought Huo Liancheng would say something. After all, she had deliberately punished him for that dish of fried chili meat. She couldn't say anything without retaliation, but he kept silent when the car was far away.

However, just when Jian Yun thought Huo Liancheng would not say anything more tonight, she found that he suddenly pulled over, opened the door, got out of the car, and hurried into a roadside convenience store. After a while, she came out with three bottles of mineral water in her hand.

When he got to the car, he had already poured a bottle of water, and unscrewed another bottle to continue to pour.

Is he so thirsty? Jian Yun was stunned. She got out of the car and looked at Huo Liancheng again filling the third bottle of water. She couldn't help asking, "are you thirsty?"

At the moment, Huo Liancheng has already filled three bottles of water. He seems to be holding on to it. He puts his hand on the door. He looks at Jian Yun, and his eyes are tangled. For a long time, he only says one word: "spicy!" #####

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