When Li Xiangrong was in, the personnel department often worked overtime, so Jianyun was used to it. Anyway, he got paid for overtime work. However, Zhou Shaolong called several times in the past two days to invite Jian Yun to dinner, but Jianyun didn't have time.

At noon on Wednesday, just before lunch time, Jianyun heard someone calling her name at the door, "who is Jianyun?"

"Wow! What a beautiful rose Wu Wenjing, sharp eyed, suddenly found that the visitors were sending flowers, a large number of roses.

After Jian Yun signed for it, she found that there was a word "Zhou" written on the small card. Before she could call Zhou Shaolong, her mobile phone rang.

Zhou Shaolong, of course, called.

"Jane, I'm downstairs at your company." As soon as the phone was connected, Zhou Shaolong immediately said, "let's have lunch together."

Jian Yun could not refuse again. Seeing Wu Wenjing nearby, she asked, "can you bring a friend?"

"Of course Zhou Shaolong agreed.

So after the morning work, Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing did not go to the company canteen, but went down the first floor.

Zhou Shaolong is waiting in the hall on the first floor. Seeing Jian Yun, he immediately meets him.

Jian Yun gave a brief introduction to Zhou Shaolong and Wu Wenjing, and three of them walked out of the company.

"What would you like for the ladies?" Zhou Shaolong is always polite and gentlemanly.

"Go to Sichuan food!" Wu Wenjing has been looking at Zhou Shaolong all the time. When he is not paying attention, she whispers to Jian Yun and says, "she looks good and looks very polite."

"Well, I think so." Jian Yun nodded and agreed.

However, Wu Wenjing's words suddenly changed, "but compared with general manager Huo, that's far from it."

“……” The corner of Jian Yun's mouth twitched.

"Xiao Yun, I really don't understand. The diamond that Mr. Huo gave you is obviously a confession to you that he wants to chase you. He is so handsome and so rich that he matches you. What do you think of him?" Wu Wenjing kept shaking his head and sighing, and gave me the posture of not going up.

"Do you have to discuss him with me here?" Jian Yun glanced at Zhou Shaolong, who was walking beside her. She didn't know if he had heard him. She couldn't help but pinch Wu Wenjing.

"Well, I'll talk to you later in the evening." Wu Wenjing spits out her tongue and looks at Zhou Shaolong.

Zhou Shaolong gave them a gentle smile.

Wu Wenjing is a Sichuan native who likes spicy food. Jian Yun has known her for so many years, but she doesn't eat spicy food. Now she has little fighting power. Zhou Shaolong is from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and tastes sweet. So this Sichuan food is so spicy that he can't live like death. His nose and tears are running down, and he has no image at all.

both Jianyun and Wu Wenjing can't help but secretly Laughing, Zhou Shaolong was generous. Instead of covering up, he joked, "this spicy meal is worth the sum of the spicy food I've eaten in the past 30 years. But I don't understand. How can the skin of two beauties still be so good?"

"Because we are born beautiful!" Wu Wenjing boasted shamelessly.

Jian Yun also followed with a smile, "by the way, thank you for your flowers!"

"If you like it!" Zhou Shaolong's mouth is hot and red, and his face is as red as the red pepper hanging on the wall. He laughs a little funny.

Jian Yun quickly bowed her head. She was afraid that she would laugh.

After a meal, the lunch break is almost over. Zhou Shaolong sends Jianyun and Wu Wenjing to the downstairs of the Ming family. Before leaving, he asks quietly, "are you free tonight, Jianyun?"

Jian Yun shook her head apologetically. "I'm sorry, I've been working overtime every day recently, and I don't have time at night."

"It doesn't matter. Shall we have lunch together tomorrow afternoon?" Zhou Shaolong was understanding and did not force.

"But is that too hard for you?" Jian Yun hesitated. She knew that Zhou Shaolong's office was in another district of Qinghu City, and it took her half an hour to drive by.

"It's OK. I've been running cases outside these days. I've come by the way." Zhou Shaolong smiles.

"Well, be careful on your way." It is not easy for Jian Yun to refuse.

After saying goodbye to Zhou Shaolong, Jianyun and Wu Wenjing joined the company.

"Jianyun, tell me quickly, did Huo ever kiss you?" Wu Wenjing is curious. A few days ago, she heard that Huo Liancheng had given Jianyun a priceless diamond. She had been grinding Jianyun and asked Jianyun to tell her the details.

But how could Jian Yun tell her that she had beaten Huo Liancheng and forced to kiss him?

"No!" Once again, they refused to tell Wu Wenjing all the details, and they also arrived at the office.

Then, again, she found that someone had moved her desk.

"My desk has been passive too!" Wu Wenjing called after him.

"Don't be nervous, you two. I'm a new employee. My name is Li Hui. I wiped the table for everyone while we were out for dinner." Hearing Wu Wenjing's voice, a young woman with ordinary appearance but heavy makeup came over and said with a smile.

"Well, she's the new girl who's a busboy." Xiao Jie is the director of the office, at this time also said: "summer manager recruited.""Oh, Hello!" Jian Yun said hello, but she didn't like this woman intuitively.

Wu Wenjing is also wearing heavy make-up, but Wu Wenjing looks much more pleasing to the eye. Even though the woman tries to be harmless, she can't hide her calculation and shrewdness.

And she was recruited by Xia Bingbing.

Jian Yun doesn't know why Xia Bingbing hasn't moved in recent days, but she knows that Xia Bingbing has long regarded her as a thorn in the eye. She has such a strong desire for Huo Liancheng. If she knows about that lover's heart, she will not give up.

After the lock picking incident that day, Jian Yun did not dare to wear the diamond necklace on her body. Instead, she locked the diamond necklace in the safe at home together with the earrings. Even if she didn't want to, she couldn't make a bargain, Xia Bingbing, not to mention

Jian Yun suddenly did not want to go on.

On the following Thursday and Friday, Jianyun received roses from Zhou Shaolong every day, and then had dinner with him at noon. She gradually got to know Zhou Shaolong. Zhou Shaolong was so satisfied with Jian Yun that she wanted to see her every day.

On Friday night, the personnel department worked overtime until eight o'clock. Wu Wenjing had an appointment. After leaving Jianyun at the gate of the company, Jianyun suddenly didn't want to go home, so she walked along the road.

Ming's building is located in the CBD business circle of Qinghu city. In front of it is a commercial street full of flowers. Jian Yun walked all the way and looked at all kinds of people beside her, but she had a cold feeling.

Jian Yun stops outside a jewelry store, and her figure is reflected in the glass window. She is fascinated by the diamond necklace on the neck of the model in the window. This is also a pink diamond, but it is much smaller than that one given by Huo Liancheng, and its quality is far less than that of the lover. However, the series of zeros behind the price on the label is still shocking.

Jian Yun was in a daze when her mobile phone vibrated in her bag. She lowered her head and took out her mobile phone. As soon as she saw the caller ID, her heart suddenly jumped up.

It's Huo Liancheng

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