With such a thought, Jianyun also looked at Bai Yanran a few more eyes. She immediately found that Bai Yanran's eyes were over her and fell behind her. She even stood up, clenched her hands, and leaned forward, obviously nervous, as if expecting something.

Who is she waiting for?

Bai Ze looked at Bai Yanran's longing eyes in his eyes. He sighed in his heart. He turned to pour a glass of water for Jianyun. He asked casually, "Jianjun, how can you be alone? Where's your little uncle

Thank you After taking the glass of water, Jian Yun did not think much about it. She replied, "my little uncle has something to do. He has gone out."

As soon as Jian Yun's voice dropped, she was keenly aware that Bai Yanran's expectation was gone. Instead, she sat down with her head down and said nothing.

But she didn't.

"Did he come back from his vacation? Will it stay for a month? " Baize asked again, as if afraid of Jianyun misunderstanding, he hastily added, "these days you are too hard alone, now someone to accompany you, will be much easier."

"Well, yes, but I haven't had time to ask him how long he will stay at home this time." Jianyun drank water. She also thought about Ouyang Beicheng coming. She had to ask him if he could stay longer.

"Jian Yun, is it really Lin Lanlan's mother who did the injury to your mother?" Bai Yanran can't hide her loss, but she still asks her questions.

"Boshan is still under investigation. Today, the Public Security Bureau said that the suspect was locked in. Even if Lin Rong didn't do it, she couldn't get rid of it!" Jian Yun and Bai Yanran are not familiar enough to say anything. Moreover, some things are not disclosed by the Public Security Bureau, so she can't say it now.

"Jianyun, I'm in Qinghu, too. If your mother needs help, just say it." Bai Yanran nodded thoughtfully.

Thank you Jian Yun looks up at Bai Yanran. She always feels that Bai Yanran seems to be worried about something. But some things are not what she should ask, and she will not meddle in her affairs.

Jian Yun also asked Bai Ze about the details of Ouyang Fei's morning examination. When she learned that Elson went to the hotel to have a rest after the morning consultation, she was still a little worried. After all, it was a second operation. Her mother was so weak that she didn't know whether she could stand it.

From the doctor's office, Jian Yun went straight to Ouyang Fei's ward.

Ouyang Fei was given two nurses by the hospital. They were both very experienced and very careful. When Jian Yun went in, she saw not the one in the morning, but another woman in her thirties. She was sitting on the chair beside the hospital bed, looking at the drip bottle. When she saw Jian Yun coming in, she stood up and said hello, without surprise. It seemed that she knew Jianyun.

After chatting with her, Jian Yun sat down and quietly held Ouyang Fei's thin hand in a daze.

In the afternoon, Huo Liancheng called at about 5:30.

"Is your little uncle there?" Huo Liancheng asked on the phone.

Jian Yun looked up at Ouyang North City, which was pushing the door to the inside. She was surprised that Huo Liancheng knew everything. At the same time, she said, "yes, he just came back."

"I have a business dinner in the evening. I can't go there. You can eat it yourself." Huo Liancheng was silent and told.

"Well, good." Jian Yun should say, suddenly do not know what to say next, Huo Liancheng did not speak, two people so holding the phone, but kept silent, this atmosphere is really embarrassing.

"You --"

"I --"

in silence, both of them suddenly opened their mouths at the same time, and at the same time, they closed their mouths when they found out that the other side was going to speak.

Silence again.

Finally, Huo Liancheng first broke the silence, "will you come back at night?"

"I want to be here with mom, OK?" Jian Yun bit his lip and asked carefully.

"Well, the reception may end later, so I won't be there at night." Huoliancheng's voice was quiet.

"Good," said Jane Yun with a sigh of relief. She always felt that the relationship between her and Huo Liancheng had undergone subtle changes since she got the certificate yesterday. She couldn't say what the specific changes were. She didn't seem as unfamiliar as before. His help to her also made her less resistant to her.

"Hang up!" Huo Liancheng seems to have nothing to say.

"Wait!" At this time, however, Jian Yun called out.

"Well?" Huoliancheng slightly raised the tone.

"You, drink less wine at night, or you will have stomachache again." Jian Yun didn't know how she suddenly remembered to say this. When she said it, she realized that it was very meaningful. Her face burned up and she quickly added, "don't get me wrong. I don't want to care about you. I just --"

"I know the way!" On the phone, Huo Liancheng interrupts Jian Yun's words with a smile in her voice.

“……” Jian Yun was stunned for a moment. She didn't seem to say anything. What can he know?

Huo Liancheng was gloomy for a whole afternoon, and he finally got better. He said, "is there anything else?"

"No! Bye, bye. " Jian Yun suddenly felt her heart beat faster. As soon as she looked up, she found Ouyang Beicheng sitting on the sofa, staring at her. She said goodbye to Huo Liancheng, and hung up without waiting for him to reply."Little uncle, why do you look at me like this? It's so weird!" Jian Yun was stared at by Ouyang North City for a while, and the palms of her mobile phone were sweating.

Ouyang North City pulled the corner of his mouth, "cloud, do you know what you just looked like?"

"What?" Jian Yun asked foolishly.

"Housekeeper." Ouyang North City said seriously.

After hearing this, Jian Yun couldn't help but jerk out of her mouth, pretending that she didn't hear her. But the three words of housekeeper still made her heart ripple. Did Huo Liancheng laugh just now, because she spoke in the wrong tone?

No, she needs to calm down.

However, as soon as Jian Yun came to the door, before she put her hand on the doorknob, she heard someone knocking on the door. She opened the door without thinking about it. Then she saw Bai Yanran standing in front of her, looking at her nervously.

At first, she thought that Bai Yanran was looking for her, but she still wondered that she and Bai Yanran didn't seem to have any intersection. After graduation for so many years, the number of times they met could be counted by one hand, but Jianyun immediately realized that something was wrong, because when she opened her mouth to ask Bai Yanran what was wrong, she realized that Bai Yanran was not looking at her.

To be exact, Bai Yanran's eyes crossed her and fell behind her somewhere. Jianyun's heart moved and she looked back along Bai Yanran's eyes. Immediately, she saw Ouyang north city's deliberately twisted face.

Jian Yun looked at Bai Yanran, whose eyes were warm as if she was about to catch fire. She also looked at Ouyang Beicheng, whose back was obviously stiff. She blinked and blinked again. Suddenly, a bright light came into her mind. #####

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