This is one of the reasons why Jian Yun is willing to dance here. As long as girls are not willing to dance here, the owners of this club will not force them to do so and will protect them well.

When this visual feast was finally over, Jianyun also stepped back to the backstage. She had a long rest before she could breathe. She was really out of physical strength now. She could not bear to dance for such a short time.

Jian Yun took a break and was ready to take off her make-up. She did not want to be recognized, so she put on a lot of make-up. However, as soon as Jian Yun was about to take off her false eyelashes, she heard the door of the dressing room knocked.

"May I come in, Miss Jane?" It's PU Zhigang's voice.

Jianyun guessed that he wanted to give money, so without hesitation, he went directly to open the door, "boss PU."

"Miss Jane, this is the reward for tonight." Pu Zhigang handed Jian Yun an envelope.

Jian Yun did not count them. She took them and put them directly into the bag. She used to work together for so long. She knew that Pu Zhigang was a man of great atmosphere, not a gangster.

Pu Zhigang squinted and laughed. He looked at Jian Yun, and his eyes were full of amazement and appreciation. "Miss Jane, do you want to think about it again? I'm going to dance here. The reward is absolutely the best!"

Jian Yun hesitated and said with a smile, "I haven't planned for the time being. My mother is ill. I have to take care of her."

She is very short of money and has thought of dancing again. But for some reason, when she stands on the stage again tonight, there is a kind of creepy palpitation feeling throughout the whole process, which makes her feel some resistance to jump on the stage.

However, Jian Yun did not directly refuse Pu Zhigang. She wanted to leave a way for herself.

"If Miss Jane has an idea, she must come to me!" Pu Zhigang didn't force him. When he saw Jian Yun tonight, he found that she was not very good. The whole person was tense. It should be something happened at home.

He has seen too much of this situation. As long as there are difficulties and there is no way out, no matter how cold and beautiful a girl will be, she will have a low and proud head. At that time, she can do whatever she wants.

So, he can wait!

This girl, the first time I saw her, he took a fancy to her, but she was too proud to show her kindness to him, and kept a polite distance. Later, when she did not come, he often thought of her.

"Miss Jane, I have a favor to ask you to help me," Pu Zhigang said, looking at Jian Yun's relaxed body after getting the money. "My old classmate, who loves your dance, wants to know you --"

as soon as Jian Yun heard this, he waved his hand in a hurry, "no, no! Don't dance with me, boss! Look for someone else

After that, she turned and walked towards the dresser. She wanted to take off her make-up and leave here quickly.

"Don't be nervous. He doesn't let you do other things with him. He is also a man of status. He won't force you. He just wants to know you. Don't worry. He won't do anything!" Pu Zhigang followed Jian Yun and came to the dressing table. He took out a thick envelope from his arms and put it on the dressing table. He seduced him and said, "as long as you talk to him, the 50000 yuan is yours."

As soon as Jian Yun listened to the conversation, she had 50000 yuan. When she shook her hand, she almost tore off her eyelashes.

"How about it? Miss Jane, think about it. You can drink a glass of wine at most. If you don't want to drink it, he won't force you to do it. Just give him another dance or something! " Pu Zhigang can't move his sight when he sees money. What else does he not understand.

"Really, just talk about conversation?" Jian Yun bit her lips and was very contradictory. On the one hand, she hated herself very much. She actually reduced herself to making money by selling her looks. On the other hand, she was thinking that if she could get the 50000 yuan, she would have 100000 yuan, so that she could continue to pay her mother's medical expenses.

"Of course! It's not the first day that we cooperate. Don't you know who Puge is? " Pu Zhigang said with a bright smile.

But he also found that, it seems that the girl is very short of money, as long as the money is enough, it is estimated that she can do anything.

What's more, even if she doesn't want to, once she sees a young and rich gold owner like Huo Shao, she may just climb into bed.

Pu Zhigang is very confident in huoliancheng.

"Well, then." Jian Yun seemed to have made a great determination. She looked up and said to Pu Zhigang, "boss Pu, I'll change my clothes."

"No! That's how it looks Pu Zhigang didn't give Jianyun the chance to repent. He grabbed the 50000 yuan and gave it to Jianyun with the bag brought by Jianyun. He pushed her directly out of the door and said, "let's go. Don't let people wait."

The more she went on, the more she felt her heart beat fiercely, and somehow she felt a kind of creepy feeling. Just like the feeling she felt when she was dancing on the stage, she always felt as if someone was staring at her.

Especially when Jian Yun found that Pu Zhigang had brought her to the top floor of the suite door, she was suddenly alert, and suddenly did not want to go in. She suddenly turned around and returned the 50000 yuan envelope to Pu Zhigang, who had been walking side by side with her.

"Boss Pu, I can't do it. I don't want the money. You'd better find someone else." Jian Yun only felt that her heart was about to jump out of her throat. A kind of inexplicable nervous psychology suddenly pouted her heart and made her heart fear."That's not good, Miss Jane. How can you go back on your promise?" Pu Zhigang didn't accept the 50000 yuan. Compared with the huge value brought by Huo Liancheng, it only costs 50000 yuan. This business is not very cost-effective.

"No! No - ah Before Jian Yun finished, he had already been pushed into the door by Pu Zhigang.

Jianyun wants to open the door and go out, but she can't open the door. She claps the door desperately, and she almost cries with fear, "let me go out!"

However, no one paid attention to her outside the door. At this time, she also heard the sound from behind, which was the sound of glass collision. In this quiet space, the light sound was particularly clear.

Shocked, Jian Yun suddenly turned around. Her back was close to the door panel. She watched the man sitting with his back to her in the dark. From her point of view, she could only see his two long legs overlapping.

There is no light in the room. Only a desk lamp is on near the corner. The dark yellow light falls on the man sitting on the sofa. He doesn't speak. He only holds a glass in his hand and knocks the tea table beside him from time to time.

Jian Yun holds the bag tightly. She stares at the profile. Inexplicably, a familiar feeling comes to her mind. She feels that she is going to be breathless.

No way! She has to get out of here!

Jian Yun suddenly began to regret her decision tonight. She really shouldn't come back to such a place!

My mother is right. Although this kind of place makes money quickly, it is a mixture of good and bad people. Most of them are powerful men. Once they are in their hands, it will be more than a simple loss of her life.

But it's too late to think about it now.

"I'm sorry, sir. I can't accompany you. Please find someone else." Jian Yun said nervously.

However, before her voice dropped, she saw that the swivel chair with her back turned slowly. #####

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