"Oh really! But, you can't." Scarlet formed three arrows and shot all of them at the same time. Each arrow was shrouded with the flame. When they reached mid-way, they merged into one and burned even brighter.

"Evil Phantom Sword- One Inch Sword"

Jenny raised her sword. But when it touched the arrow, the time and space paused for a moment. Suddenly, a powerful force overflowed from her sword and broke the arrow into crumbling dust, sweeping the flames at the surroundings.

But, at the same time, Scarlet jumped up in the air and targeted Jenny. Another arrow emerged on her bow, as she channeled her ability energy on it. This time thunder and flames swirled around the arrow as it moved from her bow.

The arrow came down as Jenny's eyes widen.. She raised her sword to block the attack but before the tip of the arrow collided against the sword, thunder and flames strike made a powerful revolution creating a thunder string coiled with flame.


The thunder string coiled with flame collided with the sword and the impact was so immense that Jenny was forced to hold the sword with her other hand. At the same time, Scarlet moved to the side and condensed another same arrow.

Once she shot the arrow, Jenny fell into a situation where she couldn't escape. She bit her tongue and pushes the arrow to the same position from where the next arrow was arriving. But, she couldn't destroy the arrow this easily.

She stomped her feet at the ground and gathered the purple dark energy into her foot. Suddenly, she released all of her physical strength swing the arrow. Surprisingly, when she did, her body didn't move, not her lower body.

The purple dark energy worked as the gum that held to the ground. The first arrow turned around as she swung her sword and moved towards the second arrow.


Both arrows collided, creating an immense explosion upon the collision of thunder and flames.


Jenny didn't slow down when she sensed the power of scarlet from the sky and stomped her foot on the ground. The opposing force led her to the sky as she pulled her sword along and slashed towards Scarlet.

Her sword released purplish dark sword energy that severed the space. Seeing this, Scarlet shot three arrows, each with a different element. One sword was filled with light. Another was filled with fire. And the last one was filled with thunder.

All three had one thing in common. It was light, an exact opposition of dark. Her arrows shot at three exact points of the purple dark arc. In an instant, the intense sparks spread all around. These sparks were creating immense waves of impact that pushed Scarlet towards the ceiling while Jenny to the ground.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, three arrows once again charged at Jenny. Her eyes shrunk as she felt an immense upcoming wave of energies. She couldn't wrap her head around the reason why Scarlet didn't falter by the immense impact.

Splash! Splash! Splash!

Before Jenny could move, three arrows pierced through her arms and legs.


As the blood spilled from her arms and legs, she released an intense amount of purple dark energy to break the arrows. After they pierced her body, those arrows instantly lost their energy and changed back to the normal arrows.

But even so, her body fell hard on the ground. She even coughed out blood as her body condition worsened. Only then, Scarlet landed on the ground and said.

"Jenny, you can't beat me. This is your end. After you die, Mike will be mine and only mine."

At the same time, she spoke in her mind 'Thanks for blocking that impact, master!'

'Don't mention it! You can't waste any more energy. Originally, I wanted to go inside her body to learn more but in her current condition, it will consume more energy for me. That's why you must kill her first.' A soft voice rang on her head.

'Yes, master!' Scarlet nods her head and creates an arrow on her bow. But, this time, this arrow was countless times powerful than other arrows. She gathered more and more ability energy into her arrow. At the same time, the tip of the arrow sparkled with five different colors.


"Five Elements Lotus Arrow!"

When she released her arrow, it formed the five leaves lotus with a different color in each leaf.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Clack! Clack! Clack! Clack! Clack!

"Mike is yours? Who decided that?"

Suddenly, four thorns of the blood rose from Jenny's body. That blood belongs to none other than her. It was filled with intense killing intent and the power of the General Realm surging out from it. Four thorns pierced the arrow as it remained stagnant at one point.

At this moment, Jenny was using Blood Manipulation to control her blood. Her genes were surging with immense energy. She stood up as the wounds on her body got healed on their own.

"I can't defeat you? Who decided that?"

Suddenly, the space-time froze. Jenny held sword turned red, as the light from the surrounding sparkled at its tip. She moved at an insane speed. Her sword broke the arrow and slashed her.


"Evil Phantom Sword- Rapid Kill!"

"Do you know why I wasn't trying to kill you? Because I wanted you to beg Mike after I tell him everything. I don't hold the grudges. But, when I promised to be his first mistress, I said. Anyone who harbors the evil intent for his harem or him, I will be the first to slaughter her."

"But, I didn't want to kill you. Do you know why? Because Mike deserved to know the truth. Yes, I can sense your feelings. For Mike, there is not a speck of evil intent. But for his dream, you are full of gloominess. You just want to break his dream."

"I don't understand what is going on. But, I know one thing. When a man makes a dream, he doesn't back down. And, even if he does, then destiny won't let it. Do you know the funniest thing? No matter how much you try to break his dream, you won't succeed?"

"Do you know why?" At this moment, she raised her hand and clenched her fist, while pointing the thumb finger at herself and shouted "Because I will make him the God of Sex. I will pave the road for him to become the God of Sex. And, that's my goal as his first mistress. No, rather it is a burden that I bear."

"Just like you or anyone else, I don't want to share Mike either. Lauren doesn't want to. Olive doesn't want to. Alena hates it. Ava doesn't want it either. Tori is a child so, she finds it very interesting. But, we don't deny him."

"Love has a reason. You don't love somebody without reason. The reason could vary from person to person. For Lauren, it is Mike's good nature to help others. For Olive, it is his reassurance. For Tori, it is his funny and sloppy behavior."

"For Ava and Alena, it is his dick. And for me, it is his dream. When you try to live for your dream, you are nothing special. Out of the trillion people, everyone lives for their dream. But, when you truly love someone, your reason to live for your dream becomes secondary."

"So for me, living to achieve his dream becomes primary."

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Jenny slowly walks towards Scarlet who fell to the ground on her front. She raised her sword near her neck and continued "I will never lose. Because, if I lose even once, his harem will crumble along with his dream. Because there are many girls like you who are arrogant due to their immense talent."

"And, they will do the same. Because once the woman gets stubborn, she will never back down. That's why I have to kill you now."

Saying so, she raised her sword and slashed down. But suddenly, her sword was frozen in the middle. Slowly, Scarlet stood on her foot and patted the dust out of her body. She looked at Jenny and said, "You are amazing, little girl!"

"I have seen people killing their brother for a treasure. I have seen a girl betraying her love for the sake of power. I have seen dozens of powerhouses standing up against someone who wants to be the strongest. But, do you know what's common in them?"

"None of those people had someone to support on their dream. That man wanted to use the treasure for achieving his dream but got betrayed by his brother. Another man wanted to be the king but got betrayed and killed by his lover because her lover got a chance to become the king of that country."

"And, that man who wants to become strongest wanted to fight the world all alone but couldn't succeed. Because they will never let a single person defeat all of them. That's no different than admitting that they were weak than that person even though all of them had same cultivation."

"The fact that surprised me the most was your mentality. You are willing to do anything to accomplish your dream. But let me ask you something, what if you have to choose between your lover and the person who gave you the True Evil God Bloodline. Who will you choose to be with? Because I don't think that person has any lower position than your lover in your heart."

Hearing Scarlet's words, Jenny merely smiled and said "You want to know my answer? It's simple! I will...…."

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