He wanted to spend more time hunting monsters inside the Ascending to Godhood. But, he shouldn't improve his cultivation right now. He needs to remain a Soldier. More importantly, he has something to do outside.

After returning back to his room, he sat crossed legs and closed his eyes. First, he needs to meditate and completely calm his mind. He took few Enlightenment God Stones that he borrowed from Daniel. After five minutes, his mind finally calmed down as he falls into a state of enlightenment.

He didn't waste time and immediately started merging his Lightning Innate Ability with Brute Force. There were reasons behind it. First, he wanted to complete the God Slaughtering Overlord Fist Essence. Second, he wanted to evolve Lightning Innate Ability.

His Lightning Innate Ability can't evolve like his Brute Force on its own. So, he needed to merge both of them and create a new essence. Once the essence is formed, he can start evolving his Lightning Innate Ability.

Thus, he needs to form Brute Lightning Essence. The moment he started God Slaughtering Overlord Fist Essence, a golden essence leaked out of him and coated his body. This golden essence was releasing an intense killing intent.

But, this time it was instantly suppressed by the Yellow Slaughter Spirit. The system didn't need to intervene. Once he settled the killing intent of God Slaughtering Overlord Fist Essence, he needed to destroy this essence using Lightning Energy.

Once when the essence gets destroyed into several atomic-level segments, he can merge the Lightning atoms with it. The problem would be the instability of the lightning element. Unlike fire, it destroys anything it touches. Not only has it had strong burning power but also insane destructiveness.

That's why he needs to be careful while merging the Lightning element with golden essence. Thankfully, the golden essence was created to contain the destructive elements. Although he can separate the essence into several atomic segments, he can't destroy them completely or even erase them.

They will still remain in his body. So, he can use these atoms and merges them with the lightning element.

Half an hour Later........

After completing the task, the golden essence slowly changes its color. The golden slowly changes into blue. But, it wasn't the end.

Now, he needs to merge this blue essence into Brute Force. This process was a little different than the previous process. Instead of merging both, he needs to devour the blue essence inside the brute force. This way Blue Essence will be the part of Brute Force that he can use whenever he wants.

To devour the blue essence, he must practice God Slaughtering Overlord Fist Essence to perfection which was done by the system. So, he had no worries when he started devouring the Blue Essence.

It took him another half an hour to devour the Blue Essence. Once it was finished, he finally started creating skills that are perfect for his Blue Brute Essence.

Countless fighting styles appeared in his mind as he observed more and more. He found the lightning-fighting style. He found the brute force fighting style. Then, he started merging them. While merging them, he also measured the demerits and merits of his new fighting styles.

And, this time he tried to include Slaughter Spirit and Fighting Spirit. He also pushed The Sky Lightning Fist to A-Rank and achieve Lightning Domain.

He wanted to create something new. Since he had an entire day of enlightenment, he wanted to use it for creating something new that he has never created. He only knows about it through his master.

They are called Domain skills. They are very hard to create as you need to create something beyond perfection. If domains are the special abilities one can achieve after perfecting the A-Rank skill, then Domain Skills are something that can only be achieved by pushing the capabilities of Domain beyond perfection.

Domains are basically powerful abilities for manipulation. With Gravity Domain/Control, he could manipulate gravity. With Berserk Domain, Olive could manipulate the effects of berserk. When she used her domain skill, she was able to manipulate the berserk effect on her body to elongate her nails.

At the same time, the berserk domain was able to make the sense of slaughtering ritual under the moon. But, berserk normally gets represented by red energy. So, the moon was also red. Of course, these were just the theories based on which she created that skill.

Unfortunately, Mike couldn't succeed. Using an entire day of enlightenment, he couldn't create a Domain Skill. In the end, he gave up and creates two major skills based on his newly formed Blue Brute Essence.

Tyrant Lightning Dragon- It was a fist art where he can use the impact of a brute force combined with the lightning release to defeat his enemy. It was a single-style based skill. When he smashes a punch, his fist will release a lightning-formed dragon with the impact that shatters the earth.

Tyrant King of Lightning- Unlike the previous skill, this was a set of different fighting styles. In fact, Tyrant Lightning Dragon could even come under this skill unfortunately, this skill was a little different. This skill heavily depends upon his domains.

Gravity Domain and Lightning Domains are used in each style.

Lightning Python Strike- It was a fighting style where he kicks his opponent with lightning speed powered by Gravity. He uses Blue Brute Essence to rush forward. The Lightning attribute channels through his body while brute force channels through his legs.

Using Gravity, he makes his body weightless upon kicking the ground. It's like using a rocket booster in space to move the rocket. The speed reaches up to Mach 2 and the impact increases when he smashes the opponent with a round kick on his neck.

The lightning released around him keeps his opponent paralyzed for few seconds due to its effect until he kicks. With such speed and additional time gained by lightning, his opponent won't be able to dodge it. It might only have half of the speed of Hyper Speed Spear but it contains ten times more power.

Brute Lightning Punch- It was the same version of Western Hidden Punch. After punching his opponent, the lightning gets released by him and enters his opponent's body. This is much more destructive than Western Hidden Punch because Lightning can paralyze him from inside, destroy his inner organs while the intense heat and lightning can burn his cells.

Currently, he had only succeeded on these two styles for Tyrant King of Lighting Skill.

Finally, he recreated the Howling Tiger Spear Art. Instead of creating several styles, he purely focused on two expect of the lightning. Speed and Destructiveness. Using these two attributes and his Brute Force, he created a new spear art.

Lightning Spear- Simple yet destructive. It needs to be thrown like a javelin. But before throwing it, he needs to infuse Blue Brute Essence into it. The Blue Brute Essence creates the lightning around the spear turning it into the lightning spear.

The brute force increases its hardness. The power of a throw and lightning speed, when both combined, can reach the speed of Mach 4, almost close to the speed of Hyper Speed Spear and the power is five times better.

After an entire day of enlightenment, he stands up and walked towards the main room. He saw Daniel sitting in front of the laptop while doing some of his works.

"Daniel, did that thing arrive?" Mike asked as he walked near him. He looked at the window opened by Daniel which seems to be related to banking transactions.

"Yes, young master!" Nodding his head, he took out two boxes. These boxes were the same as the previous one which was filled with dark energy crystals.

"But young master, why do you need so many dark energy crystals? You know you can't improve your cultivation at this moment, right?" While passing those boxes, Daniel looked at him confused and asked.

"I am not using them for cultivation. I lost my fire element or rather I lost my Fire attributed physique." Mike's mood was a little low while explaining it. After all, he lost so many dark energy crystals on it.

"What? This is going to be a major. Without fire element, you have even lesser chances to win." Daniel freaked out for a moment after hearing his answer. He didn't seem to know about Mike losing his physique.

"But don't worry, I gained something else or rather say I awakened something else." With a mysterious smile on his lips, he lifted his index finger releasing the lightning bolt around it.

"Lightning Element! You----- you lost your fire element and gained lightning element." Daniel almost passed out after hearing him. He didn't know that Mike got this innate ability from the system. Unlike other innate abilities, the innate abilities from the system are categorized in Inherited Innate Ability with Original Innate Ability growth rate.

"Sounds unbelievable, right? My fire element came from the fire attributed physique but this is an original innate ability that I awakened. It seems my physique suppressed lightning element during the awakening."

"After that, it only got stronger with my Brute Force. To suppress that poison, my physique sacrificed itself or maybe I sacrificed it subconsciously. Without the suppression of that physique, Lightning Element awakened as a B-Rank Innate Ability."

"Alright, I don't have much time. I need to improve my Innate Ability." Putting those boxes in the system space, he waves his hand and walked towards his room leaving Daniel in confusion. He could swear to the god that he didn't understand the logic behind Mike's words.

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