"I could tell you about my harem story. But, I don't have the time and energy to do so. Let's make it short. I saved one universe. Due to my charm, the Universal Spirit became my slave or wife I would say. I asked her to take a human girl form. Then, I fucked her for three days and night."

"After few hundred years, a girl was born. She had the body of a human and the power of the Universal Spirit. When I decided to sacrifice my life, I asked her to be the A.I. of the system. She is none other than Claire. She is also one of the harems that I chose for you."

"Although I would like to make my daughter your first wife, I didn't do it. Since first wife or First Mistress bears the heaviest responsibility in your harem, maybe even higher than you. If she is not fit for it, you could never get the first mistress in your life for the second time."

"Wait a freaking minute! What do you mean by heaviest responsibilities? Aren't I the one who needs to protect my harem?" Mike asked with confusion on his face.

"Of course, you need to protect your harem. But you can't stop it from crumbling if you don't have a perfect First Mistress. Originally, you were supposed to have the First Mistress from the Higher Plane. Being the first person to have sex doesn't make her the First Mistress, so when I looked through your memories, I am surprised that she was accepted by Claire and system's functions as the first mistress."

"When I made the restrictions and rules in her mind, I did set the First Mistress to be someone from the Higher Plane. About this, I hope you can solve it yourself. I will just explain the cost of having a harem and geniuses' harem."

"As weak and average you are, you shouldn't be taking the virginity of the Supreme Fairy so soon. But, your destiny sure seems to be changed a lot. But, you need to be careful about the fact that Supreme Fairies and Heavenly Maidens are very scary."

"Titles represent their talent and talent represents their pride. They will never agree to share their man with someone else. That girl named Lauren only accepts Jenny as the first mistress because she doesn't have the talent same as a Heavenly Maiden for now."

"And, she also loves you the most. But another girl is having an attitude because she was born for that. Supreme Fairies are even above Heavenly Maiden. So, they possess immense pride. They will never let another woman steal their man."

"And, even you are the one who takes the initiative, they will only blame the girl. So, in the future, it will be a war. At that moment, you need to learn to accept something. Love is only possible through mutual understanding. If a girl doesn't understand your feeling, then she is only admiring you and your talent. That's not the love."

"Love can be true or selfish. It doesn't matter. But, love can't be built on admiration. Remember, if a girl leaves you, don't feel sad for her. From those memories, I can see the attitude of the First Mistress in that girl. But, attitude without talent is simply nothing."

"As the First Mistress, she needs to be the strongest and someone who can share the burden with you. Yeah, Supreme Fairies and Heavenly Maidens won't be much weaker but their identity will still be below her. If she lost against anyone, the Harem will crumble."

"You are very weak. I am not talking about physical or cultivation strength. You are mentally weak. You need to grow, Mike. The life of a God of Sex is not easy. It's not just about fucking girls every day. If the First Mistress can't become the strongest among other ladies, then only chaos will spur."

"One lady will kill or scheme against another one behind your back, slowly decreasing your harem. Until, the strongest lives. When your lose someone, you mourn for thirteen days, forty-five days, or even a year, but after that, you no longer mourn for them."

"You will slowly forget them. The same goes for the harem. If you lose someone, you will only feel sad for few days. After that, you will forget about her."

After hearing his words, Mike slowly realized how naïve he was till now. He began to realize his weakness even more. But, he couldn't change his emotions in a matter of seconds. Instead, he had the fear burning in his heart.

If what God of Sex told him was right, then Jenny might get into a big problem. But, he can't help her either.

God of Sex looks at him with some tenderness in his eyes and said "Mike, I know this going to be hard but you need to accept. Remember what you told me before I reincarnated you."

Mike clenched his fist and gritted his teeth speaking with his head down "I want the greatest adventure that one couldn't even think of."

God of Sex smiled and suddenly a picture of the universe appeared in front of him. Countless twinkling stars, massive heavenly bodies, and lots of black space. God of Sex pointed his index finger at it and said "This universe is waiting for you to explore."

"What you see might not be real but trust me. People you meet are going to be real. Don't trust your eyes, trust your instinct. Whether it is real or virtual, you can have the adventure you want while fulfilling your mission to be the God of Sex."

"You can't run away. You have chosen this path the moment you agreed with me. Every man in the world will be your enemy. Even if you don't steal their women, you are still going to have thirteen Heavenly Maidens and Four Supreme Fairies. Do you think they will just let you have them?"

"The world is filled with evil and good. But, you don't choose. Just do what you want, but never lose your mind. When you do something, think of the consequences. Live life without burdening your family. You versus the world, prove the talent you possess and find every single mystery around you."

"Treat my daughter well. Don't burden yourself because of my death. I sacrificed myself so that one day you will surpass every God of Sex that has ever been born in this multiverse. By the way, since you haven't acquired true and complete Heavenly Maidens, you might face a little problem by recovering these memories."

As he spoke, he slowly vanished. The white space started crumbling until Mike completely disappears from that space.

In the bed,

Mike slowly opened his eyes and mourns "You gave your life for me. Don't worry, I won't waste my life without completing my dream and the mission."

"Young Master, you woke up!" Daniel moved like the wind as he approached Mike. There was tension and anxiety on his face when he looks at Mike.

"How much time has passed?" Mike was a little worried about the time. After all, he didn't want to miss the first round.

"Young Master, there are still two hours before the first round starts. I will call Master and let you register with Emperor Lewis's daughter." Saying so, he takes out his phone and calls Mad Beast Emperor.

'Claire, are you alight?' Mike asked in a worried tone. After all, Claire was God of Sex's daughter. And, it would be painful to see the death of her father. But instead of Claire's soft voice, her cold system's tone rang in his mind.

"Alert! Alert! Alert!"

"Host overriding System's Authority!"

"Host recovering his sealed memories!"

"System's Inference Failed!"

"Host recovered his memories!"

"Deleting Memories Failed!"

"System's forceful Shut-Down started!"

"A.I. Claire overriding System's function!"

"Using Creator's ID"

"Overriding Successful!"

"System Shut-Down's stopped!"

"Forced Quest Activated!"

"Force Quest- Acquire a True Heavenly Maiden

Quest Description- The host has overridden the system's functioning by recovering memories before upgrading the system. It has been detected that the Host has a relationship with Half Heavenly Maiden. Please proceed with this quest and make her a true Heavenly Maiden.

Time Limit- Two Months

Quest Reward- System Upgrade

Quest Punishment- System Disintegration"

'What the hell is happening here? What do you mean by System's Disintegration? And, why did this force quest get activated?' Mike screamed in his heart with a trace of panic on his face.

"Host, you made a big mistake by recovering your memories before upgrading the system to level two. As your previous destiny, the system was set up to reveal those memories once you upgrade the system to level two. And, if it wasn't changed, then Lauren would already be the Heavenly Maiden and the system would be level two."

"Everything changed but the rules of the system can't be changed. I lied previously because I didn't want to reveal Lower and Higher Plane information. But now, Jenny is the first mistress and you also lost a chance to turn Lauren into a Heavenly Maiden. So, you have to complete this quest now." Claire's soft voice rang on his mind.

'Claire, what would have if the system disappear?' Mike had already guessed the answer but he was still pinning his hope on Claire.

"If you fail, then...…."

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