Chapter 74 Making friends (2)

After arranging a meeting with Casillas and Angelina.

Jaeyoung headed to Baron Mikhail's estate.

-Registration of ????????'s helper (currently in Pagon Mine).

I don't know who it is, but a mysterious existence that appears to be in the Pagon Mine. However, due to the contents of the mission to register him as an assistant, Jaeyoung tilted his head.

‘what....? Why do you want someone with no ties to be your helper...?'

If Angelina or Casillas were somehow related to each other, I could understand it after making concessions a hundred times. Of course, in the case of Angelina, it was true that it led to an absurd probability, but it was still a person I encountered. However, Jae-young's feelings toward Baron Mikhail's estate, not knowing who he was at all, could not be pleased.

“Master, why are you suddenly going back to that evil lord’s estate?”

Tan asks if he is curious about why he is returning to Baron Mikhail's estate. However, Jaeyoung could only give a vague answer to his question.

“I heard there's someone I need to meet, but I don't know exactly who it is... but why...?”

“No... just...”

Tan opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something. And he continued to watch L, who was following along while enjoying the scenery.

At those words, Jaeyoung was able to understand why Tan was struggling. A sacred altar hidden in Pagon Mountain in the past. It was because he did not know with certainty who exactly and for what purpose the altar was, but the ugly evil he had committed with Tan at that time came to his mind vividly, as if it had happened yesterday.

“I barely managed to stop those damn chicken wings from rampaging to destroy our channeling base using that as an excuse. It's been a bit quiet lately, but if you look at it, it's obvious that you're going to fuck again.”

Tan whispers in Jaeyoung's ear. There was a sense of urgency and desperation on his face, and it seemed that there was a lot of talk going on between the two without Jaeyoung noticing.

“Well... I think I'll have to do it while looking at the situation, but it might be difficult.”

All in all, a mysterious existence that is slaying in the Pagon Mine even within Baron Mikhail's estate. I was constantly checking his location, but his real-time location in the mission window didn't change at all.

Pagon Mine.

It is the main iron ore producing area of the Maroon Kingdom, and at the same time serves as a bread line for Baron Mikhail's estate. Seeing that he stayed there, he could roughly infer that he was a production-type user, but since there was almost no connection he had met at Baron Mikhail's estate, except for Baron Mikhail, no matter how much he thought about who it might be, he couldn't come to mind.


As I thought about this and that, I arrived at Baron Mikhail's estate before I knew it. However, the place was completely different from Jaeyoung's memories. The gates are blocked by full-plate guards full of intimidation and intimidation. They stopped Jaeyoung at the door and said.

“He's a stranger I haven't seen around here. Is this your first visit to this estate?”

“Uh... no... ah.”

Guards who don't recognize themselves at all. Considering their friendship with Baron Mikhail, it wouldn't be strange if they saluted Jae-young, but Jae-young realized that he was wearing the mask of a deceiver and nodded.

“Yes, this is the first time.”

The guards who were watching Jae-young, who had been talking nonsense at first, didn't show any reaction, as if they were suspicious. I couldn't see his face because of the helmet that completely covered his face, but he looked like he was thinking for a while, and he pointed to one side with his finger and said,

“Then go over there and hand in the relevant documents to the guide.”


“If you go and listen to the explanation, you will know. next!”

The guard sends Jae-young to the guide without giving a proper explanation. With a puzzled expression at his words, Jaeyoung slowly walked towards the simple booth built in the corner of the castle gate.

“hello! Welcome to Mikhail's estate. Are you a first-time visitor?”

I see him approaching. A female guide greets me with a bright smile. Jaejoong nodded at her question.

“okay! Many people are embarrassed when they visit for the first time, but it is because this is an important iron ore strategic point in the Maroon Kingdom. There are some documents I need to fill out in order to enter this territory. Could you please cooperate for a moment?”

The receptionist gave Jaeyoung a few papers with a smile. On the densely packed paper, only a few places where signatures were required were boldly marked.

“You can enter the territory as long as you sign where it is marked here!”

With those words, the guide handing over a pen. However, Jae-young was frightened by her attitude.

‘What is this trick...?'

The method he taught in Pagon Mountain how to entice the hukou and sign a slave contract. I noticed that he was using that tactic at the entrance of the territory, but he said it without showing it as much as possible.

“I’ll check the papers for a second before I sign.”

However, the receptionist's expression hardened momentarily at Jae-young's words. It was a fleeting moment, but the guide, who soon revealed his true intentions, hurriedly smiled again and said.

“oh? I don't have anything else to say, so could you start with your signature? There are people on the waiting list and we're a bit busy...”

“I don't think there's anyone behind me...?”

An empty booth with no one waiting. However, she kept pressuring Jae-young to distract him, as if trying to stop him from checking the documents.

“Wait a minute there. Before you read that document, would you like to talk to me while looking at me for a moment...?”

“But what is this? Special tax payment agreement to forced labor agreement. Even a memorandum of physical renunciation...? Is this really just a slave contract? Are you pushing things like this these days?”

“If that explains it...”

Jaeyoung, who has a complete sense of the situation. He looked at the guide with a curious expression and said.

“When I was giving advice, I didn’t ask you to cross the line like this, but what the hell happened?”

“yes....? What is that...”

Jaeyoung, who generously gave various advice to improve the profits of Pagon Mine and Baron Mikhail's estate. Seeing the estate of Baron Mikhail, who seemed to have been completely run over in the short span of a few months, he lamented as if it was a pity.

“Somehow these days, Baron Mikhail's estate was chosen as one of the 10 prohibitions that people should never go to, and that wasn't just a rumor, it was the truth. If you do this, you will be isolated and the vicious cycle will repeat...”

The guide put on a puzzled expression when he saw Jaeyoung muttering with a deep sigh. However, when Jaeyoung threw off his mask and revealed his true face, she recognized who he was and widened her eyes.

“oh....? you are....?”

“I would like to talk to Baron Mikhail. Where are you?”

* * *

Upon hearing that Jaeyoung had returned to the manor, Baron Mikhail invited him to the drawing room.

He greeted Jaeyoung with a hearty laugh as if he was glad to see him, unlike before.

“Hahaha. How have you been? Do you know how anxiously I have waited for news of you, since the whole kingdom was in great confusion after you were sent away?”

Baron Mikhail, who sent Jae-young to Count Boroken, hoping to contribute to the fierce love affair of the Maroon royal family. I don't know if he wanted it, but it was after Jae-yeong assassinated the Duke of Bergen, let alone the war, and went through a riot with the madness of the Saint Empire.

“I see... I was fortunately unharmed, but it seems that I got through here without too much trouble.”

The Maroon Kingdom, which was wiped out due to the fierce civil war between the castle camp and the evil camp during the witch hunt, had many towns and cities. However, as if he had escaped from the ravages of the terrible civil war, Baron Mikhail's body was bloated unlike before.

“then! Fortunately, few adventurers visited my estate, so I didn't get caught up in their fight! If you think about it, it's all thanks to you. Kuck.”

After Jae-young disappeared, Baron Mikhail plundered the residents by taxing everything. In addition, the notoriety of Baron Mikhail's estate spread to all users through Arfandia due to the request for rescue from those who were completely bound by slavery contracts.

- If you go to Baron Mikhail's estate, you will be robbed of your soul. Never visit out of curiosity.

- You can't go there and sign any papers. You have to stop playing the moment you sign.

-Baron Mikhail's territory, an occupied land of a forbidden vicious lord that must never be visited in Arcadia.

In the end, Baron Mikhail's territory has become a territory avoided by all users and never entered. Even the remaining territories were struggling to make ends meet without being able to escape under the watchful eyes of the strict guards.

“He seems to be doing interesting things right from the entrance of the manor.”

“Oh you mean that? It's because there are too few adventurers visiting these days. It's a very small amount, but it's perfect for luring inexperienced new adventurers.”

With those words, Baron Mikhail smiled viciously. He said, pouring wine into a goblet he didn't know where it came from.

“The guys who are going to be put into mining these days... what did you say? That... Ah! yes black cow! It's getting harder and harder to recruit those black cows. Shouldn't I do something?”

Baron Mikhail's trickery, which can be said to be the textbook of Please Only Take One Guy. It was truly amazing that there were people who got caught by these things, but in fact, several users complained of damage and posted appeals for help to Arfandia every day.

“...Be careful. If you reject and use adventurers like that, you may end up with an upset stomach later. Didn't this kingdom also fall into the hands of adventurers?”

The Maroon Kingdom, where the owner of the royal family has completely changed due to a witch hunt. I don't know how the Black Flame Dragon of Darkness is running state affairs, but it seemed that he couldn't even reach Baron Mikhail's territory.

“Whether the owner of the royal family changes or not doesn’t really matter. After all, the important thing is how much gold the superiors keep putting into their pockets. look at me Even though the owner of the royal family has changed, has anything changed?”


When Jaeyoung couldn’t answer, Baron Mikhail nodded knowingly and threw a money bag in front of him.

“Since you stopped by the manor, take this. It is your income collected so far.”

well done

[734 Gold, 32 Silver, 21 Bronze acquired.] Baron Mikhail, who previously handed over a little over 10 gold.

He couldn't understand how he could return gold with a cash value of as much as 70 million won to his share in less than three months after how much extortion and exploitation he had committed.

“Wow... the real owner is amazing...”

Tan, who was watching the whole scene. Knowing the past of Baron Mikhail, Tan admired Jaeyoung as if he was truly amazed.

“It's possible to completely corrupt a human being like this... It's a textbook-like model that the devils who run business under me should learn from. Aren't you interested in a special lecture by the owner? I think this is enough for me to personally invite all the kids and give a lecture.”

Tan marvels at Jae-young's ability to degenerate a human to the point of being impossible to regenerate with just three tongues. Jaeyoung couldn't say anything as he watched him scrawl something in bloody letters on the black notebook he had taken out before he knew it.

He just looked at the monster of capitalism he had created with an indescribable expression on his face.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from fre𝒆webnove(l).𝐜𝐨𝗺

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