Chapter 62 Jukchang Daejeon (10)

Before the final round of the Jukchang Daejeon begins.

Jaeyoung spent time with Angelina on Fantastic Island, where he returned to his original form.

“ah! I'm really sorry. I also wanted to go to the third round with you...”

Angelina was eliminated after a fierce battle with the ranker she met in the second round. She licked her lips and looked curiously at Jaeyoung, who was eating the parfait.

“But how on earth did you survive the poison gas?”

Angelina heard from Jaeyoung how to pass the 2nd round. She admired his performance(?) that he survived safely by hiding from the poison gas. Of course, there is a premise that you must be able to withstand the toxicity, but it was a method that could not be easily imagined, so she looked at Jae-young, who was going through this event in an original way, with admiration.

“You survived with your skill feet.”

Jaeyoung answered indifferently as if it was nothing. It would probably not be strange to grab someone by the collar and shake it to tell them to cheat, but Angelina didn't care at all. Rather, he gave Jaeyoung a thumbs up and said.

“Then isn’t winning the 3rd round a certainty? You just have to hide in the poison gas and wait until everyone dies!”

Unlike the previous 1st and 2nd rounds, when 1000 and 100 survivors were filled, only one person could survive in the 3rd round. So, if Jaeyoung's trick of hiding from the poison gas worked this time too, it was clear that the poison gas would engulf the entire island and not stop until everyone except him died.

“I do, but... you probably won’t?”

“huh? why....?”

“Don’t you remember what happened after our first round? There’s no way a game company would just let a trick like that happen.”

“Ah... that's right...”

Jaeyoung and Angelina showed off their fraudulent play in the first playthrough. Considering that measures were taken to prevent such a trick immediately before the start of the second round, there was a high chance that the method would be blocked this time as well. And as if the prediction was correct, the goblin appeared in the sky over Fantastic Island and shouted to everyone in a loud voice.

[Now... Now it's finally time to start the last 3 rounds of the Jukchang Daejeon. Before that, there are additional changes first.]



People who tilt their heads at the word that there are changes. However, upon hearing that, Angelina and Jaeyoung could immediately notice the change.

[The performance of the Poison Mist that spreads from the outskirts of the island is greatly enhanced. As for the level... Um... It's a level that can never be stopped by any resistance skill.]


“What are you talking about?”

“Why are you doing such a patch all of a sudden?”

Users who do not know the English language are buzzing. Anyway, before and now, poison gas spreading from the outskirts of the island was an element that had to be thoroughly avoided, so no one understood the intention of strengthening it. Except for just two.

“It's true.....”

Angelina had a slightly sullen expression when she saw that Jaeyoung's prediction was right, but Jaeyoung said calmly with a casual expression as if she was okay.

“It doesn't matter anyway. I was thinking of doing it properly for the last episode.”

“Trying to do it properly...?”

Angelina tilted her head, as if not understanding the meaning of the words. However, Jaeyoung muttered as he looked at a user waiting for the start of the 3rd match from far away.

“It's been a while since my opponent showed up.”

Swift swordsman Casillas.

Through his interview video, Jaeyoung recognized who it was at once.

In the past, PC and console games dominated the entire market.

Exciting action RPG game Icarus that requires extreme control and physics.

A vast array of weapons, with over 100 available weapons and auxiliary equipment listed.

The combination that can be made in a battle that takes advantage of all of them is literally infinite, and it is truly a devil's game that brings about enormous deviations depending on the user's ability to play.

And there were two people who got the highest score every time in that game and their names were fixed on the ranking board that was updated once a week.

1st Dex.

2nd place Casillas.

These two who occupy the first and second place for ten thousand years. Casillas was able to engrave his name on the first place after Dex disappeared because he was not interested in playing Icarus anymore, but until Dex was active, he never made a record beyond Dex.

“I see... I wonder if it's a little better here?”

Casillas didn't know it, but Dex was watching Casillas with a bit of anticipation. In anticipation of a duel with a rival he hadn't seen in a long time.

[ruler. Just keep an eye on the changes... Now let's set things up before the game starts?]

Angelina disappears in an instant when she flicks her finger. The terrain where most of the users who enjoyed Fantastic Island disappeared somewhere and turned into a thick jungle again. And again, the bamboo spear was heard in Jaeyoung's hand.

[Again, you'd better stay away from the Poison Mist this time. It's dangerous enough to cause death even with a very brief exposure.]

The goblin warns us not to be dazed by the poison gas again. Jaeyoung knew that he was talking to himself, but Jaeyoung nodded as if he didn't care.

[Now... then, the last 3rd Jukchang Daejeon starts right now!]

Pang. Fang Fang!

With those words, a count of 100 floated in the sky and firecrackers exploded wildly.

Chiiyi profit.

And from the outskirts of the island, unlike the second round, a black fog that looked ominous just by looking at it instead of green light began to spread.

“Wow... what is that poison? It almost seems like the level of venom that the demon king of disease needs to concentrate for hundreds of years to come out?”

“I feel an unpleasant aura that makes me want to burn it with a torch.”

The fog was poisonous enough to the extent that Tan and El threw one word at a time. Jaeyoung walked towards the center of the island while watching the solo dance that made her step back just by looking at the visual.

“You won’t get stuck in the poison gas this time, will you?”

When Tan asked, seemingly unexpectedly, Jaeyoung nodded and replied.

“It’s the last one, so we have to fight properly.”

“okay? Shall I prepare a good man specialized in combat?”

Tan gives greedy eyes at Jae-young's words and is secretly devising ways to rip off the probability with his strong body. But this time, Jaeyoung shook his head because there was a person he had already marked.

“No, it’s okay this time. L Can I borrow your strength?”

“Sure. Celestial beings are always ready to lend you their power.”

Whether it's because of the possibility of tearing it off or because he's happy that he asked for help, L shows a bright smile for no reason. Jaeyoung nodded at her words and activated the skill.

“Kangshin. All-Weapon Master Calypso.”


[The celestial being Calypso dwells in the player's body.]

[The power of the being that dwells temporarily can be exerted.]

Powerful power springs up when the Spirit skill is activated. Jaeyoung activated the skill he had checked beforehand as a test.

“King of All Byeongji (萬兵知王).”


An intangible weapon that changes freely according to the player's will. With the intangible weapon made of pure magic in his hand, Jaeyoung began to wield it as a test.

“Hmm... It goes roughly like this...”

Great sword, rapier, long sword, heavy shield, round shield, long bow, cross bow, boomerang, throwing star, mace, throwing grappling hook, dagger, etc... literally dozens of types of weapons in an instant. Surprise came to Tan and L's eyes as they saw it being implemented.

“What is that ridiculous mana management?”

“It's amazing..... Even Calypso, the owner of that power, would not be able to make such a quick transition...”

Wasn't Cheongchuleoram the right word for this? Tan and L were genuinely surprised to see Jaeyoung using his skills freely at a speed that even the owner of power would not dare to touch.

The fact that humans, who live less than a hundred years, have an outstanding level that is comparable to that of ancient dragons, which they have gained through thousands of years of hard work.

“Now...then let’s do this rough demonstration practice... Shall we start soon?”


Tan looked at Jaeyoung, who was warming up, with strange eyes and asked.

“What is it? I have to go get rid of my competitors.”

Jae-young started running toward the center of the island, saying it was natural. And another skill was already activated in his eyes.

[Skill matcher's instinct has been activated.]

[Skill fighter's eye detects a suitable opponent.]

Jae-young, who passively pursued safe play in the 1st and 2nd rounds.

He ran away with a warlike spirit, not paying attention to his previous appearance.

Looking forward to a match against Casillas, a competitor he has been facing for a long time.

* * *

General users selected as 100 survivors, excluding out-of-topic figures who far exceed the norm. Unlike the 1st and 2nd rounds, which were aggressive, they played the game as passively and defensively as possible.

“How did you survive until now, but if you mess around and die, it will be a loss.”

“I'm going to hide as much as possible and conserve my strength, and fight after the competition is reduced as much as possible.”

“From now on, it will be a thorough defensive battle. The one who preoccupies the seat well will be the last winner.”

Poison gas spreading through the center of the island. That's why you and I both settle somewhere in the center of the island and keep our eyes closed. However, they had no choice but to be frightened by the mysterious user who suddenly appeared.



A mysterious user who suddenly pops out from somewhere and launches an attack without asking or questioning.

“What are you! What the hell is it...?”

They were taken aback by the sudden attack, but as if to prove that they were among the top 100, they prepared themselves and launched a counterattack.

Chaeeng. Tucan. Chanang.

“What is that weapon!”

Once upon a time while his swords collided.

The opponent's weapon continued to change.

One rapier thrust.

Another time, a greatsword strike.

And another time, a shield slam.

Change into numerous weapons, activate various skills, and surprise attacks.

So many weapons, so many skills, so many irregular and spontaneous attacks.

As if they were originally one, they were harmoniously connected like flowing water, giving fatal damage in an instant and putting them in a dying state.

“Keuuuugh... such nonsense...”

A user fell into a state of fainting, unable to move his body temporarily due to a moribund state. Looking at him like that, Dex muttered as if it wasn't bad.

“It connects like water flows more than I thought. At this speed, I think I'll be able to put in more combos than I did in Icarus... but I need to experiment more, but it ended too quickly... Jeop.”

Dex muttered as if regretting that he died so soon. The other user who heard his words tried to say something with a ridiculous expression on his face, but Jaeyoung's bamboo spear was faster.


“Clear one person for now.”

When Jaeyoung stabbed him with a bamboo spear, the count decreased to 99. Looking up at the count in the sky, Jaeyoung murmured.

“I still have a lot to experiment with, but I have to move quickly...”

A golden opportunity to conceive and apply multiple combos using many weapons, similar to what I did in Icarus in the past. Jaeyoung started moving quickly to find a scapegoat to experiment with the combos he had in mind. Without knowing that his battles are being broadcast on the Internet through streaming broadcasts in real from freew𝒆bnov𝒆

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