Chapter 501 Side Story, Minsu Universe (1)

Asura disappears and the void collapses.

Since then, people have cheered, thinking that peace has returned to the world of Arcadia, but the reality is completely different from their hopeful dreams.

[Ha ha ha ha ha! All kneel before this Lord of Terror and swear obedience!]

[I will raise my sword for all for the hungry and starving people.]

[There are many abandoned lands that are so desolate and abandoned here and there. Brothers and sisters, let new life sprout in a place where only death hangs over.]

Numerous heroes and villains were born under Jack's arrangement.

Beings with powerful powers that would only come out once in hundreds... no, thousands of years began to move independently after Asura, who had a common goal and was an enemy to fight together, disappeared.

Those who take up arms to follow their desires and ambitions or to achieve their beliefs and dreams that they believe in justice.

As the eminent people who were born with the fate of the founding king began to show their strength simultaneously all over the continent, it did not take long for numerous clashes to occur in all directions and another tragedy to occur. On top of that, the kingdoms and empires that did not perish in the great catastrophe and survived, and even the world tree that dreams of expanding its power

. As a result, Arcadia almost fell into a whirlpool of huge and complex changes and bloody wars again.

Fortunately, the war did not happen.

[A great adventurer, Dex, who has achieved great achievements like a myth. All conflicts quickly subsided as he began to intervene in the turbulent and chaotic situation in Arcadia. When he stepped forward, not only the swarming strongmen, but even the world tree, which was said to support this world with transcendental power, stepped back, so his influence was so great that it was unimaginable.] He annihilated Asura and

suddenly Dex, the legendary adventurer who disappeared and was quietly secluded.

When he appeared in earnest and began to intervene in the complex interests and political battles of Arcadia, all those controversies and disputes ended in an instant, as if never before.

[He has enough power to fully control Arcadia if he wants to. The slimes, the strongest race that completely dominates the southern continent of Arcadia, follow him like their real parents. You don't even have to tell me about the anecdote of the evil black magician ‘Cerberdo' who went against his will until the end and was crushed without a trace by a gigantic slime emperor like a mountain range, right?] No negotiations or discussions worked

. Slimes are considered to be the strongest race in the world of Arcadia and are truly untouchables who live peacefully only in their own territory with cute cries. That wasn't all of Dex's potential, the only one who could give them orders.

[It is not exactly confirmed, but it is known that Dex has a very deep relationship with the heavens and the demons. In particular, even the world tree and elven kingdom are sometimes dissatisfied with the decisions he makes, but he is famous for following them without hesitation, and it is analyzed that the spirit realm and the phantom realm are also on his side. There are many anecdotes that even the spirit king in the past dealt with freely. Putting all of these things together, he is the only being that has a powerful influence in all dimensions beyond Arcadia, which belongs to the Middle Earth.]

Praise for Dex in the auditorium in front of a crowd of young students who can easily exceed thousands of people... No. A young man who does not spare the story of praise. And he looked at the students with curious faces who were listening to him and muttered as he looked at the very peaceful scenery outside the window with a hazy expression as if he was recalling some past memory.

[But despite having such great power, he never showed any greed or ambition. Whenever there is a sign that this Arcadia is about to fall into chaos, he appears suddenly, solves the problem, and then quietly disappears again.] [That's why

we call him a true hero. You should always be grateful to him for being able to live in abundance in such a peaceful era. For awakening our Gael Federation from arrogance, prejudice and ignorance... for leading everyone to open up a new academic horizon of magical engineering.] The Gael

Federation, which was destined to disappear into the dark side of history , He concluded his lecture by thinking of the future and of Dex, a benefactor, mentor, and father figure who changed his destiny to face a miserable and unfair death while being ignored and treated by his peers.

[Welcome to Ouroboros, the best magical academic institution. This is a place where you can freely seek and explore only truth and knowledge without any discrimination or prejudice. I will teach you at any time and at the same time get inspired by your passion and strive to make this world a better place. To protect and nurture this world that our great hero gave to everyone.]

The first dean of Ouroboros and the supreme chairman of the Gael Federation. And... Haimer, the founder of the Canonphilia school and the developer of Gigas.

Despite his young age, he possessed tremendous academic knowledge and capabilities that no one could ignore. As he brightened his eyes and passionately expressed his desire for learning, the huge auditorium was quiet but heated up with the heat of something passionate.

[Dex-nim always said that. This world is full of infinite freedom and infinite possibilities. I hope that you, too, will carve out a destiny that you will not be ashamed of. I and countless senior wizards and magical engineers here will cheer you on such a path.]

Thus, in the hearts of apprentice wizards and magical engineers who pour out thunderous applause toward him, Haimer shows respect for a great adventurer and He left the podium instilling admiration.

He thought of himself... No, the great hero of the Gael Federation, who was wandering all over the continent in quiet seclusion to protect this Arcadia somewhere.

He looked at a butterfly flying across the grass and smiled an incomprehensible smile.

Five years have passed since Asura's disappearance.

Arcadia was enjoying a more peaceful era than ever before.

Under the protection of one absolute being called Dex.

* * *

Despite everyone's curiosity, Jae-young eventually chose to live a secluded and quiet life.

For the first 3 years, I actively showed up and worked to deal with all sorts of problems, but for about 2 years, I was living a very quiet, normal life.

[The carrots have been harvested.]

[Length 3.2m... Breaks the record! You have raised a super-giant carrot.]

[Farming skill proficiency has increased significantly.]

[The title ‘Super-giant crop expert' has been acquired.]




Jae-young is enjoying the daily life of a farmer by raising all sorts of crops. But next to him, Tan, the lord of the Demon Realm, continued to chatter and noisily beg for something.


Jae-young firmly rejects Tan's request. Then he frowned as if he was frustrated and asked again.

“ah! why! master! It's not what we wanted, it's what you asked for?”

“It’s a request, it’s Nabal, and how long have you been keeping your eyes on Arcadia again? Are you still out of your mind? Or do you want to see that crazy sapling go crazy and go into a seizure again?”

“ah! So now you're talking to the owner first! Is this really a measure under a legitimate contract? Even if we move, that sapling should not intervene.”

“Um... where did you sign the contract?”

“These are the adventurers who are active in the western continent. What kind of part-time job... It was said that it was a power with the name of something.”

“Oh Albatross?”

“Does the owner know what it is?”

“Roughly? It's probably one of the top 10 guilds in Europe as well. It seemed like it was quiet without any activity for a while, but now that I see it, it turns out that I have learned a large quest related to the Pandemonium behind the scenes and are in the process of proceeding?”

I don't know how they did it, but the Albatross Guild is working on a scenario related to the Pandemonium. Because of them, Pandemonium got a chance to legally expand its territory to Arcadia, so Tan was desperately clinging to Jae-young, not wanting to miss this situation if possible.

“huh? master? I'll eat just a little bit If you look at the area that those children want, it's at the level of eating only two or three city-states on the periphery. I won't be as greedy as before, so the owner should be kind to that sapling. If that crazy bitch sees me, it's obvious that he'll throw his fist first.”

“Hmm... Okay, then there is one condition.”

“condition? What?”

“Ask for El’s consent and come.”


“You haven’t forgotten the pact between the two of you, have you? As long as the gates between the demon world and the heaven world are open, there will be no major obstacle to traveling to and from Arcadia anyway, and there is no need to fight, so we promised each other not to spit on Arcadia.”


“If El agrees, I won't intervene.”

An agreement that was made under the mediation of Jaeyoung after Asura disappeared. Tan muttered something dumbfounded at Jaeyoung's comment that he would accept it as long as he received permission from L.

“Ask permission from that damn chicken...? master! It can't even die! What am I going to be?”

Jae-young plowed the field and said in dismay at Tan's reaction, saying that there is a demon king's Gao, but he can't do that to his pride.

“If you don’t like it, say it. Take care of yourself and reject requests from guys who say it's an albatross or something. Anyway, the demons can't move if it's your absolute order.”

“Kkeuh..... If that's the case, all the guys below will have seizures again...”

The essence of demons who hate peace more than anyone else and always crave blood and battle.

That's why there were quite a few people who were dissatisfied with Tan's way of ruling, which was forced to become more peaceful and passive than ever before.

“okay? I guess the kids under you fell in love again because they became a little more comfortable? Then, shall we invade the Pandemonium like we did last time?”


Jaeyoung asks with a grim smile.

As if he wasn't joking, he was serious, and he murmured while fiddling with the Muspelheim he had taken out before he knew it.

“Last time, you wiped out about one or three corps commanders or something and one or two corps, right? This time, I don't think I'll even be able to think of invasion or anything like that for a while after I've just cut half of the demon army or whatever... How is it?”

Tan was asking with a playful eye smile, but he knew better than anyone else that it was the truth, not a joke. If Jae-young puts his mind to it, he can go beyond just executing what he just said and completely destroy the entire Demon Realm.

“Lord Master! I'm sorry! It's my fault....!”

“why? Are you trying to help the guys below you because they say it's hard to manage?”

“Oh no! are you okay! I'll take care of it! I! Trust me and leave it to me!”

“okay? Is it okay if I don't help?”

“huh! Well then! The owner is busy farming! I won't bother you for anything, so don't worry too much!”

“okay....? don't do that If you ever need help, don't be afraid to tell me.”

At Tan's words, Jae-young closes the gate and reverse-summons Muspelheim.

Watching him crushing the soil with the plow in his hand again, he let out a sigh of relief, feeling that he had saved the Devil World from near destruction.

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