Chapter 488 The Last War (2)

Humans are imaginative animals.

From the primitive age when self-awakening and the birth of a civilization to the modern age, numerous legends and mythological stories were created and handed down through countless generations, and various and original cultures and arts blossomed.

Imagination is the most powerful driving force and source of power that creates something out of nothing, creates something that did not exist before, and enables mankind to advance and advance through innovation.

However, the value of such imagination has been underestimated for a long time.

No matter how creative and outstanding ideas and imaginations are, it is almost impossible to communicate and share with others something in the illusion that exists only in individual thoughts.

But one day, a device suddenly appeared in the world.

Lucid Dream.

The value of imagination has become incomparably higher than ever before as it is possible to implement and build the imagination that came up in one's head into images and videos... and furthermore, electronic data.

[From now on, I regard you as a first-class traitor who betrayed the Cronus Empire. If you don't want to taste the fear of the imperial fleet, surrender right now.]

[That damned quantum mechanics cat is going back to the past again and doing strange tricks.]

[Keugh! You fucking zombies! How long will they keep coming!]

They brought about an unconventional and new revolution in human culture by directing their own stories with videos and images on a magnificent and gigantic scale that they would not even dare to dare to dare to dare.

[Kyaaaaaaa! fly! I'm flying!]

[Kyaa. After all, Fantastic Universe isn't really a joke.]

[Manager, I'm done with work today, so I'll try to log in first.] [

The results of today's virtual battle mock training will take the highest weight in future promotion screening. So take it seriously more than ever! Got it!] The virtual space built in the individual's imagination transcended the limitations of existing time and space, provided various experiences, and helped to handle various tasks smoothly and efficiently.

It is not meaningless that simply exists in an illusion and disappears into emptiness, but an imagination that has a reality in a virtual world and has a value accordingly. Therefore, the act of imagining has become a labor with great value, and having an excellent imagination has become a kind of talent.

Since not all human beings have excellent and original ideas, and only a very few are capable of implementing their imaginations in detail and concretely

... Those who can implement it began to be called a new title.

I mean the creator.

He is the first creator of mankind and no one dares to touch him.... He is literally more special and superior than anyone else with infinite imagination.


He created a world with his own power, created countless lives that filled the world, and created endless stories through them.

Virtual world Arcadia.

So dreamy and beautiful.... He created a fantasy world like a utopia that could only exist in one's imagination. This place, which was born out of endless imagination and fantasies based on stories told by Jenica Paul, his lover and only friend as a child, was a world full of his sincerity and affection, to the extent that nothing was made roughly.


Unlike him, Minsu is marked by a lack of imagination and indifference.

The creations he created, who did not have any of the basic knowledge and talents that a creator should have, were all lacking and missing... incomplete and twisted beings.

[A one-eyed creature that devastates the surroundings when it screams]

[A monster whose body explodes when it makes eye contact]

[A doll that snaps its neck when it makes a sound]

[A hydra with ten heads and five bodies]

Just a rough set of settings and images in my head Creations made crudely with .

Originally, Minsu, who thought deeply and carefully for a long time, gave the characteristics and stories of each existence, and ignored the basic principle of making things and threw them away after getting tired of making things randomly, there is no way to name these creations. did.

These pitiful, pitiful rogues wandering in the void without a name and without any purpose or mission. But Jack gave a name for them all, even though they were not his own creations, out of a strange pity that surged in his heart.

A being without a name... Unnamed.



The beings of the void wandering around outside the world they created, making grotesque cries. Looking at those bizarre, grotesque creatures, Jack muttered with a worried expression on his face.

[Whoa... to invade Arcadia with those Unnamed on a large scale... just thinking about it makes my head dizzy.]

Non-standard beings created without even thinking about the balance in the game. There were definitely some guys who were weak enough to question why they were made, but most of them had abnormal strength and fraudulent characteristics or settings that went beyond common sense.


among them, there were those who possessed dangerous and powerful powers, especially to the point of driving the whole of Arcadia to ruin.

[Eternal dreamer]

[Eater of planets and stars] [Goddess who

exhales the breath of destruction] [

Eyes looking at the endless abyss]

Changed to the hidden class of the gatekeeper of the past dimension and opened the dimensional door connected to the void Stella, who summoned all kinds of beings at random.

Gestalt, the worst disaster that she called and annihilated the southern continent of Arcadia, was completely out of the worldview and setting of this Arcadia.

Beings of the same level as him... or perhaps even more destructive and dangerous have been sleeping in this endless void.

[If I were to invade Arcadia with those guys, would I be able to stop it...]

Disasters with enormous power comparable to the so-called second half crisis scenario. At Minsu's declaration of war that he would use everything he had prepared to attack to destroy the world of Arcadia, Jack made an expression of absurdity. no i was angry

[No matter how much he is the benefactor who saved me and allowed this Arcadia to exist, isn't this too much to be honest...?]

Although each has 50% influence, strictly speaking, in the virtual world of Arcadia, it is 100 Jack with a % stake. That's why he began to run out of patience with Min-soo's careless attitude that he would openly end the world he had created while pretending to be the final chapter.

Woo woo woo.

So Jack closed his eyes.

Then, she connected directly to Alice, an artificial intelligence that contemplates and observes everything in the world she created, and began contemplating and examining everything in Arcadia that she was looking at.

The heartbreaking sorrow of a child who lost his family and became an orphan.

The fear of a family who is afraid of what will happen again in the future.

From the devastated land to the despair of countless people shivering from hunger and cold.

NPCs screaming and groaning in pain without knowing why in Arcadia, which takes place in endless chaos and disaster. Because they were creations he created himself and beings like children, Jack shed tears without realizing it as he watched the countless NPCs living miserably in this dizzy world.

[Are you okay, manager? A strong brain wave change was detected.]

Alice, who sensed Jack's intense emotional change after opening his eyes after the not-so-short synchronization was disconnected and disconnected, immediately inquired about his condition.

[Ellis.... Since when did my world change like this?]

Arcadia was a peaceful and beautiful world, although it was certainly not perfect.

However, the world Jack was looking at now was very different from before.

[The world is full of pain and sorrow. Too many people have died, countless cities and countries have disappeared, and only endless chaos is encroaching on this world.]

Due to the desires of adventurers, the wrong choices of NPCs, and the mischief of Minsu, his work, which has been destroyed and tainted Looking at it, Jack was clearly regretting it.

[Was it wrong to reveal this world... or my world to the world?]

Jack agonizes over whether it was the right choice as he remembers the past when he decided to open a virtual reality game called Arcadia to everyone.

Alice said to him.

[I don't think it was a wrong choice, Manager.]


[Please look at the data I analyzed.]

And numerous images appear before Jack's eyes.

Tens and hundreds of thousands... No, in the countless videos that filled the endless void that stretched out in front of Jack, Alice pointed out the big and small changes in the world made by the adventurers one by one.

[First of all, the young man saved by this adventurer later grows into a hero who saved the kingdom of Kebal from danger. Also, this adventurer here saved the life of an old man who was sick and should have died, and this young pickpocket child will later grow into an outstanding artist thanks to the gold the adventurer gave him.] This adventurer wanders freely in Arcadia

. She spoke in a confident tone, as it is Alice who creates and decides the stories of this world that change due to each of their actions.

[Adventurers are the ones who bring positive changes to Arcadia. Of course, very few of them bring negative changes, but most of them love this world as much as the manager and are working hard to protect it.]

Although it is a virtual world, they spend a long time laughing, crying, getting angry, and being disappointed, making their own memories and memories. Adventurers on the go. Looking at the world becoming another precious reality for them, Jack was able to draw a conclusion.

[So.... you mean that the damn guy Minsu is the cause of all this situation?]

In the end, the worst bastard here is only Kim Min-soo.

[That's right.]

A fact that even Alice couldn't deny.

As he recalled this extreme fact, which he could name hundreds or thousands more, Jack called out to Alice with a face as if he had made up his mind on something.

[In that case... I'm asking with the authority of Ellis, the creator and chief developer of Arcadia. Right now, Min-soo... no, the situation where Asura descends directly to Arcadia clearly seems to be an act that goes beyond the normal level of probability, right?] [....It is

judged that there will be differences in interpretation depending on the point of view.]

[I know, you too, Min-soo . What can't be done if that child tries to enforce all of this with the authority of the manager. But no matter how you look at it, you know that this situation is not normal right now?]


The existing promise has been given away, and now the situation is going ahead with the scenario on its own. Looking at Minsu's behavior, ignoring all the rules and acting as he pleases, Jack declared to Alice, who was silent.

[Then, from now on, I will exercise my authority as the chief developer and give you orders, Alice.]

[Identification. Top management level developer Jack Fallen.]

[What can I help you with?]

As an artificial intelligence, Alice does not care about any interests and just faithfully fulfills the given mission. Jack said to her.

[From now on, a large-scale update to the entire world of Arcadia will be implemented.]

As the creator and top developer of Arcadia, he will not hide his power.

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