Chapter 472 Fucking (10)

The first doomsday project.

five catastrophes.

This crazy scenario, in which the second half crisis scenarios, each of which is powerful enough to destroy the entire world of Arcadia and has lethal destructive power, is activated at once.


the four disasters that were so easily defeated that the existing evaluations were overshadowed. Now, there was only one disaster left until the complete clearing of the scenario, but none of the employees of Arcadia Co., Ltd., who were watching the whole situation in real time, could not bear to cheer or be relieved at this moment.

“What the hell is that...”

“This crazy...”

Nautilus, the Gael Federation’s decisive battle weapon, is appearing in Jaeyoung’s play video that is being sent out to all of the billions of users. The situation created by the ship, which had an appearance reminiscent of a space battleship, was at a level that was incomprehensible to ordinary people.

[Why do you keep running away? Let's fight?]

[Kuh..... Don't bother me and get out of here! Humans!]

A huge sea serpent galloping at full speed across the vast sea, and a nautilus so small that you can't even see it chasing after it. In the chasing and chasing, Leviathan was running away with all his might, but the situation was not so easy as expected.




Leviathan of tens of kilometers in length.... A gigantic Leviathan that seemed to only appear in mythology. He was a being with so much vitality and defense that he couldn't deal any damage with a moderate attack, but even he couldn't dare withstand the mushroom cloud explosion created by the top-notch mana stones flying from behind.

“Wow... isn’t that power really too strong?” “Because Japan didn’t bubble up for nothing before...”

“Such a relentless attack in the middle of the continent’s core base was smothered with three of them... Ugh...

” A special magic turret of the Gael Federation that has far surpassed. Already from before, the claim that the absurd destructive power should be cut or the item itself should be deleted was prevailing from within the company, but they did not understand that there had been no action so far. However, they were able to realize it only when they saw the situation that was happening right in front of their eyes.

Why did CEO Lee Mi-yeon remain silent and not listen to their advice to think about the balance while vomiting blood?

“The magic turret... Could it be that it was a strategy prepared from the beginning in preparation for such an absurd situation?”

“Does it make sense that the boss foresaw all of this and neglected it until now?”

“In a mad scenario, he responds with a mad attack strategy... It's really crazy.”

It was obviously a fraudulent weapon that completely destroyed the balance, but ironically, seeing how they were effectively responding to this absurd disaster, the employees of Arcadia felt an indescribable strange feeling.

“But... it looks like I’ll be able to clear it, so is this a situation where I should like it...?”

“Well..... I think there will be a flood of protest complaints about how you gave away the setting of a medieval fantasy world with that ship...” “

Ah ...”

The sense of relief from the fact and the anxiety and despair of all kinds of furious malicious complaints that will come like crazy in the future.

* * *

“Wow reading comprehension. How many times have you been hit and you haven’t looked back?”

Seeing Leviathan screaming in pain and shaking his body violently, Jae-young muttered in frustration. Seeing the Leviathan still alive and alive despite having already fed dozens of top-notch mana stones, Jaeyoung realized one thing.

“You bastard... are you recovering your physical strength in real time?”

Leviathan, who had already started crushing him with his huge body and attempted every attack on Nautilus by using all his skills and powers. However, since he failed to penetrate the absolute defense created by the infinite mana provided by the Heart of Eternity, he gave up fighting and repeatedly ran away.

“Perhaps it is very likely. Leviathan's realm is the sea. He has such strong resilience that he can heal all injuries just by being in the water.”

“Master, just looking at that, it looks like he’s just waiting for the mana stones to run out?”


Leviathan made the boring and lengthy war of attrition over and over again.

Contrary to what he expected, the thousands of top-class mana stones stored inside the ship were still full, but the Black Pirates, who had to concentrate their whole mind on commanding and operating the Nautilus, did not.

“Ugh... it's hard...”

“Haa... how long do I have to chase after him...” A

fierce chase that lasted for two full days and nights, going back and forth between the deep sea and the sky without rest. those who were engaged in Unlike his first appearance, seeing that he was exhausted and had a lot of morale, it seemed that he had reached his limit.

“Hmm... it’s getting into trouble.”

There was no time limit or anything like that, but if you look away a little, you may have to play hide-and-seek to find Leviathan hiding somewhere deep. It was clear that it would be as difficult as finding a needle in the middle of the desert in the endless sea where the end could not be reached, so Jaeyoung licked his lips as if regretting it.

“It’s a pity that you can’t attack underwater.”

The main gun of the Nautilus does not work underwater.

Therefore, there was no way to directly attack the Leviathan hiding in the water, so it was forced to wait for it to come out of the water.

- Oh, when the hell will it end?

-Sea snake shack hahaha. I just run away cowardly

- Tell me to fight. why don't you fight? Is that still a disaster?

-Really;; If you hide like that because you think you can't win, how can you wake up?

-no fun. How long are you going to keep using the same method like this?

Viewers expressed their dissatisfaction as the initial explosive reaction faded and only repetitive scenes were produced for a long time. And the number of people watching the broadcast in real time began to decrease rapidly.

- Hyung will come after dinner, so leave it until then.

- Oh, I'm sleepy. I need to sleep. effort.

-no fun. If everyone dies, then I have to come back hahaha

Jaeyoung's videos that made not a single video feel boring.

It always presented only shocking situations to viewers enough to be called unprecedented and innovative itself, but all sorts of negative chatting started pouring out while watching this situation that started to stretch for the first time.

‘This... the restrictions are more annoying than I thought...'

Viewers clamored for it to be finished somehow quickly. However, Jaeyoung herself was bored and frustrated with this situation more than anyone else, but none of the dozens of strategies that came to mind could be used.

[A warrior who takes a break from abnormal status]

A situation where you can't directly hit or damage any other disasters since you intervened in the central continent. So even with a huge amount of probability, there was no way Jaeyoung could do it directly.

‘There are many loopholes in the restriction itself, but...but if you block it so that it can't be broken openly.....' Jae-

young, who tried to cancel the status abnormality with probability as collateral. However, seeing the absurd amount of probability consumed to do so, such an idea had to be abandoned early on.

[1000000000000 Probability is required to cancel the status abnormality.] A

situation where you can never directly kill Leviathan unless you spit out Probability in pairs. That's why Jaeyoung had no choice but to stick with this tedious and exhausting strategy. And, as if aware of this difficult situation, Leviathan's voice full of ridicule suddenly began to be heard inside the ship.

[Hehehehehehe... Give up, humans. This sea is my domain. It is impossible to kill me here.]

Leviathan speaks in a confident tone, as if he would never be able to kill himself. And he declared to them all, pledging revenge as if to wait and see.

[It's said that you can't destroy that strange ship, but it's not the other places where you humans used to live...] [

I'll ask other humans other than you for the unforgivable sin committed against me.]

“What? ?”

“I can’t believe this..... Then the Caribbean...”

“Such a coward...!”

Leviathan reveals his petty mind without hesitation, saying that he will take out his anger on innocent people other than himself. At his words, the crew members of the Black Pirates reacted violently with amazement and anger, but Leviathan laughed excitedly as if they were enjoying it.

[Hehehehehehe..... Yes... I should be frustrated and angry like that. I am the tyrant of the Great Sea and the ruler of all the seas in this world! I'll make it so that humans who are less than worms will thoroughly pay the price for daring to rebel against this transcendent being.]

Ruler of the sea. and the tyrant of the Great Sea.

A disaster that was born with these two settings and the divinity and divine prestige that matched them.


His rank was certainly higher than that of any beings living in Arcadia, but it was not absolute.

‘The ruler of the sea...?'

Then, suddenly, a thought passed through Jaeyoung's mind. Then, he asked with a strange smile if he had come up with a good idea.

“Hey cheeky sea snake.”

[...You are arrogant to the end.]

“You are the arrogant one. Do you think you are the best in the sea?”

[Hmph. Sounds absurd. There is no existence that can beat me in this sea.]

Leviathan is full of pride as the absolute top predator of the sea. However, Jaeyoung raised a lot of probability to his answer and asked back.


Woo woo woo.


and that moment. A raging stream of water began to rise from the middle of the sea.

[This is...? No way!]

“One question here. I know the sea is your nawabari, but... the thing that makes up the sea is water, right?”

“Then what comes first, the water or the sea?”

A beautiful woman with blue hair emerged from the rising sea water. Unlike her small and fragile appearance, the fierce and intense divinity emanating from her was enough to startle Leviathan.

[The water spirit king! How... how could a lowly human like that kill the spirit king...!]

“Oh, didn't you know? Since I have a face-to-face with the World Tree, they connect me directly, right?”

[What the hell is that...?]

Leviathan feels confused in a situation he can't understand at all.

However, Elaim, the water spirit king who first appeared in Arcadia, stared at Nautilus with a calm expression and said, contrary to his reaction.

[You're the adventurer who wants to change the fate of this world.]

It's the first time we've met, but it seems like you already know everything. And she said as if she knew why Jaeyoung had summoned her and what she had to do.

[May the protection of the water always be with you on the way you walk...]

After leaving an unknown message of encouragement to Jaeyoung in a low voice, she radiates enormous spirit power to the fullest and destroys the Leviathan hidden deep inside. Staring at her with those clear blue eyes, she stretched out her hand.


Unlike that small movement, the sea reacts violently.

In the midst of the powerful divinity swirling like mad, Elim opened his mouth to the Leviathan, who was violently convulsing in the depths of the abyss.

[The ruler of the sea and the serpent of the end...]

[This is... This is impossible...!]

Leviathan's shocked voice sounded like he was denying reality. However, Elim declared to this world with a small but clear voice.

[I... reject you.]

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