Chapter 465 Taffy (3)

The Magic Supremacy Dragon.

Intelligence and perfect memory superior to any other life form. With wisdom accumulated over many years and numerous experiences, they were so absolute that no living being dared to compare them.

Out-of-standard monsters who even excellent geniuses spend an entire day solving enormous formulas that need to be solved with simple mental arithmetic. And the magic engineers of the Gael Federation, who are being trained (?) by such people, were continuing a hellish forced march, unable to breathe properly even for a single moment.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... Great being...


As a master of the marionette school, originally he should have been sitting solemnly in his studio and giving all sorts of advice to his students, but now, as if he were a newcomer to the school, he looked closely at his work. I was having a hard time watching it.

“Haa..... Hey.”

However, despite Pinocchio's devoted efforts, a red-eyed man glaring at him with a stern expression on his face as if he didn't like something... No, the surviving old dragon-class red dragon, Kaizel. He said coldly, running his fingers across several places on the parchment.

“How stupid are you to make formulas sloppy like this? According to the circuit you created, collisions occur between here and here and between here and here during the process of conducting magic. Didn't you know that if this happens, mana efficiency will decrease drastically, and in the worst case, it could explode as a backflow of mana? Were you making a flying bomb, not a flying ship?”

A magic circuit that was completed over two nights by all the members of the marionette school attached to a piece of parchment that was so huge that it almost filled an entire room.

Complex magic circuits and formulas were densely drawn on that colossal piece of paper without leaving a single gap, so it was so vast that it took at least a week to read and interpret each one. However, just by looking at it for a moment, he went beyond fully understanding the magic circuit and caught errors in formulas that no one else could catch.

Besides, that wasn't the end.

“Looking at it, [durability enhancement] [self-healing] and... [Magic disintegration] seems to have been tried to be applied to the fuselage... Is it really necessary to stack multiple magics in such a complicated way? You can just sort it out with one [biometal].”

Kaisel completely blows away the complex circuit with just one gesture and inscribes a completely new magic formula that no one has ever seen before. And it was a magic circuit in which everything Marionette tried to implement was integrated into one.

“How can this be so.....”

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh such a perfect formula...” “ Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhtttttressical

to be a beautiful woman .”

Magical Engineers who take their breath away as if they are watching. Even in this situation where dozens of people gathered together and thought about it for two days and nights and made it into something worse than garbage in a single moment, they did not feel discouraged or embarrassed.

Rather... I was sinking into a colossal excitement.

“Haa... I guess it wasn't a joke to say that dragons are the masters of magic.”

“To be able to witness this advanced magic with my own two eyes.”

“Ahhh! What a great being!”

These magic engineers are always agonizing over what the true truth is and silently walk their own path to find the truth.

That is why, to these gongdols burning with a passion for learning, the existence of a dragon was nothing short of a perfect teacher and absolute leader that they had only dreamed of.

“You are great and perfect! Please teach us lowly humans!”

“you're right! We are ignorant, inferior idiots. Please grant us the grace of lofty knowledge!”

“Roll me like a dog. I will do whatever you ask me to do! If you ask me to become a test subject, I will be happy to become a test subject, laughing and ready to die!”

I thought I would die, but strangely, the magical engineers who suddenly showed me a magic turned their eyes on me. And at their reaction, Kaizel put on a puzzled expression.

‘This... are these...?'

A completely unexpected reaction.

However, rather than being afraid of himself, he did not hate the appearance of those who somehow craved attention and love and did not know what to do.

However... Kaisel said as if he was annoyed and bothered with a face that said he was genuinely annoyed.

“Come on, you stupid, pathetic people. It's good if you guys want it. In my name, Red Dragon Kaisel, I will personally show all of you monkey-like creatures what true hell is.”

“I hope!”

“Please do anything! What a great being!”

“I will devote my body and mind to my loyalty! What a great being!”

A situation where all kinds of excessive loyalty and mouth-watering voices are rampant here and there. However, Kaisel acted like a grumpy old man full of grumpy, although deep inside he was happy.

“Ah, for now, stop saying that strange thing about that great being or what it is. It's annoying to hear.”


An honorific term often used to address dragons.

When they were told not to use that term from now on, which was nothing short of an absolute unwritten rule, they all froze for a moment. And then Pinocchio asked him with a puzzled expression.

“Then... how should I call you from now on...”



Pinocchio and the magic engineers stand still with a look on their faces as if they had heard the wrong moment. To those who felt as if they had been hit in the back of the head with a hammer, Kaisel quietly threw a word, then turned around and walked away.

“Am I teaching you guys? Then, of course, you should call me Master.”

Kaisel muttered curtly as if it was nothing, then turned around. However, for those who accept it, this moment was a tremendous thing that could not have been imagined even in their dreams.

[Your fellow is no longer my disciple as of today. He only had high mana affinity, but he's too stupid to learn magic. Get out of my sight right now!]

[Unfortunately, you're naturally incapable of accumulating mana. Being a wizard is not your path, so just give up.]

[What kind of magic is this for a lowly serf with no money? It's academy and it's nabal and it's work!]

Those who couldn't walk the path of a wizard because they didn't have talent, or those who were abandoned by their teachers because they lacked talent. Those who couldn't blossom their talents under poor parents. Each of them had different circumstances and backgrounds, but most of the magic engineers did not have a teacher worth mentioning.

That's why... They looked so thrilled and called their new teacher with one voice as if they had promised.

“Master! I have a question!”

* * *

“You get along better with dragons than I thought, right? I thought you'd be very scared, but you're pretty good at it, right?”

Jae-young watched the situation as several high dragon-class dragons were attached to each other, giving various advice and guidance to the development process of various schools. And he was able to discover an unexpected fact in the process.

It's just that their combination is bizarre, but it's not quite as bad as you'd think.

“Hehehe. You stupid idiots! I'll tell you just once, so open your ears and listen straight! Got it?”

“ancient! Master!”

“A guy who's not even a bug like this. Are you making this kind of mistake in such a basic formula? Don't go anywhere and say you learned from me.”


“Look at this. What do you think is different between the formula you made and the formula I made?”

“Eh... that's...”

Those who crave magic engineers, putting a lot of insulting and humiliating rhetoric about them being worse than bugs or stupid. However, while doing so, he was giving them instructions while clearly explaining the lacking and insufficient parts to them.

“Master Su! Are you here!”


Magical engineers who know this better than anyone else, so they are polite and respectful to their reckless actions. In a way, it felt as if I was starkly waiting for the moment when I would receive personal guidance from the dragon after being harassed by the dragon.

“It's a combination of a tsundere-like official and perverts who feel joy while being harassed...”

Jae-young, who summarized the relationship between the two, a dragon and a magic engineer. And then he grinned and muttered, as if it were absurd.

“There are really no people in this game who can be called normal.”

It's as if a few screws are missing from their heads except for themselves. But even so, as the object Jae-young wanted took shape little by little and began to reveal itself, a strange smile appeared on his face.

“But... one skill is certain...”

Remnants of ultra-futuristic scientific artifacts extracted from the remains of Gestalt. And based on it, the magical battleship Nautilus is created by reinterpreting it.

Jae-young, who even mobilized a dragon to make it as a decisive weapon and a trump card to catch Leviathan, was in serious trouble while reorganizing his future plans.

But at that moment, I heard the sound of Goldrian and Haimer talking noisily about something.

“What kind of blueprint is this?”

“yes? No, I'm just making it personally..... I'm still thinking about it.....”

“Now, just show me a second. I just want to take a closer look.....”

“No, this is my personal research that has nothing to do with it at all... that’s...”

The research notebook that Haimer has.

Goldrian, who accidentally opened it, found something and kept urging him with a shocked face, but Haimer seemed reluctant to show it.

“For what?”

“Ah... Mr. Dex.”

Haimer sends a signal to Jaeyoung to help with a lot of perplexed eyes. However, Jaeyoung held out his hand to him without thinking.

“Give me this. What on earth is that guy reacting to like that?”

“No... this is really nothing special...”

After hesitating, Haimer eventually handed over his notebook. And then he muttered in a low voice as if he was embarrassed.

“It’s just my personal delusion. Sometimes, when I have free time, I do scribbles, but there are so many scattered problems that it’s just absolutely impossible to implement.”

Haimer spoke as if he were making an excuse. At his words, Jaeyoung gave her a quick glance and opened the research notebook.

“You say it’s nothing, but why are you overdoing both of them so much...”

And Jaeyoung, who opened it, immediately stopped talking and froze.

“This is...”

An appearance no one could have imagined. However, Haimer's research work looked very familiar.

It was an artifact in the form of a giant robot, with numerous sketches and all kinds of detailed internal structures drawn on it.

“At that time, that Gestalt changed at the end..... I was trying this and that because I wanted to see how I could implement it after collecting and analyzing the remains. It's all just a little bit of drawing that hasn't been theoretically completed yet.”

An idea that could not even be imagined if it existed in Arcadia, a medieval fantasy world.

However, Jae-young, who has faced the odds and products of numerous scientific civilizations in reality, was able to realize the identity of what he was trying to create at once.

“The thing in the fantasy world is X... hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe... puhhahahahaha.”

Jaeyoung bursts into laughter at the thoughts that suddenly pass by. After laughing for a long time, he looked at Haimer with a look full of affection and said with sincerity.

“Heymer... I knew it before, but you are a real genius.”


Haimer makes a dumbfounded expression at the sudden compliment. However, Jaeyoung burst into laughter as if he was happy just thinking about it, and muttered with his eyes shining as if he was plotting something evil.

“You said it was infinite freedom and infinite possibilities...?”

The motto that he always talked about while stirring the world as he pleased.

While all the users muttered the phrase that caused PTSD, Jaeyoung said to the sky.

“Like that, try it once.”

From now on, it's time for a reversal of the charter.

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