Chapter 460 User Development (4)

Suicide meta.

The way that Bukdu's Jjang-dol started with the ridiculous eccentricity first shown in a video.

It was a simple yet incredibly ignorant... hunting method at a level where kong dominated the head.

[Fight until death.]

[Even if you kill just one guy, it's good.]

[Even if you can't kill, fight as hard as you can until you die.]

He jumped into the middle of enemy lines and fought over and over again without stopping until the moment he died. In the end, after seeing his feat of raising the level to 100 in just one hour and creating a new legend, numerous users jumped into Arcadia and ran to the western continent, but among them, almost no one followed the leader of the North Star.

-Why do you have to be so ignorant? You can't just party and fight.

-that's right. Wouldn't it be better to eat one by one safely than to eat within 24 hours?

- It's true that it's really great, but it seems like it's true that the method is stupid.

Rather than hunting alone, with an existing party... Or those who formed a formation with guild members to subdue the Chimeras. And soon, they smiled with joy at the tremendous experience points given by the chimeras, but soon they noticed one strange thing and hardened their complexions.

“what....? The level goes up like crazy... but the skill proficiency doesn't go up?”

“really. If you do this, the level is just high, but in the end, it’s no different from chaff.”

“Oh what is it? Isn't this rather bad? Skill training becomes more difficult later on.”

Arcadia's skill proficiency system, in which various penalties are added to skill training as the level increases. That's why it was worse than not doing it, just abnormally increasing the level without raising the skill rank.

That's why Arcadia, where the so-called ‘Dup' culture doesn't even exist, where experience points are shared by simply ignorant hunting. There was no one who didn't know this basic common sense, so they were just wondering why their skill proficiency didn't go up.

-Jjangdol of the North Star rises very fast, right? Why did it rise like that?

-Is the skill proficiency value not calibrated? What is a bug?

- What the hell is different? It's like catching a chimera.

People who constantly tilt their heads while looking at a phenomenon they cannot understand. However, there was someone else who gave the answer to that question.

[Why are you afraid of death first?]

The Freizen Empire, which was located at the center of the Western Continent in the past.

It was an empire that boasted the strongest national power and had an enormous population, so it was the first to face the disaster of the chimeras and was destroyed. Casillas was asking everyone with the broadcast turned on at the place where the main habitat of the Chimeras and the residence of their ruler, the Queen, was located.

[In a world where you don't have to fear death, why are you afraid of dying more than anyone else and trying to run away like a coward?] A fantasy

world in which death is not the end.

That's why I had to take on impossible challenges more than ever without fear of failure, but most of them couldn't. And he was talking like a scolding, as if he couldn't understand them.

[Humans only grow when they face a huge wall they cannot handle.]

One to hundreds of thousands.

Alone, he went to the center of the chimera colony and looked at the immeasurable army of chimeras flying towards him from all sides, and he raised his sword with an unwavering expression.

[Frustrated, defeated, despaired, sad, angry... It's painful enough to die.] [If you

don't give up and stand up to the end and knock on the wall and try to overcome your limits...]

It's beautiful.

Even in the endless waves of monsters with no way to escape, he stands confidently, shining his nobility without being shaken.

Around him, sometimes softly, sometimes ruthlessly, sometimes elegantly, sometimes harshly.

Thousands of intangible weapons that fly like crazy and do not allow any invasion.

In the scene of the terrible monsters that seemed to eat him in an instant fall, his figure reflected in the huge moonlight was breathtakingly dreamy, beautiful, and radiant.

An ascetic who endlessly challenges and challenges again for the sake of his limits.

Proving his words proudly and performing a new astounding feat in front of everyone, he was clearly exhausted, but his still-living eyes shone among the fragments of the chimeras falling to the ground in pitch black, telling everyone about their lives. was telling me the problem.

[Fight to the death. Don't expect help from others, just risk everything to overcome your own limitations and do your best to break down the wall.] He was preaching to

everyone for the first time.

[It's okay if you can't jump over it. It's okay if you can't break it. If you just don't give up in front of him and burn everything you have until the moment your flesh bursts, blood flows, muscles are crushed and bones are exposed...] [Only then will you be able to gain enlightenment and grow.


In this way, a hidden setting of Arcadia, which had never been revealed to the public by Casillas and the chief idol of the North Star, was revealed.

[Sudden increase in sync rate detected. Fever mode activated.]

[Added skill proficiency correction. Combat compensation adjustment.....]

Going beyond one's limits... Fever Mode, which is activated very occasionally or in extreme battles with everything staked.

That is the reality of the phenomenal growth shown by the top idols of the North Star, and the simple, ignorant suicide meta is the most efficient and ideal way to awaken.

So, one by one, the adventurers risked their all to fight against this disaster.

Confronting one's own limitations...

and confronting a huge catastrophe that is consuming this beautiful world of fantasy.

* * *

“Oh. Is it going as the real owner said?”

“I told you. It's not that these guys aren't capable. It was just that things didn't work out the way he wanted, so he threw it out saying he was going to open a mid-season. At times like these, you need to grow up and soothe yourself. By giving hope that if you work hard, maybe you can win.”

100x increase in experience.

An unprecedented event that will never happen again.

Jaeyoung knows better than anyone else that there is absolutely no user who would just watch and leave this golden opportunity to completely overturn the existing game in a single moment, so Jaeyoung took the enormous loss of probability of 3.2 billion and said this nonsense. have done what

“Ohhh..... It gives me hope and makes me not give up somehow..... I think this is a little similar to what the owner said about taming humans before? Am I right?”

As if impressed by something, Tan took out the black scroll and scribbled something bloody. In response to his sincere question, Jaeyoung asked back with an absurd look on his face.


Jaeyoung's eyes seemed to be questioning, as if he was asking when the hell did he make the monstrous remark of training. Isn't this the burn in his strangely stinging eyes? With a smile on his face, he rummaged through the scrolls.

“is not it? Oh, then, is that the dog and pig you mentioned the other day that you feed and raise?”

“...When did I say that to you...”

“Isn't this also? Or like the last time we made humans slaves in coal mines...”

“I can't. Hey, give me that damn scroll. I just have to burn it all down right now.”

“What are you doing! no way! This is a very exemplary textbook that will become blood and flesh for future generations of demons!”

“Is this really... Who is making me into such a vicious bastard?”

“The owner, to be honest, the owner is vicious.”


“Ah no, I've said it before, but I've never seen a vicious, filthy, and despicable person like my master, even during that long, long life of evil... Evil! I can't even die! I can't give it up!”

“Don’t talk, give it up. Just burn it without a trace. I won't see you any more.”

“no! no! evil! evil!”

Satan, the demon king of chaos, the ruler of the demon realm.

Jae-young grabs him by the nape of his neck with both hands and shakes him roughly.

El, who had been silently watching this bizarre scene the two were creating, felt a deep sense of irony as he looked at the gigantic causal storm that was reflected in his eyes.

‘It's changing again...'

I couldn't read the direction and ending, but something huge was changing again.


One day, a being from another world suddenly appears in Arcadia and wanders freely everywhere.

In fact, the eyes of the people in Arcadia, who were looking at those who wandered the world freely without being tied to any particular country or group, were actually not very kind.

“Haa... on earth, do you think that only adventurers will cause big problems in the village?”

“Why did God bring them into our world?”

“Ugh. You can't kill them, really...”

Those who disregard general village rules and laws, cause big and small accidents, and cause great damage to villages and cities. Not all of them were like that, but the number of people who harbored animosity toward these adventurers was increasing little by little because of a very small number of users who did absurd things and caused all sorts of ridiculous harm.


those who were blessed by the Creator and were born with the power of immortality.

Even if they die, they do not die and are resurrected and come back to Arcadia, so they eventually had no choice but to make a decision for coexistence and coexistence.

[Continental law]

Thus began an uncomfortable cohabitation with the natives who lived in Arcadia and the adventurers who suddenly appeared and disappeared without a sound.


unlike those who originally had this world as their everything, adventurers who have their own world.

That's why they left their homeland, which was becoming more and more devastated in unbearable disasters, feeling bored with their hometown and this world.

“Hey. this fucking world. I won't be coming for a while.”

“Is it a disaster again? also? Ehh..... I should live in the present life.”

L watched the adventurers disappear one by one. She couldn't understand everything they were saying, but she could understand one thing.

For the adventurers, this world where many lives, including themselves, lived, was just a game and simple entertainment.

Those who risk their lives to protect their home and the lives of those who are precious to them hold up weapons and resist until the end. It was heartbreaking for her to see the end of countless people dying in endless despair and sorrow, and that's why she felt pure anger and hatred towards the adventurers who abandoned everything and ran away.


she didn't even dare to express that thought out of her mouth. He had seen firsthand

how one of those adventurers he hated...

changed the fate of Arcadia.

Because I know how much he is doing his best to change the narrative that has gone mad in this madness.

El just watched quietly.


the world he is most uptodate nov𝑒ls are publish𝒆d on freew(e)bnove(l).𝓬𝓸𝓶

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