Chapter 453 The One Who Asks to Block and the One Who Blocks (4)

Numerous weapons that exist in Archidaa.

Starting with basic weapons such as swords, bows, axes, spears, hammers and shields, they have been derived into hundreds and thousands of different forms, but the essence is simple.

The rank that dwells in the object.

From common equipment made by a fledgling blacksmith in a factory-like workshop by simply smelting common iron ore to equipment made with rare metals and materials or by skilled artisans.

From the so-called normal grade to rare.... Occasionally, it was judged as a unique grade on very rare occasions, but these items clearly had their power limitations. No matter how good quality materials and skilled artisans make it, it does not break the dignity of the equipment.


very occasionally, the user who uses the product exceeds the limits given to the device.

The blood-stained sword of a berserker who single-handedly slaughtered tens of thousands of enemies.

A wand used by an archmage who had trained all his life and surpassed human limits.

The shield of a certain guardian who endured to defend his country until the end even though he knew he was going to die.

The cloak of a certain thief who successfully stole treasure in an impregnable fortress by breaking through the strict security.

Weapons that are completely reborn, breaking the existing status, in such heroic and great narratives that it is hard to believe that any one individual has achieved them.

People used to call them.

Epic, Legendary, and Mythic.

And the weapons in what could be called the treasure house of the demon world and the celestial world were at least Epic grade.

Woo woo woo woo.

have you ever imagined

A weapon used by the greatest heroes and the worst villains who dominated a continent.

The situation in which hundreds and thousands of sacred spirits, which contain the power of transcendent beings that can only be heard in legends and myths, are flying at the same time.

And the figure of each of those arms radiating the power that it contains to the maximum.


Powerful divine power emitted intense brilliance to punish the enemy, and the terrible demonic energy exploded and began to devour Declen's body with fierce black flames. And he wasn't just watching the situation.

[Keuuuuu..... How dare you...!]

Weapons that fly freely in the air like a swarm of bees and attempt to attack from all directions. Even though he was the number, because of the gods hidden among the group, Declen couldn't even dare to attack Jae-young, who was looking at him from afar, full of composure.



ar who when they are surprised .ch from her back.

Declen howled in agony as the torch bearing the mighty divinity pierced his hard scales and burned his flesh and muscle.

“Oh, of course, you have to be at least a mythical level to properly attack.”

Jaeyoung muttered while watching Declen fighting fiercely with thousands of weapons. And Goldrian, who was watching the scene, froze with a shocked expression on his face.

‘What the hell... is that human...?'

A mysterious adventurer who appeared at the moment of desperation when he was about to die. Goldrian was already familiar with the adventurers, the beings of the other world, freely wandering the world of Arcadia, but the being in front of him was completely different in common sense from the ordinary adventurers he had observed from afar.

‘To handle the magical powers of the heavens and the demon realm...and that way, with just willpower, freely. It would be impossible to even draw out that power even if you train it over a lifetime, but what the hell is that...' A

vessel containing the power of a god, a vessel that can be handled, was not something that anyone could handle.

In order to freely control that power without being encroached upon by that powerful divinity, you had to be a being with a personality that matched it. For that reason, only the pope, a few selected heroes, and a few rare villains were the only humans capable of handling divine powers during that eternity of time.

‘Impossible..... that is impossible for me... no, for any existence.'

However, there is not even one such god, but a human who brings out all the gods that exist in the heavens and the demon realm and uses their power 100%.

It was so absurd that even the demon king and the archangel opened their mouths after seeing it, but the reaction of the two watching it was so calm.

“master! Deathbringer's curse is worse than I thought. Try attacking with that too.”


“uh. If you put it right in the heart, even a giant lizard can't move.”

“Wait a minute... Let's try something.”

As if this was no surprise, the demon king showed a very natural reaction and did not hesitate to use the word master to mere humans.

Goldrian, who was staring at him blankly, was able to instinctively understand through his lofty intellect. The fact that the person in front of him was an immensely strong man who would not dare to claim victory even if he and all his clan members charged together.


Declen, who withstood the attacks that had been pouring down without a break while exhausting billions of probabilities. However, it seems that even that eventually reached its limit, and he was unable to control his huge body, making a loud roar and crashed into Monster Land, which had already been ruined a long time ago.

“Whew... is it finally over?”

Jaeyoung let out a small sigh and muttered as if he was really annoyed.

And then he summoned a huge greatsword and climbed on top of it as if he was riding a board, quickly approaching the fallen Declen.

Chiyiyi profit.

Declen's body is slowly eroding as it turns gray. However, because of its size, it took quite a while for him to die completely, so Jaeyoung looked at the huge body with a relaxed face.

“Hmm... It's definitely bigger than the Kervenian I caught before.”

“Isn’t it obvious? This guy is a dragon that was born with us from the moment of creation. It's a complete progenitor level that can't even be compared to lizards these days.”

“Dragon is a being that gets stronger with age. I have no choice but to do that because I have lived for an eternity beyond the limits of my lifespan.”

Tan and El said one word to Jaeyoung, who was muttering to himself while thinking of the red dragon Kervenian, whom he had barely stabbed to death with a bamboo spear when the odds were low.

“Actually, from what I've seen, this guy seems to be in a weaker state than before.”

“It is. I've seen them riot before, maybe more then?”

“Isn’t it weakened because of the seal?”

“It could be so... Actually, I've lived far beyond the given lifespan.”

The head of the Heavens and the Demon Worlds, who speaks uncharacteristically for saying that he has become weak in front of himself dying. I don't know why these two were so attached to a human or something, but Declen averted her eyes as if it didn't matter anymore.

Then he looked at Jaeyoung, who knocked him down, and said.

[You... that's too much power for a human being to hold.]

Declen has never been interested in anything other than his own people. Humans who were not born with any special powers were not even aware of it.

Just like the ants we sometimes encounter while passing by the roadside.

But now, with the dragon's unique curiosity, he asked the man who had defeated him with a deeper interest than ever before.

[What is the source of your power?]

Holy power and magic.

Jae-Young, who freely uses the power that is mutually incompatible and can never be harmonized. In this worldview, I questioned this unidentified existence that makes an absolutely impossible situation a reality.

And... to his question, Jaeyoung answered calmly.

“Top Developer.”

[Chief... Developer?]

Declen, of course, doesn't understand the meaning of that word. To him, Jaeyoung corrected the story he had just said.

“Other names... they say it's Asura.”


Asura, the owner of the Black Mist.

He is the one who told Declen the truth of this world in the past and drove him into madness. And when he faced another being related to him, Declen had a shocked expression on his face and his eyes trembled.

[I don't understand..... If you were following his will, weren't you looking at the same thing as me?]

“Huh? What does that mean?”

chaos. Destruction. fall.

To bring about the end of this world, to see the end of all things, and to bring them back to nothingness.

Declen, who tried to free himself and everyone else from this endless bondage, looked at Jae-young, who defeated him instead of helping him, with a confused face.

[This world... is a world of false illusions.]

[Warning. Singularity detection.]

Alice's intervention to conceal the truth about this world as it applies to Tan, El and Goldrian.

However, unlike the three of them, whose eyes were relaxed for a moment and made a blank expression, Jae-young was looking at Declen with a lively look that was no different from before.

“I know.”


“I know this world is a lie and everything is fake.”


A long time ago.

Thousands and tens of thousands... Declen tried to let everyone know the truth of this world he knew through countless various attempts. However, he made an indescribable expression as he looked at Jae-young, who was clearly listening to his desperate story that no one else could reach.

“So, since all of this is a lie anyway, you’re going to destroy it all?”

A decision made in the midst of countless anguish and despair.

He did not agree to his lofty oath to free everyone from this life of slavery.

“Don’t talk shit. Who are you to determine the meaning of that life?” NPCs who are virtual beings.

It was data made of 0 and 1, but those with incomprehensibly advanced AI clearly recognized the world they were living in as real, and lived their lives faithfully, feeling joy and sorrow in it.

“I don’t know who made the joke, but there is a saying like this. ‘This whole world might be a world in a giant matrix'. It means that the whole world that I and you live in might just be a toy someone made up.”

Arcadia, a fantasy world that provides a sense of reality that is so perfect.

In this world, Jaeyoung suddenly thought.

Such a funny thought that maybe even this reality in which he lives is not an illusion.

But that didn't change anything.

“Fake or not. Living in that world, we exist. Isn’t that enough?”

fiercer than anyone else. A lot of people who live in this virtual world more passionately than anyone else.

No one was qualified to destroy their happiness, prosperity and peace.

Even the beings who created this world.

“So I'm going to walk a different road than you.”

Woo woo woo woo woo.

The highest power that can intervene in this virtual world in any way.


Exhaling the gray energy, Jaeyoung looked straight into Declen's eyes, which seemed to be fluctuating like crazy.

“Either Asura or their father will forcefully shove a huge and bulky taffy into their snouts that neither of them can handle.”

I was determined to fuck them both equally.

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