Arcadia, a huge continent united around

the first end world tree.

This enormous continent boasted an enormous area comparable to the real earth, and countless countries and cities were built on it, and their own civilization was blossoming.

“Hmm... I heard that the specialty products of the Piville estate that came in this time are sold at an exorbitant price.”

“For the glory of the Empire! Be loyal to His Majesty the King with all your life!”

“Above all, the most important thing is internal affairs. Everyone should do their best so that all people can enjoy abundance without starving.”

From city-states specialized in commerce to warlike empires of conquest with mighty military force, to small kingdoms focused only on domestic affairs in pursuit of peace. Non-humans, including countries with their own unique characteristics, were also building their own civilizations.

“Chwiik. I'm hungry. Let’s go find something to eat.”

“Kiyi! Hee hee hee!”


Even monsters such as goblins and orcs that live in groups form their own tribes and develop a primitive and barbaric civilization in Arcadia.

This mysterious fantasy world where each continent creates its own story and many stories are hidden. And between those stories, so deadly and dangerous... rice cakes like nuclear bombs were sleeping in unknown places all over the continent.

“Grandpa yi~~!”

A cute little boy.

A blue-haired boy who looked like he was only about 6 years old came running screaming as if he was happy to see him, but the person who greeted him was far from an ordinary grandfather.

[...What brought you here, Perian?]

A being who asks with a sad look as if it's annoying.

Unlike him, who took the form of a small child, Freud, an ancient blue dragon, boasts a massive body reaching hundreds of meters.

Among the remaining blue dragons, he is the strongest and belongs to the elder class. He was not very happy with Peran, who suddenly appeared without warning.

[Go back. This is not a place to visit recklessly.]

A stern order full of the infinite mana accumulated in his heart over 9,000 years. But to Hetzling, an ignorant immature man who had just lived 600 years of age, his words did not go unnoticed.

“Huh... But I’m bored. I won't get into trouble, so can we hang out here for a while? yes?”

Peran, who puts on a sullen expression as much as possible and swears at him, his grandfather.

I don't know if it's anyone else, but Freud pondered for a moment about his cuteness overflowing from his whole body just after he was born.

‘Really... he's a bold guy.'

Peran doesn't seem to have any concept, probably because he's just been born. However, Freud did not become very angry with this immature rudeness. That would also be the case.....

‘Rather, it worked out. It's boring anyway, because it was the same here.'

It was because he was in the same situation that he himself could not bear the boredom and boredom.

[....good night. However, it is not allowed to get out of my sight and wander around other places.]

Peran, who was delighted with his permission and smiled with an excited face, replied in a loud voice.

“Hi-Hi! yes!”

Then he sat down on the floor and started chattering about all sorts of miscellaneous things. Perian suddenly asked a question to Freud, who was smiling happily as he watched his tricks.

“By the way, Grandpa and Grandpa, why the hell are you guarding here?”

[You mean here?]

“Yes. When I asked before, no one answered. Everyone was quiet, but what the hell is this place, why are the clans taking turns guarding it?”

A huge cavity blocked on all sides by rocks.

However, the extremely complex and geometric shape of the magic circle drawn on one side of the wall was emitting a soft glow, as if proving that this place was unusual.

[Yeah.... It's a story you'll find out later anyway, but there's nothing wrong with knowing it in advance.] The

story should have been told only after he ate 1000 years old and got rid of the hetzling label. Although he was still at an early age, Freud told him the story of this place, which was guarded by the heads of each clan, including himself, to him, who was full of curiosity.

[The moment of creation when this world was born in the very distant past. My father created our dragon clan and gave it a mission to protect this beautiful Arcadia. You must be familiar with the contents of that, right?]

“Yes. of course.”

[Yes..... But not all of us obeyed our father's orders well.]

“Yes...? What do you mean?”

An absolute law and law that no one can ever go against.


Peran opened his eyes wide as if he was startled at the fact that there was someone who had violated the mission that even the Dragon Lord, who had great power and special powers, could not fall for.

[There was a clan that committed atrocities in refusing the mission given to them by their father, and when that wasn't enough, they murdered other clans... and even took the life of the Dragon Lord. It's the Black Clan.....]

The Dragon Clan, which has the attributes of various elements.

Each clan was identified by its own color, but none of them were black.

“That .....”

The dragon kills the dragon.

Even so, since the population is extremely small, even if there are quarrels between each other, acts that cause serious harm or take lives are strictly prohibited. He wore a tired expression.

[Don't worry too much. Because all of the Black clan, which earned my father's wrath for that, became extinct.]

“Whew... that's really fortunate.”

Like a young Hetzling, Perann is listening to Freud's story with various reactions at every moment. He muttered with a sigh of relief that the fearsome Black Clan no longer existed.

[Except for one being...]

“Yes...? What do you mean Grandpa?”

Peran's face hardened again in an instant. However, unlike before, Freud spoke to him with a somewhat solemn and serious face.

[The head who led the Black Dragon clan and the founder of the Black clan, who was created by his father himself in the beginning. The first to abandon his mission as the guardian of Arcadia and rebel against his great father, the first to kill his own people and the dragon slayer who killed the Dragon Lord... Declen.] [The unforgivable

sin To Ji-eun, his father did not give him the rest of death. He punished him to repent of his sins in the near-eternal flow of time and sealed him in this ‘eternally cursed land'.] [Since then, the heads of all the clans have been guarding this place in rotation every 200 years

. . In order to protect the seal that my father put, and to block any possibility so that the evil being never comes back to this Arcadia.] [That is the duty

of our dragon clan, the head of each clan, who carries out the mission of protecting this Arcadia. It is a sacred duty shouldered by the supreme elders in charge of It's not right now, but it's a heavy task that one day you, too, will have to take on as a member of the Blue clan.]

For Hetzling, who is still just a baby, it's a far-off story. However, Peran's eyes were brighter than ever when he heard the story of the dragon clan's embarrassing story that no one would tell, and the holy and sacred duty his grandfather was carrying out.

“You’re amazing, Grandpa!”

[...It's not such a big deal.]

“No. You were doing such a great job. I had no idea. Grandpa is the best!”

Peran, who exalted himself excessively and gave all sorts of compliments. In the midst of talking about Doran, showing a shy reaction to his reaction, Peran suddenly asked with a worried face.

“But will this seal never break?”

[No one knows for sure. In certain circumstances, we are only maintaining the current state because it can be a threat to the seal for reasons we do not know. However, since it is a seal that the omnipotent father was directly involved in, there is no reason to worry about such a situation...]

A seal that has withstood the eternity of time from the beginning to the present without any problems.

Therefore, Freud, who had been talking confidently, dismissing Perian's innocent question as unnecessary worry, suddenly stopped talking.

Woo woo woo woo.

A sudden change. Along with a strange resonant sound, the power of the seal, which had always been constant without a single change until now, began to fluctuate like crazy.

[What the hell is this...]

Freud stared at the seal he had kept with a stiff face. And seeing him like that, Peran called him with a face that didn't know why.

“Ha grandpa...?”

and that moment.

The world of Arcadia, which they are unaware of, is now beginning to enforce a compulsory narrative under the command of a transcendent being out of order.

[Later Crisis Scenario Dragon's Fury. Coercive activation protocol activated.]


An intense roar resounding from the abyss far away.

An intense vibration began to spread out with a deafening sound, as if something was knocking on the door.

[Disable all conditions required to activate the scenario. Related quests are collectively deleted.]

Originally, numerous stories related to dragons were added to each other, and among the countless options, the difficult conditions required to unlock the seals had to be met with extremely low odds and extreme difficulty. All of them were released under the authority of the top manager, and the dangerous seal that had existed from the beginning was forcibly released.

[Seal release. Liberation of the ‘kind predator'.]


“Ha grandpa!”

The seal suddenly burst. In an instant, the solid rock wall collapsed, revealing a huge hole hidden behind it.

However, despite Perian's cry, Freud did not even respond.

I was just blankly staring blankly at the empty scene where the seal that had existed since the beginning of time and that the dragon clan, including him, had kept until now had been broken.

And... that moment.

In the pitch-black darkness, a gigantic reptilian hand with sharp claws and shiny black scales like obsidian flew out and grabbed Freud by the scruff of his neck.

[You're... a member of the smug blue clan.]

Those yellow, vertically-slit eyes that glow in the dark. Seeing those eyes filled with murder and madness, Freud felt fear as if his heart stopped for a moment, despite the transcendent mental power he had trained over thousands of years.

[I can't let go of this!]

However, as the head of the Blue clan, the Ancient Dragon, the strongest being in Arcadia, began to resist.

Koo Goo Goo Palace. Perong.

The magic of the 9th circle activated in an instant.

Despite the powerful attacks that each one could destroy a nation in an instant, Declen, who was freed from the seal, let go of Freud's throat as if he had not received any blows.

[Funny, decrepit old dragon.]

Muttering in a mocking tone, he turned to Freud as if asking a question.

[In this false world, do you still become a toy for those who call themselves gods and ask for slaves?]


Freud was pierced through the chest with the other hand with a dull plosive sound. And then, thrown away before anyone could react, he looked up in disbelief at the worst being holding his blue heart in one hand.

[This can't happen...]

[Don't worry. Starting with you, I will put an end to this miserable fate so that you and everyone else do not become toys in this twisted world.]


Declen chews on Freud's heart with a grotesque noise.

And he looked down at Freud, the head of the blue dragon clan, who was turning gray, and coldly muttered his sole purpose.

[Be freed forever in the rest of death, comrade. I will take everyone's life with my own hands so that all of my people will not be humiliated in this world full of lies and illusions.] So, somewhere on the outskirts of the unified continent of Arcadia, a

huge The narrative forced the story to begin.

The story of the release of the dragon that wants the death of all dragons and the end of this world.

And that was...

just the beginning of

a great whirlpool of chaos that drove all of Arcadia mad....

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