Chapter 442 Unable to Resolve (4)

The blue sky of Arcadia that made my heart feel clean just by looking at it.

However, the beautiful and clear sky disappeared and only a strange sight that no one had ever seen came into everyone's eyes.

“Is that...?”

“What the hell is this...”

The sky shattered as if a window had been broken. The huge dimensional wall that supported and protected this world was divided into countless fragments and scattered, revealing an endless void between them.

Woo woo woo.

An alien world that dares not fathom its end.

However, the energy that gradually spread out of the void was something that could not be explained in words, but was filled with ominous feelings.

“What is that again...?”

“Ah, you damn gamer. Did it explode again?”

“Isn’t someone touching something strange? How long has it been since the Holy Demon War ended?”

Both NPCs and users are looking up at the sky in a daze at the strange sight that everyone is seeing for the first time. In an atmosphere as if something big was going to happen right now, even tension lingered around, and alerts were strengthened in all cities, but surprisingly nothing happened as if everything was in vain.



A strange phenomenon for which no information or record can be found.

So, everyone was looking up at the sky with faces full of questions, but those who had been allowed all the knowledge of this world and who had existed since the creation of Arcadia knew exactly what it was.

“The World Tree, I have brought you.”

Melissa, the Queen of the High Elves and the ruler of the Elven Kingdom.

She possessed an aura of power and gigantic status that was incomparable to before, and she was reborn as a powerful being capable of facing the transcendental dragon alone, but bowed her head in the utmost courtesy in front of the World Tree.

“I also greet you after a long time, Mother of all things.”

And Choco Piezoa, who awkwardly bows her head with a puzzled expression next to her. Since it was the first time he met her in the world of images when he changed his job as an apostle of the World Tree in the past, Choco Paizoa's face was full of curiosity and questions about why he had called him.

“You’re here.”

The main body is a gigantic old tree whose end cannot be counted, but the world tree takes the form of a small girl with green hair. However, the lofty and elegant aura that emanated from her body and the status that radiated from her very existence made me feel once again that this young girl was a deity who supported this world.

“Then I'll just leave.”

Melissa leaves without hesitation as if her business is over, leaving Choco Pie Joa behind. To her, the world tree smiled benevolently until the end and did not lose its dignity.


“Huh... Fuck. It’s really X.”

As soon as she disappears, the old dignity and dignity are gone, and the world tree spits thick curse words that make you admire just by hearing it. Just when Choco Piejoa, who had gone out of her mind at the moment when Udyr was crying and was ready to go, was standing in a daze, World Tree started lamenting with a distorted face as if she was genuinely annoyed.

“The end of the world is suddenly approaching here when you’ve already been involved in a fight between that fucking chicken and the bat, and you’ve exhausted the odds that you don’t already have. Does this fucking situation make sense? What is this? Just say don't resist and quietly die. What is it? My father doesn't seem to want to intervene. What are you saying when you see this? Ha, I really can't eat it because it's XXXX and XXXX. X feet!”

If a word does not swear, the world tree spews out all the resentment built up in its heart by swearing at the end of every word, as if it is cursed to be unable to speak.

Although she couldn't understand all of her story, Choco Paijoa was able to roughly infer the current situation to some extent.

“Uh... World Tree? Could the hole in the sky be a problem?”

“Are you asking because you don’t know that? Don't you feel that something has become X just by looking at it? uh?”

“Oh, no, that’s not it...”

Choco Piezoa, who said it once, but couldn’t even make it, and lowered his tail at the reaction of the sharpened World Tree. However, the world tree seemed to calm itself down by regulating its breathing, and then spoke in a calm tone.

“I’ll tell you just once, so open your ears and listen straight.”

A story about the birth of this world that started like that. And soon Choco Paijoa was able to realize what she was referring to.

“In the end, many deities in this world lost all their power and fell into vanity, disappearing into the void, and most of this continent, including me, came close to being annihilated. Thanks to my father's arrangements, it wasn't completely destroyed, but in the end, it's true that I couldn't stop what he was doing.”

“If you are the owner of the black mist...”

“Asura. He is a deity of the other world who has power equal to that of the father who created this world... or perhaps even more.”


Asura, who has already been mentioned in the cinematic video several times. When his name, which had been mentioned in the resurrection of Vulcan in the past, came out of the World Tree's mouth, Choco Paizoa screamed in his heart.

‘This crazy... is this going to happen like this?'

It's been quite a while since rice cakes about Asura appeared, but since no information has been released since then, the atmosphere has already withered. All sorts of absurd rumors and speculations were rampant, but this secret story that came out of the mouth of a god, the World Tree, was more reliable than any information he had ever come across.

The question is...

“So you're saying that Asura has turned her eyes to this world again?”

“okay. Can't you see the ignorance completely tore down the dimensional wall that protected Arcadia? No one can do something that completely destroys the boundary itself, rather than making a small hole in the barrier.”

A world tree that reminds us of the dark times when the owner of the black mist appeared in this world in the past. Her face began to turn white as if she was afraid of the fact that the powerful shield that had protected this Arcadia had disappeared.

“Then what will happen?”

The return of Asura, the master of the Black Mist.

The fact that someone with a powerful power comparable to the Creator came back and who knew what that meant, Choco Paizoa asked with a puzzled face, and the answer was shocking.

“In the end... the end of this world will come as prophesied. death of all life. And further to my death and the death of this world.”


The end of the world.

It must have been an important issue for her as an NPC living in Arcadia, but as an adventurer who enjoys the game, her perspective on this situation is subtly different.

‘no way? Did this crazy game company really consider ending the service?'

As with any game, it is an unchanging truth that eventually it reaches its limits as time passes. Just as nothing can last forever, it was clear that this world of Arcadia, filled with endless things to enjoy and adventures, would someday have its limits.

‘Looking at what has been done so far, it doesn't seem impossible...' It

smells like an evil plan to shut down the service with an ending in which the world will perish in front of a huge apocalypse rather than holding on to a game that has run out of life. situation where you feel But that wasn't important right now, so Choco Paijoa was lost in thought with a serious expression on her face. However, seeing him like that, the world tree said with an incomprehensible small smile.

“But don’t be so frightened already. It's not over yet.”


“My father also made arrangements to prevent this disaster in many ways.”

“Are you okay...?”



A being from another world who freely roams and adventures in Arcadia.


Choco Paijoa's expression was colored with absurdity at the words that they were the creator's arrangement to prevent the destruction of this world.

“The beings of Arcadia with mighty divinity, including myself, cannot deny or block their destiny. Among us, who belong to this world in the first place, there is no one who can prevent the end of the world that that Asura will bring. Because that is our destiny and the order of the world.”

Even the dragon, the guardian of Arcadia with great power.

Even the heads of the Heavens and the Demons.

The spirit king, who symbolizes nature itself, and the divine beasts who have acquired great power through long training.

Even the ancient deities who lost all power and fell asleep.

The fate that will come to this world that no one can stop.

However, the World Tree pointed a finger at Choco Paijoa and said.

“You are different. We are not of this world in the first place, and we are completely free from the shackles of the fate that fetters us. He was gifted with the power of immortality by his father, and he did not give in in the midst of numerous crises, but instead grew and became stronger. You adventurers are the only beings in this world who can defy the destiny and change the ending of the story.”


The intention of making this Arcadia and the truth of this world that has never been revealed to the public.

After overhearing all the settings and secret stories, Choco Piejoa waited in a daze for a while, even though it was too much to handle, and then shouted with a face full of passion and mission.

“Just leave it to me!”

“huh? what?”

“This world... I will risk everything to protect it! Just like how we protected the World Tree's home this time... and the other comrades.”

Protect a world from destruction.

Choco Pie Joa clings to her beating heart and resolutely resolves as if she has become the main character in a story like a heroic story. However, the world tree looked at him and asked with a face as if he was talking nonsense.

“you?” “yes....?”

Two people looking at each other with expressions as if each is telling a different story.

And soon, the World Tree looked at him with a slightly pitiful look and opened his mouth.

“You mean... I think you've misunderstood something... Do you think this is a problem that can be solved at the level of the apostles of the chicken and me...?”

Nature's Will and Pope Chocopaizoa.

It was unprecedented for one individual to embrace two divinities at the same time, and it was true that it was tremendous, but even so, it was nothing more than enough to defy this great fate.


Choco Piejoa was shocked by the fact that he was straightforward and straight-forward. He asked in a trembling voice at the attitude of the World Tree, who did not seem to trust or depend on it at all, even though the name was an apostle that followed him.

“Then what do you want me to do...”

“Find an adventurer who can change that fate and do everything you can to help. I took you with that intention in the first place and restored the Elven Kingdom, and I gathered all the forces that I can influence, including the elves.”

Choco Pie Joa, whose pride was crushed to the level of powder by the fact that he was not the object of her consideration in the first place and the heartless story of someone asking him to leave behind him. And he had no choice but to resign himself to the words of the world tree that followed.

“Did you say Dex...? Are you familiar with that guy? I don't know why that damn guy introduced you... but he's him anyway. Go to him and whatever he tells you to do, just do whatever he tells you to do without asking or arguing.”

The fact that he wouldn't be able to escape the shadow of that damned impostor even if he died.

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