Chapter 439 Unable to resolve (1)

Lee Mi-yeon, general manager of Arcadia Co., Ltd.

As the CEO of Arcadia Co., Ltd., a global conglomerate with hundreds of branch offices worldwide and billions of subscribers, her power was enormous.

- Urgent Breaking News. President Lee Mi-yeon's shocking remarks revealed.

- President Lee Mi-yeon's thoughts on the current government.

-Shock! Which cosmetic brand does the CEO of Arcadia, a global company, use?

A word she said shook the world's stock market and financial district, and she has tremendous influence, becoming a trend no matter what she wears, eats, or uses. Even the president, who is said to be the pinnacle of power, had tremendous power that she could not do anything about, but that power was only limited to reality.

“Haa... what the hell are you doing? It’s Minsu.”

A united continent that was suddenly twisted. Arcadia's fourth scenario, The Second Holy Demon War.

Like the other employees who fell into panic, she watched the situation of the scenario without leaving her seat for a single moment, and it was clear that she was very troubled by the current situation.

However, unlike CEO Lee Mi-yeon, Min-soo, who had a very calm and unconcerned expression, deftly accepted her barbed rebuke.

“Well... Neither me nor Jack could do anything about it in that situation. What can I do to completely change the narrative of the scenario at will?”

A completely new development that completely reverses the basic flow of the Great War.

Minsu and Jack had no choice but to come up with an almost impossible ending that no one expected.

“However, that's the case... Demonic world and heavenly world? Aren’t other areas outside of Arcadia not even intended to be opened to users in the first place?”

devil and heaven. And to the spirit realm and the phantom realm.

The two dimensions that suddenly appeared came as a huge shock to even Lee Mi-yeon, the president, because there was no intention of allowing users access to spaces other than Arcadia in the first place.

“Well... that's true, but now that it's like this, there's nothing we can do about it. As usual, Jack and Alice are making various contents to make their nose bleed, and we are working on modifying things to suit the game system, so there shouldn’t be any big problems.”

“But that’s the case... how else can I deal with this...”

The Heaven’s Door that has already opened hugely in the sky and the Hell Gate that has opened all over the continent.

Nothing was revealed yet, but seeing these doors not closing even after the scenario was over, users inferred that they might be able to cross over to the heavens and the demons through these doors, and were already full of excitement.

-The heavens and the demons. really crazy

- How on earth is the content of this game?

-Godgame is Godgame. always new

-Are angels and demons able to choose now?

- Ha ha ha! wing! wing!

-Is it possible to have a fantasy hellfire party with the succubus sisters now?

-So.... How can I cross over to the Heavens and the Demons?

The situation has already reached an out of control level. So CEO Lee Mi-yeon grabbed her throbbing hair, looked at Min-soo, who smiled in front of her, and let out a deep sigh.

“Haa... But next time something like this happens, at least say something to me in advance. I don't know what to say to the staff either.”

“Hi-Hi. I know, sister. I'm sorry about this.”

Minsu smiles lightly and winks as if he is not serious at all. However, President Lee Mi-yeon shook her hand and changed the topic, as if there was nothing new at all.

“So... what about the detailed changes? I think I should explain the basic situation at the press conference.”

“Oh is that it? Alice.”

[Relevant data sent. Please check it.]

A horrendous report of over a thousand pages immediately landed in her mail.

Lee Mi-yeon, who was looking at the document on her phone, which seemed like it would take a whole month to read it all, looked at Min-su with an expression asking when this was finished again.

“Ellis put a lot of effort into it.”

President Lee Mi-yeon said with a tired face to Min-soo who answered with a smirk as if she understood the meaning of the eyes.

“First of all... I'll have the staff in charge review the data in detail later. It’s impossible to read all of that until the press conference in two hours, so can you explain the main points?”

“Um..... So that's it.....”

President Lee Mi-yeon listened to the explanation about the changes in this update for a long time. And she muttered as she looked at Minsu with a tired face.


Minsu always casually undertakes an enormous task that no one can handle. Seeing what he had done, President Lee Mi-yeon expressed sincere condolences to his subordinates from the bottom of his heart.

Thinking of the huge aftermath that will come.

* * *

[Yes. all right. what can't you do I did it with some determination, so it doesn't matter if the boss says he'll reveal it himself. I don't have to make a separate clarification video, so it's like one more thing.]

“Thank you. If I had said no, I would have been in trouble because I had nothing to say in front of reporters. Thanks for understanding.”

President Lee Mi-yeon continues the phone call with a slightly brighter smile at Jae-young's willing acceptance.

After a long time, she finally put the phone down, and several executives, including the managing director who gave the recommendation, approached her with a hesitant attitude and spoke cautiously.

“I... boss. Time is up now.”

“Oh yeah?”

CEO Lee Mi-yeon nodded at those words, took a deep breath, and calmed down. And as she opened her eyes wide and nodded as if she was determined, the entrance to the company, which had been firmly closed, opened.

“It’s up!”

“camera! Turn the camera!”

“yes! Right now, President Lee Mi-yeon, who oversees Arcadia Co., Ltd., appears on the scene...”

Reporters frantically gathered outside the company.

A huge crowd of domestic and foreign media gathered together and made a fuss, and as soon as she appeared, flashes were fired from all sides, trying their best to capture this press conference.

In a situation where the whole world is watching, President Lee Mi-yeon is trying to announce her position on the latest situation through a live broadcast. She started talking about the fantasy world of Arcadia to the microphone installed on the podium.

[The recent Second World War of Holy Magic is not a random scenario. It is a narrative that started from one trivial incident and spread to hundreds, thousands... no, tens of thousands of serial events. Just as the flapping of a butterfly's wings causes a typhoon somewhere far away.]

Butterfly Effect.

A witch hunt triggered by the Argamer's invasion.

The resurrection of the World Tree and the continental integration that resulted from it.

The downfall of Eden began with the unfair deaths of the residents of a small village.

In the midst of those huge events, all the necessary conditions for the scenario of the tricky and vicious Holy Demon War to be activated were met, and as a result, everyone faced a huge disaster.

[Originally, this scenario would have ended in disaster and great tragedy for everyone. Whether it's the holy camp or the dark camp... either of them would have suffered irreparable damage, and the victorious camp wouldn't have dared to laugh at the devastated continent.] The initial planning intention was to have a sad ending

. The worst grand narrative that was created based on assumptions. Camera flashes went off like crazy at the candid confession of President Lee Mi-yeon, who smelled like she was going to feed the users huge taffy.

[But... this scenario has a new ending that no one predicted. The world tree did not fall, and both the evil apostles who led the demon world and the divine apostles who represented the heavens all met the same death and were defeated.] A perfect draw with no winners or losers


[Therefore, it is clear that the current situation has deviated from our planning intention. However, in this world that advocates infinite freedom and infinite possibilities, these variables can of course happen, and our executives and employees thought that these changes should not be prevented after serious consideration and deliberation.] No one at Arcadia Co.,

Ltd. It is a story that has never been agreed upon, but President Lee Mi-yeon looked back at the executives standing with puzzled expressions and strongly declared.

[Therefore, Pandemonium and Heaven will be open to all adventurers in the future. And if you meet various conditions, you will be able to change your race to a new tribe as a member of the demon world and the celestial world. You can choose between good and evil, or stick to neutrality as a human as you do now. It will be your choice.]

The appearance of the demon world and the heaven world.

And the addition of new races Elyos and Asmodians.

Reporters frantically raised their hands at the new change, which was nothing short of a large-scale update, and tried their best to ask her any questions, but President Lee Mi-yeon waved her hand as if she hadn't finished talking yet and kept her mouth shut until everyone calmed down and quieted down. asked


Not long after that, the moment everyone fell into silence.

She started telling a story no one expected.

[Recently, I entered Arpendia and looked at the thoughts of adventurers. It was full of suspicions about a user named Choco Piezoa and a user named Dex.]


The two people who are mentioned as being spread over Arpendia recently.

Choco Pie Joa and Dex.

When she suddenly brought up a story about these two, the reporters' eyes began to change.

[Originally, it would be against the principle for me to openly mention information about a user's individual, but considering the seriousness of the matter, I contacted the user and obtained prior permission, so I will disclose it to everyone right now.] Again excitement and

madness The atmosphere started to be colored with.

It was very quiet as no one was breathing, but in this precarious silence like a time bomb that seemed like it would explode any moment you touched it, President Lee Mi-yeon said.

[Among Arcadia's items, there are camouflage items and skills with various effects. Some only change appearances, others change nicknames, and thieves and assassins love these items. It is effective when infiltrating or escaping important facilities or cities.]

[However, most skills and items are a bit weak or have a time limit. Even if you take a little damage, the camouflage will be released, or it will be automatically released after a certain amount of time. But... in the case of the ‘Deceiver's Mask', a mythical item, it's a little different.]



[There are no special time limits or restrictions on performance, nor any stat penalties. You can simply imitate the target you want at will and hide your original identity. And... I can't tell you when, but it seems that the adventurers have been confused about the identity of the two users for quite a long time.]

“No way.....”

“Then really... .?”

The interview hall started to stir like crazy at the words of President Lee Mi-yeon.

The reporters were intuitively aware of her story, but at that time, everyone was looking at her with an expression of ‘Could it be...?'

President Lee Mi-yeon smiled strangely and declared to everyone.

[So I'll confirm it myself right here. The person you thought was Choco Paijoa is actually Dex in disguise.]

And after that moment.

President Lee Mi-yeon could not add a single word and had to end the press conference in a hurry.

By the bombardment of tremendous questions from reporters who exploded more than expected, and by the camera flashes that went latest chapt𝒆rs at freew𝒆(b)novel.c(o)m Only

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