Chapter 436 The King of the Game (6)

Humanity's first virtual reality game, Arcadia.

However, this virtual world was no different from a virtual world that was too perfect to be called a game. And Jack, the creator and creator of this world.

He muttered as he looked at what was happening in his world with an expression more perplexed and confused than ever.

[Really... Does this make sense?]

The divinity of the archangel representing the heavens.

The divinity of the demon king that symbolizes the demon realm.

The existence of Jae-young, who simultaneously expressed and fused the powers of those who represent the good and evil camps, was nothing short of a contradiction and error that directly refuted the laws of this world he had created.

[warning. A fatal error has occurred.]

[An immediate action by the manager is required.]

That's why Ellis demanded a quick response to his actions. Although she has an outstanding artificial intelligence that actively finds the best solution for most minor problems and responds on her own, this situation is far beyond her authority.

“The real thing is going to be fun.”

And the existence that is watching this situation more interestingly than anyone else.

Kim Min Soo.

From the moment the scenario of the Great War of the Holy Spirit began, he hardly left his seat and kept an eye on the situation happening everywhere. Unlike Jack, who hardened his face with a serious expression, he had a playful smile as if he was genuinely having fun.

“Black Flame Dragon of Darkness and Choco Pie Joe. I thought these two were the main characters leading the stage of the Great War of the Holy Demons... but not at all?”

The sudden appearance of Dex. Minsu, who began to freely access all of Arcadia's information after unlocking all security levels that no one in Arcadia could penetrate, with the authority of the top manager, soon mumbled with his eyes wide open.

“hmm....? Wandering song of turmoil...? This is a job I made...?”

Minsu reads Jaeyoung's character information. And he tilted his head as soon as he saw the name of something familiar.

“Alice, this user job is the one I made, right?”

[That's right.] Remnants of the oldest dark Asura hidden in a beginner's village on the 2nd continent of Arcadia.

Minsu narrowed his eyes and murmured, realizing that his rice cake, which seemed very clumsy but had been hidden so that most users would not even think to find it, was already released in this world.

“But why didn’t I know?”

[When the user obtained the job, the manager was immediately notified.]


[That's right. Please check the corresponding log data.]

“Hmm..... Did you send an email?”

Minsu is at a loss for words when physical evidence that cannot be refuted or denied comes out. Looking at the date, as if recalling the situation at that time, he was lost in thought, and then shook his head.

“Yeah..... At this time, it was the time when we started working with NXSA to make rockets. I guess I just skipped it because I was in the middle of a hectic time.”

Min-soo, who licked his lips as if he couldn't help it, though it was a little regretful, soon opened his eyes wide while examining Jae-young's information with an interesting face.

“what? This... Why is there so much probability?”

A fraudulent force that shakes all causality and laws in this Arcadia.


With that probability, he could shake everything at will, so Min-soo created a fraudulent job called a wanderer in troubled times, but that's why he set the difficulty of the job to a level close to atrocious.

“It would be impossible to accumulate probabilities unless they were at a reasonable level...? What on earth do you do to accumulate billions of probabilities like this? Are the numbers I'm looking at correct?”

[There is nothing wrong with the data the administrator is checking.]


An incredible amount of plausibility that makes even the developer of the turbulent wanderer doubt his eyes. However, Minsu, who quickly looked at his acquisition record, had no choice but to admit it.

[Newbie Killer]

[Slime Saint]

[Relic Destroyer]

Killing ignorant beginners and committing atrocities that destroy their home.

[The impostor who devours the demon king]

[The designer of darkness]

[The noble judge]

[The seeker of neutrality]

Triggered and ended the rampage of the Holy Empire and the witch hunt that split the entire continent in half.

[Friend of the Dwarves]

[Hero of the Elves]

[Guardian of the World Tree]

He made the secluded species reappear in the world and saved the World Tree from its dormancy.

Even though I've only skimmed the first part, there's an enormous amount of data that's been tightly recorded since then. Realizing that it wasn't enough to check everything right now, he muttered with a tired expression.

“Wow... are these things you did when you were a beginner? With only six months since opening?”

Huge events, each of which caused enormous controversy and waves. Seeing that it all started with one person, Minsu nodded as if he finally understood.

“For a person of this caliber, such an absurd level of probability is not absurd.”

[That's enough for a nobleman. Do you know how hard it was for everyone at Arcadia, including me, for the job you created

? In front of Minsu, who was the culprit who created him, Jack complained and complained that he had never been able to bear it.

“What...isn’t that the job that was created to be like that in the first place? Although it sounds like you had a much bigger accident than I expected.”

In one hand, the demon god of death, the Deathbringer. And in the other hand, Dex is holding the celestial god, Eternity's End. Minsu, who was looking at him in real time, asked Jack.

“So what do we do?”


“Isn’t that a complete contradiction based on the settings you made?”

Good and evil are incompatible.

Looking at this situation because it was completely out of sync with the setting, Alice was demanding immediate action from Jack.

“Since it has appeared in the world like that, even you can't deny that? Moreover, considering future follow-up measures, some degree of compromise seems inevitable.”

This absurd situation in which two divinities, which always antagonize and collide, are assimilated into one person. Jack, who had no precedent and had never even imagined a situation like this, so while he was struggling with what to do, he looked at Minsu, who was laughing with an evil smile, and said bluntly.

[What the hell are you talking about? You seem to have an idea, but don't go round and round, just say it.]

Unlike himself, who has no plans, Minsu seems to have an ulterior motive. He began to talk about his plan to Jack's questioning.

“What... it’s nothing. I just want to tweak the existing settings a bit.”

[Adjust the settings...?]

“To be honest, Jack can't clearly classify everything into good and bad. Depending on the point of view and the person looking at it, the difference between the two is as subtle as a sheet of paper.”

Jack was born deformed from birth and has lived in bed all his life.

To him, Minsu pointed out the many contradictions that had occurred in this Arcadia with a slightly bitter expression and asked again.

“There is no absolute good or absolute evil in this world. The value of everything is relative. To put it simply, is it good if he is good to me and evil if he behaves like a dog? Think about it. The same goes for Arcadia you made. Were all the camps that represented the good camp really good? And whether those who now symbolize the camp of evil are truly heinous.”

The Holy Empire, who committed countless atrocities with faith close to fanaticism, and the black magicians who struggled to survive while crying out for bloody revenge.

Looking at this contradictory situation where he couldn't even tell who was good and who was evil, Jack asked with a subtle expression.

[So.... what should we change?]

“Now, let's not define this world with black and white logic. Let’s admit that it is possible for good and evil to mix and coexist in this world, just as black and white make gray.”

[The two... are mixed...?]

“There's that product over there, isn't it?”

Minsu points his finger at the monitor at Jack, who doesn't seem to understand what he's talking about. It was only then that Jack could understand the meaning of what he was saying.

“The name is... yes. holy demons. The Holy Demons seem to be fine. It’s to create a new race with the feeling of being a hybrid of angels and demons who can use divine and magical powers at the same time.”

Minsu decides to change the existing setting and release an unheard-of hybrid called the Holy Demon Tribe as a new race. At that crazy idea, Jack looked at his face with a blank expression as if he was at a loss for words, but Minsu smiled and gave instructions to Alice as if he was not joking.

“Alice, are the things I said applicable?”

[In order to apply what the manager said, 132 settings related to Pandemonium and Heaven need to be modified. In addition, since there is no data on new jobs, the implementation work of the top developer must be preceded.]

Minsu, who massively revises the world view that supports the world he created, and adds additional work to it. Seeing him staring at him with a sly smile, Jack shook his head with a disgusted expression.

[You're really... you're such a great guy.]

“Didn't you know? Am I really good?”

[I don't know if he's proud, but I think I know why he's called the craziest guy in the world.]

“Don't you know that being crazy and being smart are subtle enough that the difference is just a piece of paper?”

[I don't know! You're responsible for all the chaos between boss Lee Mi-yeon and Jennica later.]

“I don't know about Mi-yeon, but you have to deal with Jenika. When he sees me, he sincerely runs to infect me with the mutated AIDS virus. How can I stop him?”

[Oh, I don't know. I was advocating for you to Jenica, but the other day, the real LAN cable was confiscated for over 10 days. I don't know anything. This is all because you forced me to do it. I know that.]

“I know. I understand, so let's start working quickly.”

Minsu smiles mischievously and brazenly steps forward. Then he picked up the hot chocolate and turned his gaze back to the monitor, leaving behind Jack, who started working with a grunt.

“ how are you going to come out now?”

The wandering song of the turbulent times, which was his remnant and seed planted in this world.

However, Min-soo, realizing that the seed had sprouted from the seed and had already grown into a giant tree, looked at Jae-young with more interest than ever as to what kind of finale he would finish the stage of the twisted Great War of the Holy Spirit. did.

And just like that, the end of the Second Holy Demon War, which split the world in two, was approaching.

The birth of a new race called Holy Demons, the emergence of a new ability called Holy Magic, the change in the fundamental setting of good and evil, which were at odds in eternal disputes and conflicts, and the revision of the worldview that supported this world from the moment of creation

. come and say

In this way, due to the variable created by one user named Dex, the dispute between good and evil that seemed to last forever in Arcadia came to an end.

While sprouting hope and the possibility of an imperfect but feeble peace.

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