Chapter 433: The King of Kengpan (3)

A sanctuary located right in the center of the huge continent of Arcadia and home to the World Tree.

Amil's Great Grove.

A completely unexpected and uninvited guest broke into the war that was taking place here, betting everything between heaven and hell.

[Go back to where you were, people who do not belong to this land.]

[Don't stop me. Because the fury of the wind will be directed at you.]


Koo Goo Goo Palace.

A storm of intense flame that is crude and rough, but has the power of pure nature to its fullest.

In that storm, the monsters and demons, who boasted of great power, instantly turned to ashes, and were torn to pieces beyond recognition by the blades of the wind blowing from all directions.

“Huh ..... it's ridiculous .....”

“What the hell .... Why are the spirit kings involved in this war ....?”

It is truly a natural disaster and a power close to disaster.

In a situation where they were struggling just by attacking the holy forces defending the Amil area, the high-ranking demons with intelligence were shocked to see the sudden appearance of the Spirit King.

“This kind of nonsense...” “How... how

can you achieve

this level of force in Arcadia...”

Advanced demons who have crossed the Hell Gate and are able to exert 100% of their body's power. Even though they fired all kinds of attacks through the demonic energy emitted with full power, they could not get a single scratch.


The fire spirit king Ifrit.

While he wiped out the other demon beasts, Ferdos, a high-ranking demon, struck a fatal blow. However, he shouted in amazement at the reality that the attack he poured all his strength into using his authority was blocked in the air and did not even allow him to approach his body.

“how....! how....! Summoned beings... dare!”


This method, which is the only way for the beings of another dimension that do not exist in this Arcadia, including the heavens and the demon world, to cross over to this Arcadia and exert their power, has clear limits.

A structure in which the expression of that power is absolutely limited according to the summoner's capacity because it was able to materialize its existence in this world through the power of the summoner as a kind of contract. That's why, originally, it was impossible for even the spirit king to defeat this hellish army, which could demonstrate 100% of its body's power.

Before wiping them out, the summoner's mana and elemental power will run out.


[That's foolish. And you're arrogant.]


Ifrit, as if she doesn't care about that at all, unleashes her power to her heart's content.

He questioned Ferdos in a tone full of ridicule.

[Did you think you could deal with a divinity that represents one realm with only one soldier from the Demon Realm


At the same time, a huge explosion of flame exploded around him.

Everyone who was looking at the tremendous destructive power that vaporized everything around them in an instant was unable to do anything.

He had no choice but to bow his head and prostrate himself in front of the overwhelming and absolute divine position.

In the move of a free god who completely freed himself from all the chains that had restrained him, albeit temporarily.

* * *

The runaway spirit kings started in the southern region of Amil.

The people who were watching the real-time streaming from tens of thousands of broadcasts could not close their mouths at the overwhelming power of the two spirits.

- Wow..... Is that the spirit king...?

- Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, really. It's a high-level demon and everything is being swept away.

-Starting today, I will change my job to a spirit sergeant again.

- Wow..... It's a real spirit. I thought they were the ones who always summoned a few low-level spirits and fired water guns and fireworks, but did they end up like that?

- Will the day finally come when the spirits see the light of day.....

After the existence of the world tree and the elves appeared, the newly emerged job spirits.

However, the public evaluation of this job as a Spiritualist was not very good.

-I can't do it because it's really dirty to please the young spirits.

-Really;; It's too damn good to increase the affinity with spirits. Even if you put it on hard, if it goes out a little, it goes straight to hell.

-Rather than that, it's okay to split sides and fight with other elemental spirits. If you put someone with the same affinity, they will fight and the affinity will decrease.

-The damage is ambiguous, but the utility isn't very good either. Just the job itself is ambiguous.

direct combat or utility. Elementalists who are only at an ambiguous level anywhere. In addition, there were extremely difficult conditions that required constant attention to the level of affinity with the spirits, so there were not many people who walked the path of spiritists than expected. Since they are spirits whose information is not yet known, the tremendous power of the spirit kings who have appeared at this moment shocked and fascinated countless adventurers.

-Rather than that... What the hell is that Choco Piezoa?

-I know? Why are all the spirits making a fuss all of a sudden in the south?

-? what? Why is he over there?

-Choco Paijoa is diligently cutting all the demons with the Holy Sword in the North right now?

-??? What do you mean?

- It's real. Come watch the Destroyer's Everyday Life channel now.

A live broadcast of Choco Piejoa being aired in Destroyer's daily life.

There, people couldn't hide their confusion as they saw him fighting fiercely with the demons with Muspelheim and the Southern Choco Piezoa broadcasting through numerous users at the same time.

-Choco Pie Joa... two...?

- What's the situation now?

-what....? Is it buggy?

Choco Paizoa, who became the pope and represents the divine camp, is blocking the forces of hell in the vanguard, and Choco Paizoa, who is acting as the Spirit King who indiscriminately destroys and wipes out everything around him.

When two people with identical faces appeared with the same nickname, everyone was taken aback.

- Do you have any skills or something like that?

- Could it be twins? Identical or whatever... something like that.

-wait for a sec. Then, who is the Choco Piezoa we've seen so far?

- Someone please explain. what! this!

-I think I'm going crazy! I think I'm going crazy! I think I'm going crazy!

The chat windows became a mess as they went back and forth between the two people's broadcasts, pouring out all sorts of doubts and questions. However, whether or not he knew about the situation, Jaeyoung was just walking leisurely and chatting with the lower spirits.

“Hmm... Even the spirits are more cute than I thought.”

The spirits of the four major attributes who fly around and show off all sorts of charms.

Just like a dog wagging its tail at its owner after a long absence, Jae-young mumbles with a warm smile as he looks at those who express his joy with his body. However, unlike his relaxed appearance, the situation around him was a real mess.

“Ouch! That guy is a summoner. Kill!”

“All I have to do is kill that human! He is the human who summoned the Spirit King! Be sure to get rid of it!”

Demons and users rushed to attack the summoner first on behalf of an opponent who could not handle it at all.

But they had no idea.

“Cadiel, the Knight of Spiritual Suffering and Pilgrimage.”

The fact that the person they are trying to deal with is more than the spirit king, but never less than him.

Woo woo woo.


“Kuh... Kwaaaaaaagh!”

“Poetry divine power...?”

“What the hell is this...?”

“No, how the hell does a Elemental Witch use divine power?”

Jaeyoung is not at the level of a low-class paladin, but radiates powerful divine power that is almost like an apostle. And as they looked at the highest level spirits of the four attributes that appeared around him, the expressions of the demons and users were horribly distorted.

Holy Knight and Elemental Sorcerer.

The narrative of this Holy Demon War began to twist again, centering around the bizarre hybrid (?) of the two as if they had become jjambbong.

Reversing the same ending as the fate that was already decided in a completely unpredictable direction.

* * *

“Ha..... Damn it.....”

Tan confirms that Jaeyoung has returned to Arcadia again.

He had a hunch as he watched the appearance of the suddenly appearing spirit kings attacking everyone indiscriminately without identifying their friends.

“You mean to break the plate here and now? no way?”

Jaeyoung's will to not acknowledge this narrative that he and L are making.

Koo Goo Goo Goo.


The power of the Spirit Kings is so powerful that the aftermath can be clearly felt even in a situation where there is a considerable distance. Watching the enormous force being swept away by their chaos, Tan felt as if Jaeyoung was whispering in his ear with his signature evil smile.

‘Would you like to try again with me? really?'


Either the heavens or the demons. The situation is in a confrontation with no clear victory anywhere.

In this situation, the anxiety that if the owner side with the damn chicken is the end of the devil world continues to surge, Tan, after struggling and struggling, finally can't stand it and bursts into irritation, flapping his little wings like a shot. flew away

“ah. damn! It really makes my head hurt.”

He followed the Black Flame Dragon of Darkness closely and monitored the war situation. However, he threw everything away and flew to the south where everything was being destroyed, and the first sight he encountered was the fire and wind spirit king radiating tremendous divinity and a wasteland where the entire area was completely devastated.

“This crazy..... I really didn't cover the front and back and turned everything over.....”

The Great Forest, which should have been filled with trees so dense that you can't see an inch in front of you. However, as he looked down at Jaeyoung, who was standing in the round, huge vacant lot that had turned into a black wasteland without leaving a trace, Tan was convinced.

Now he is not on the side of the World Tree, let alone in the Heavens or the Demon World.

That is, complete neutrality itself.

“Huh..... But it seems the chicken hasn't appeared yet.”

Tan, who was worried that the beggar chicken might not be the first to act like he had thought. However, seeing that L was nowhere to be seen around him, Tan let out a sigh of relief and hurriedly flew towards the owner.

“master! master!”

“uh. Are you here?”

He flew away waving his hand with the most welcome expression, but he welcomed him with a sad face as if he had seen it before. Such a lukewarm response made Tan feel uneasy about something, but he tried to talk to him calmly and brazenly.

“Why the hell haven't you seen me for a while? Do you know how anxiously I have been waiting?”

“I don’t think you waited too long, did you? Seeing that he was doing such a big thing behind the scenes without me knowing.”

“Oh, that's right, Master. I'll explain everything. As for how this happened...”

Tan, with a slightly sullen expression at the thorny words, tries to continue the story. But Jaeyoung shook his hand as if he didn't want to hear it.

“Okay, you go there too, kneel and raise your hand.”


“Go over there next to your best friend, raise your hand and reflect on what you did wrong.”

At that moment, Tan saw a strange sight he had never seen before.


I don’t know when he came, but the figure of Michael, his nemesis, kneeling with both hands raised.

“What are you doing? Hurry up and raise your hand next to me?”

“No matter how the owner is, this is a bit...”

“Why. no?”


Jaeyoung asked with a serious face as if he was not kidding. There is Gao of the Demon King. Originally, he would not have done it even if it meant disappearing, but seeing how El, who was equal to him, was obediently punishing him, and knowing that the target who made him do it was the most evil and vicious being in the world, Tan quietly calmed himself without realizing it. go and raise your hand



Two deities who have transcendent divinity representing the demon world and the celestial world.

But at this moment.

The two of them were on their knees and with their hands raised as they were being punished.

For the reason that he caused a war of the century to divide the continent without the owner's knowledge.

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