Chapter 423 Demon World (4)

[Act. 4 Invasion of the Pandemonium]

As soon as this scenario in which demons from hell began to appear in earnest, public opinion in the world rapidly heated up, as if it were about to explode.

-??? Are these bastards really insane


-Is this... what is it? Is it a post-secondary crisis or something?

-No, how long has it been since the invasion of machine civilization ended?

- Seeing this come out, I wonder if it's just that the company is going to close down.

-Gold quote hell, Gazua~!!!!!

Starting with the story of the company going bankrupt, all kinds of nasty sounds are coming out from all over the place, and it is truly a dizzying situation for the employees of Arcadia Co., Ltd. However, those who had already foreseen this situation tried to overcome it head-on through extensive propaganda.

[This scenario is a setting based on the myth of the Great War of the Holy Spirit. As you can see if you carefully check the various literature and settings in the game, the texture is completely different from the second half crisis that occurred just before. Also...]

The existence of demons living in the world of demons that existed from the beginning and can be found in countless historical records. Explaining them in more detail, the spokesperson strongly emphasized one fact in front of reporters.

[Furthermore, it is not the intention of our management to initiate this scenario. To be honest, it was our intention to delay it as much as possible considering the recent situation. However, guilds and organizations with various interests, including users playing as warlocks, triggered the scenario at a faster rate than expected.] In order to start the scenario on the screen, a large number of users

secretly Thousands of tens of thousands of quests that have been cleared are tightly listed, clearly showing that all of this is thanks to the hard work of many users.

[This scenario is similar to witch hunts in the past. The good that suppressed and trampled evil. And the evil that resisted him and eventually stood up. It was just a scenario that would inevitably happen in the midst of the battle and conflict between good and evil, which are fiercely confronted at both extremes. It is clearly stated here.]

It is not what they did.

I emphasized that it was committed by dark-type users, but since they had already made similar excuses several times over a long period of time and piled up karma, the reactions of the users were cold.

-That's really fucking right lol

-???: We're not at fault! It's all their fault!

- No, it's a problem because you keep putting strange scenarios into a normal game.

- One split is so fantastic that you can really admire it. So, good and evil are divided again, so that you fight to make your nose bleed?

The world of Arcadia seems to have no idea what peace is.

In their own desires, in their respective interests, all sorts of incidents and accidents are rampant and rampant, and those who feel tired in this world like a devil's cave have expressed their dissatisfaction over and over again, but someone has taken this situation as an opportunity and secretly shined their eyes.

“Hmm... how is it...?”

Excluding sharply divided occupation groups such as warlocks and priests, options common to neutral users only.

Looking at it, James, a ranker from the North American continent, was seriously thinking and his eyes were shining.

[Quest The crossroads of good and evil]

- Demons from hell who are trying to devour this world have begun to flock. A choice must be made as entire continents are thrown into turmoil as you kneel under the mighty dark lord and attempt to taint the world with evil. Will you side with the demons and help corrupt the world? Or will they be judged in the camp of angels?

A quest that forces two options as if neutrality is not allowed. All you have to do is make a choice... It wasn't a very difficult problem, but after checking the results, he couldn't make a hasty decision.

“It is overwhelmingly beneficial to choose evil, but...”

If you choose the evil camp, you must join the Demon King’s Army and participate in this war. It didn't seem like a good choice to be on the side of those who were encroaching on the whole world, but surprisingly, many users were already on the side of the demon king's army.

-If you belong to the Demon King's Army, you can open a Demon World store and buy this or that with bad karma, but the things are really crazy.

-A low-ranking demon gave me a reward for 3 demons saying that I was doing a good job.

-Hey uh ..... I'm a succubus .....

-If you become a Demon King, you will be given a title, but if you wear this, your experience will be doubled.

-and. oh my god. Among the things that can be bought with bad karma, there is also the right to transform into a demon.

-??? demons...? Is that even possible?

Neutral users who come with enormous additional benefits and stand in the camp of demons one after another, seduced by such rewards. And that was obviously due to the great influence of the absence of the fallen Holy Empire.

-Ah, I chose the first camp because I don't think I'm a bit of a devil, but there's nothing...?

-Didn't you know that the Holy Empire was destroyed this time? The house is all burnt down, so I'm in a hurry to take care of myself, but what could be there haha.

-Don't choose the castle camp. There's nothing there, it's just garbage. The title doesn't matter too much.

Originally, the Holy Empire should have held strong hegemony over the entire continent. Therefore, in order to balance this situation, it was planned to be biased by providing additional advantages to those who chose the camp of the demon world, so there were very few people who chose the side of the ragtag angels due to the fall of Eden.

As this information began to spread in Arpendia, neutral users gradually flocked to the evil camp and the weight of the scales began to tilt. But even so, James couldn't make a choice easily because of the anxiety that was creeping in strangely.

“Why are you so... embarrassing...?”

It is rational to choose the camp of evil, but anxiety pushed to a level close to instinct. So he struggled for a long time, but in the end he had to suppress his instinct and make a rational decision.

[You have chosen the evil faction.]

[The fork in the quest selection has been completed.]

[The title ‘Follower of Evil' has been acquired.] [

The Pandemonium Shop has been opened.]

[Incorporated into the 2nd Corps of the Demon King's Army. .]

[The quest Conquest of Middle-earth has been created.]

[The related mission has been assigned.]

[Please check the contents.]




As soon as you make a choice, countless messages pour in like a bombardment. Waving his hands in the air, he blew off all the notification windows and soon checked the newly created Pandemonium Shop and related missions.

“Hmm... definitely things that everyone has no choice but to be smitten with.”

Options that require you to destroy the world you've been playing so far with your own two hands.

However, he gripped his sword as he saw the sweet rewards he received.

As the faithful demon army of the 2nd legion ruled by Nargal, the lord of slaughter.

To stain this world with evil.

* * *


Lord of Chaos.

Demon King Satan.

In Arcadia, in the form of a familiar, he was spewing out a sinister laugh as he watched the current situation without anyone knowing.

“Is it good?”

L looked at me with a pitiful face and asked. Then Tan shouted with an excessive reaction as if it was natural.

“of course! Don't you know what's going on? I! And the demon world! I can confidently come out into this world! Finally, the moment of reversal of the tide has come and gone.”

During this time when Jaeyoung was absent, Tan focused on opening up this huge scenario by keeping a close eye on the trends of El and the Celestial World. That's why he muttered with a thrilled expression that he was about to shed tears as he recalled the many sorrows of the past.

“I didn’t give in to your dirty tricks, and despite all the sorrow and sabotage, I finally... saw the darkness even in my later years. Ha... really...”

L always tried his best to interfere, saying he didn't care if even the roots of the pillars of the celestial world were pulled out to screw him up. Tan, who was always giggling with a huge and bulky candy in his mouth because of her, shouted with a triumphant face.

“I'm going to run with this momentum and destroy all the foundations of you and those fucking chickens. The charter is turning from today, so feel how miserable it is to beg for probabilities in a rented room.”

Grinding his teeth, Tan renews his will for revenge, saying that he will pay back the sorrow he has suffered a thousand times over. However, L gave a short reply with a strangely indifferent face.

“Wherever you try it.”

L answered insincerely in a tone as if he was not worth dealing with. At her reaction, as if the army of demons spreading all over the continent wasn't that big of a threat, Tan made an expression as if he felt something strange.

“what....? That reaction...?”

“What am I?”

L reacts as if he is not interested in this. Obviously, he reacted the most violently to this situation, and it was normal to hold on to his collar.

“You... what the hell are you up to?”

Tan sensed that there was something he didn't know. That's why he questioned her with a sinister face, and L smiled and said a meaningful story.

“You are mistaken about something... War is a war of attrition that lasts for quite a long time.”


“By the way... if you overdo it like that, dazzle the adventurers and launch an all-out offensive, you'll have an advantage in the beginning. But... things aren't going as well as I thought?”

Tan prepared for this invasion by pouring all the possibilities into living without it. That's why he aggressively robbed all the treasures of the underworld and attracted countless adventurers to his side, but strangely, El didn't exhaust any probability.

He is just quietly watching the situation as if he is deliberately trying to conserve power.

“You... can't you...?”

Tan widens his eyes as if thinking about something. But then he shook his head as if he couldn't do that.

“No, your substitute has already been killed by me. Since Eden has already been corrupted, a scenario where he directly descends and wages an all-out war against us is impossible. It is even impossible to close the Hell Gate that has been left open.”

Losing all of the most powerful divine apostles and practically losing most of the ways to implement the power of the heavens in Arcadia. That's why it was Tan who forced this invasion, but she gave her face as if she was pathetic.

“So you and your subordinates are stupid. Babies are always so focused on what is happening right in front of them that they fail to see the big picture.”

“...what the hell are you talking about?”

The Hell Gate has already been successfully opened. In a situation where he could radiate the power of the demon world more powerfully than ever before, Tan couldn't understand El's words at all because he thought that the defeat of the heaven world was certain.

“Did you forget? Are you... no, exactly the fact that there are people who will roll their eyes if you and I try to mess around here in Arcadia...?”

“what....? No, wait a minute... if you do now...”

Tan clearly looked puzzled as if he had noticed something.

But El said with a strangely evil smile.

“don't worry. I'll intervene eventually. After you put all your energy into descending somehow and exhausted all possibilities. But I'm not the one you have to deal with right now.”

“This damn chicken... What a cowardly sapling...”

Tan gritted his teeth as if he had figured out the plan of that vicious and cunning chicken. But L smiled and replied to him.

“Don’t you know the saying that the enemy of an enemy is a friend? If you twist it, you can invite a friend too.”


However, Tan couldn't protest at all.

The leader of all demons and the ruler of the demon realm.

Satan, the corrupt demon king of chaos.

He was the king of a world with all of his power, power, and goods, but even he had no fr𝑜m fr𝒆ewebnove(l).com

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