Chapter 420 Pandemonium (1)

Many settings and histories exist in Arcadia.

Among them, one of the mythological stories with the largest scale was the great war between angels and demons.

Seal of the World Tree.

scattered continents.

A reclusive heterogeneous race.

In addition to that, a terrible war in mythology that brought countless aftermath.

Even the records were not kept properly, so general users were not aware of the contents related to it, but the employees of Arcadia Co., Ltd., who were looking through the related data in relatively detail, were truly astonished.

“So... you mean that demons from the Demon Realm that tore the continent into 8 pieces in the past and devastated 90% of the entire continent can reappear...?”

“Looking at the data now, yes. It seems that several factors worked in combination... It seems that the related trigger worked.”

Managing Director Kwon Myeong-han frowned at the words of manager Kang Tae-hoon. He groaned as if recalling various incidents in the past.

“Keuk..... No matter how much I thought about it, the divine camp had shrunk too much...”

Originally, the camp of angels who had been solidly building their own forces in Arcadia.

Those who spread across the continent, centered on the Holy Empire Saint, suppressed and trampled the forces of evil so severely that they could not find any mercy.

[In the village where the black magician was born, catch disbelievers through strict and harsh interrogations and purify them all with fire. Thoroughly implement God's will so that the remnants of filthy evil can never arise again!]

Leave no one behind and bring down a righteous judgment on all those who forsake God.]

Because of that, the forces of evil have been completely secluded and wandering around, failing to establish a proper force. However, after the birth of the Maroon Kingdom, the situation began to change rapidly.

“First of all.... Since the birth of the Dark Kingdom, led by the Black Flame Dragon of Darkness, the influence of the Pandemonium camp has continued to grow stronger. I don't know if the celestial side had maintained the existing level here... but because of the recent incident, it has completely collapsed, so the balance has completely collapsed.”

The fall of Eden, a huge tragedy that took place in the Holy Empire Saint.

As a result, thanks to the death of Apostolic Pope Amen, who represented the heavens, and those who lost the most powerful holy ground, the demonic world broke free of all restraints that had oppressed and oppressed them so far, and went wild more freely than ever before.

“As a result, a lot of scenarios related to Pandemonium are currently going on among users. The few top rankers who know what they are doing are contracting with the highest level demons and are in contact with several large guilds. There are users who have it.”

I don't know when it started, but the demons were gradually proceeding with their plan to open the gates of hell through the myriad of their followers who had contracted with them while expanding the influence of the demon realm. And now, we are almost on the verge of achieving that goal.

“The places that are in charge of connecting to the Pandemonium... So you're saying you're collecting all the things you need to operate the places called Hell Gate?”

“yes. As you can see from the picture here... There are 6 bases hidden all over the continent of Arcadia. These are the bases of demons in the past, and are the key passageways and gateways connecting the Pandemonium and Arcadia.”

Six shining dots all over the map of the unified continent Arcadia.

And while watching those dots twinkle, Executive Director Kwon Myung-han muttered with a troublesome face.

“So... is it that when the gates of Hell open, all sorts of demons from the demon realm come out from there? To devour all of Arcadia?”

“Well... I think it will flow roughly like that.”

A story related to a common demonic invasion that can be seen anywhere. However, after taking a closer look at the development process of the related scenarios in the report step by step, Executive Director Kwon Myung-han began to ponder something with a serious face.

“Hmm..... Fortunately, as soon as the gate opens, high-ranking demons don't all appear right away, right?”

“yes. Basically, it seems to be planned to give the opposing faction time to react. First of all, it is designed in such a way that the level of demons that can appear is limited, starting with low-level monsters in each base, and the restrictions are gradually lifted as time passes.”

Demons that will appear in 6 parts of the huge continent of Arcadia. However, they were only at the level of the weakest group of low-level monsters. Of course, even so, the abilities of those who would appear with their own strength were too strong for ordinary users to handle.

“The gate will be unlocked in proportion to the amount of blood shed by Arcadia's users and NPCs... For example, it will be similar to a defense game.”

“yes. From the user's point of view, they have to block their offensive with minimal damage. As the damage increases, the level and scale of the enemy continue to increase.”

“I...but is this really a level that users can afford in the current situation? Even if you look at the data here, the average level of the monsters that will appear from the beginning is about 100...” “

That's true, but the enemy inside is a problem. Once the passage to the Pandemonium is opened, all users who play as dark classes will basically participate in this war on the side of the demons. Overall, although it is said that the proportion of those with sacred and neutral jobs is overwhelmingly large... If users split up and fight again, the situation is likely to turn gloomy.”

“That's right.....”

The staff voice their concerns about this scenario. Managing Director Kwon Myeong-han asked at the reaction of general manager Kang Tae-hun, who was unable to refute their opinions and blurted out his words with a puzzled expression.

“So... assuming the worst-case scenario, what would happen?”

“Worst case scenario...?”

General Manager Kang Tae-hoon analyzed and reviewed hundreds of possible scenarios with his subordinates in the crisis management response team. And he said with a deep sigh, as if he had picked the worst of the worst scenarios that he hoped would never happen.

“Once, assuming that all defense lines and barriers related to the invasion of the Pandemonium are breached... As early as a week at the latest, within a month at the latest, the highest level of demons will be able to appear in the Pandemonium.”

“If it's the highest rank...?”

“They are also called corps commanders. If they appeared in Arcadia without any restrictions, each one would be a being with transcendental power equivalent to level 700.”

“The level is... 700...?”

“This crazy.....”

“The power inflation reached such an insane level...”

Power inflation that can be experienced in any other game. However, when the strength of the enemies began to rise to an uncontrollable level, those who did not know the details related to this all laughed with an expression of absurdity.

“So, when those corps commanders appear, what are the additional counter-events?”

“Once... if the situation escalates to that point, then emergency scenarios will be activated. The dragon, who acts as the guardian of Arcadia, will intervene, and the elves and dwarves will also lend their strength to the human war to protect their territory.”

A transcendental dragon that always appeared and saved the world when Arcadia was in danger of destruction. And Director Kang Tae-hoon talks about the intervention of the World Tree, the mother of all life and all things. But he was saying that the ending was never a happy ending.

“But...even that won't stop them.”


“Please look at the last page of the page.”

At those words, the staff suddenly looked at the last of the meeting materials they were holding. And when they read what was written there, they all shouted in astonishment.

“What the hell is this?”

“Oh... what is this...?” Director Kang Tae-hoon began to mutter softly to Executive Director Kwon Myeong-han, who was reading the conference materials with a stiff face.

“In order to finally end this scenario, the entrance to the demon world.... the bases called Hell Gate must be destroyed and closed again. And there was only one person who could do that.”

Numerous settings and stories that exist in Arcadia. None of them were meaningless.

This virtual world, where every tramp sitting on the street and begging, to trivial junk that seems worthless, each has its own story and is entangled in various cause-and-effect relationships amidst the complex threads of fate.

And in Arcadia, the Saint of the Holy Empire, who collapsed in vain under very unexpected circumstances, was clearly playing the role of a protagonist in an important narrative.

“Pope Amen, he was the NPC who would play the most key role in this Pandemonium invasion scenario, but with his death, there is virtually no way to close the Hell Gate.”

Director Kang Tae-hoon, who has already checked dozens of times through Ellis. As if trying to do something, he looked straight into the eyes of Executive Director Kwon Myung-han and talked about the serious situation.

“Even if the scenario starts, the only thing normal users can do is to delay the time as much as possible and block the attack of demons. It is virtually impossible to completely drive them out or end the scenario.”

A huge scenario that has been planned for a long time.

The Second Holy Magic War.

Originally planned as a war between angels and demons, the narrative of a fierce struggle changed into a story of a completely new genre due to the fall of Eden.

“Just say the conclusion, Director Kang Tae-hoon. What will happen if the scenario cannot be finished due to the absence of a key NPC?”

A situation where the huge flow of the scenario is completely twisted due to an unexpected accident. That's why he gave a concise answer to Executive Director Kwon Myeong-han's question about what would happen if he left it as it was.

“If all restrictions on those 6 bases are lifted... and if you receive more than a certain level of damage from demons, the final door will eventually open.”

A bloody six star drawn across the continent centered on six bases. And a certain existence that emerges from the crack created in the center.

And everyone who saw it fell silent.

“The demon king of chaos will finally appear in Arcadia, and if even the world tree, the last bastion, is in their hands... then the entire continent of Arcadia will be completely demonized. .”

A power that contaminates everything, warps the source, and encroaches.


As a result, the continent has been transformed into a bizarre and creepy appearance, and monsters and monsters with terrible appearances can be found everywhere. And users running away from all over the place to survive from them and playing survival games. They gulped their saliva with their faces white as if they were terrified as they watched the Pandemonium transform into a world full of fear, where hunting, adventure, and romance were nowhere to be found.

Watching the genre completely change from an RPG game with a beautiful and fantastic fantasy background to a horror survival game full of horror to survive in the middle of hell.

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