Chapter 418 The intern is too strong (9)

Ajin Group boasts a powerful influence as the best company in Korea and the number one in the business world.

It was thanks to the overwhelming technology and tremendous innovation produced by Ajin Electronics that they grew into a global company beyond Korea. And Chairman Lee Jun-hee, who dominates and dominates the entire group, starting with Ajin Electronics.

Even though he had so much prestige that even the president could not touch him, the face of Chairman Lee Jun-hee, who came to visit Lee Mi-yeon, seemed to be full of embarrassment.

“Kkeuh..... So the reason Ko finally came to Korea was because of the game?”

“Yes..... As soon as I returned to Korea, I ran straight here, so I said everything. It seemed that he was very excited about the fact that the scenario he planned had begun.”

“Hmm... I’ve seen the controversies related to virtual reality often through the news lately... but it must be quite a headache.”

“I mean.....”

President Lee Mi-yeon muttered with a bitter smile at Chairman Lee Jun-hee’s words. He asked with a questioning face.

“So... how are things really going to work out? Could it be that Arcadia is going to collapse and the service will not be stopped?”

“why. Are you worried too, Chairman?”

With Ajin Electronics... No, it's a problem that is not directly related to Chairman Lee Jun-hee. However, President Lee Mi-yeon asked, seeing his reaction that he was seriously concerned even though it was someone else's business.

“Isn’t that obvious? Even if it is simply the value of the stake in Arcadia owned by Ajin Electronics, an enormous loss is expected. As one of the largest shareholders, I have no choice but to be concerned.”

Ajin Electronics holds a 33% stake in Arcadia.

Although the amount was not exact because it was not listed, he is worried that the value of the stake, which is estimated to have an astronomical value, will become shit. But there was a more serious problem than that.

“Besides, as you know... Ajin Electronics has already made a huge investment in building production facilities for Dreamer and Lucid Dream. If you think about the money invested in manufacturing server devices to handle traffic and other equipment necessary for all facilities, you have no choice but to worry.”

Ajin Electronics boasts tremendous growth by breaking record sales every quarter.

However, as a counterweight to that, even in the investment, all the funds were being invested at an insane level, so Chairman Lee Jun-hee talked to her seriously.

“Because of the sudden announcement of the possibility of a virtual reality service being stopped overnight, the sale of virtual reality devices stopped and inventories began to pile up, so in the end, no matter how much we are, the worst situation could happen.”

“Worst case...?”

“That means you’ll run out of money to pay your debts.”

“...Is the situation that serious?”

Failure to pay. In other words, bankruptcy.

A situation that can happen at any time in a company that has made excessive investments without considering risks. However, considering the influence of Ajin Electronics, such a situation could not be just a gossip or controversy, but a catastrophe close to an economic depression.

“Well... I’m not going to go bankrupt or anything like that. Still, if we sell this or that, it will be possible to fix it somehow, but we'll probably shed a lot of blood. Many people will lose their jobs and the domestic economy itself will become unstable.”

Instead of earning huge amounts of money, the Ajin Group contributes to the domestic economy and job creation on an enormous scale. For this reason, Chairman Lee Jun-hee emphasized that this incident could threaten not only the company itself, but also the many workers of Ajin Group who live their daily lives and their families. And to his warning, President Lee Mi-yeon responded with a slightly complicated expression.

“I will do the best I can.”

“Okay... if you do what you’ve been doing up until now, you’ll do just fine. I'll believe it. I don't think that Minsu just made you the general manager of this company for no reason.”

Chairman Lee Jun-hee stood up from his seat, sending eyes mixed with trust that he would be able to resolve this situation amicably. Lee Mi-yeon, the president of the company, looked at him with a worried face and asked him.

“By any chance... is Chairman Lee Jun-hee willing to persuade Min-soo with me?”

“You mean that guy...?”

“yes. If there is an amicable agreement, I think it could be adjusted without major problems.”

I'm making preparations in my own way, but the best thing is for the person who made this disaster to give up the event of that disaster. Chairman Lee Joon-hee looked at President Lee Mi-yeon, who seemed to be dreaming of an ideal dream to somehow turn Min-su's heart back, then turned around with a smile.

“How could that little guy who didn’t listen to me and just do what he wanted to do? Wake me up.”

* * *

“So... the design and development team headed by Manager Yang Min-hyeok agreed to take responsibility and finish the project. You directly said that you would reflect the planned issues as much as possible, so I guess I will just have to wait without getting too involved in the future.”


This is enough to be considered a preferential treatment. Unlike the first plan, the business cooperation contract between KG Electronics and Arcadia Co., Ltd. is full of all sorts of absurd proposals.

The contract completely turned KG Electronics' internal political structure upside down.

[Does this make sense? If so, what should we do with our sales part!]

[What's the point? Boss Times are changing. Even if we tried to expand the sales part by unreasonably increasing the size, we have reached a point where we can't get any benefit. Even now, it is necessary to completely reduce the sales part and reduce manpower to reduce costs. Otherwise, we will not be able to survive the low-price offensive of Chinese companies!]

Managing Director Kim Young-chan is planning to undertake a major restructuring by reducing the sales side, which is the core force of Executive Director Kim Young-jin, to a level close to complete dismantling. And as the claim was eventually finalized, the camp on the side of Executive Director Kim Young-jin, who had become almost disconnected, could not hide their dejection.

[Why on earth did Arcadia Co., Ltd. make such a ridiculous proposal...?] Managing

Director Kim Young-jin, who used even his subordinates to stir up a quarrel and stir up a controversy in order to somehow hinder cooperation with them. However, he couldn't understand at all when he saw that the project was being promoted to an absurd level, rather than being abandoned, but it was the same situation for everyone except for Park Jin-tae, Assistant Manager Koh Dong-ho, and Managing Director Kim Young-chan.

“Then... I think I’ve done everything I can at this company. It's a pity that I had to quit without completing the internship period due to circumstances, but... wasn't this a pretty competent intern?”

Jae-young talks playfully and hands the last document he wrote directly to managing director Kim Young-chan. And accepting the document, he expressed his sincere gratitude.

“Thank you.”

“What. I did it because I wanted to, so you don't have to worry too much about it.”

As an intern, Jaeyoung has achieved an absolutely impossible level of performance. And when he heard about why that was possible, he couldn't believe it at first.

A secret friend of the general manager of Arcadia Co., Ltd.

I don't know exactly what the relationship is, but the fact that he has a very close relationship with the company's top decision maker, who is in a superior position regarding virtual reality, ignited a huge desire in his heart.

‘If it's this guy.....'

A tremendous talent who might give huge wings to the future of KG Electronics. That's why I felt a stronger possessive desire than ever before.

“Hey... do you have any intention of working properly at our company?”


“Don’t get me wrong. It's not because I'm just suggesting it based on this incident. According to the reports I received from Deputy Assistant Manager Goh Dong-ho and Manager Park Jin-tae, they are quite competent.”

Jae-young, who handled whatever task was entrusted to him, perfectly and promptly, without any flaws. Except for the fact that he was still young and hadn't served in the military, he was a perfectly close employee, so managing director Kim Young-chan made an unconventional proposal first.

“If you want, I will arrange for you to work as a full-time employee starting tomorrow. Not as a low-level employee, but as a manager.”


“Director Sa, what is that...?”

A managerial position in charge of a department and serving as a bridge between executives and general employees.

He proposes to Jae-young, a young man in his early 20s, a position that only people in their 40s who have excellent work skills and long experience can climb. General manager Park Jin-tae and assistant manager Koh Dong-ho opened their mouths in shock, knowing how absurd this was, but he continued talking seriously as if he was not joking.

“I can tell just from the fact that you are talking to Manager Park here. You have that unique atmosphere. Regardless of age or rank.... The quality of a leader who can naturally grab hold of anyone, direct them, and bring out their full potential.”

Managing Director Kim Yeong-chan, who intuitively sensed that Jae-young had something with his insight as a manager. That's why he took out as many carrots as he could and tried to placate him somehow.

“I'm not just asking you to come into our company. Make sure your salary is at the highest level. If you want, I'm willing to personally invest about 1 billion in you. And...”

He offers a huge amount of money and puts all sorts of conditions to the point where you lose your senses even though you are just listening to him. However, Jae-young, who had been listening to him quietly, soon cut him off and firmly refused.

“I’m sorry, but I have no intention of working here any more, no matter what conditions you offer me. In fact, it is not even possible.”

President Lee Mi-yeon's promise to quit this useless internship and return to Arcadia instead of accepting this ridiculous contract. Even in order to fulfill it, Jae-young could not accept the proposal made by Kim Young-chan, the managing director.

“You don’t like our company... so much?”

“Oh, that's not it. Everyone took good care of me and it wasn't bad. It was an intern, but the work wasn't that hard, the commute was clear, and there was no forced dinner or old school culture... Well, rather than what I imagined, it was on the better side.”

KG Electronics didn't have bad welfare benefits or working environment, perhaps because it was a large company. There was no old boss who was arrogant, so Jae-young thought that he had enjoyed the internship for a little over two months.

“Anyway... I don’t mean to quit because I don’t like this company, so please don’t misunderstand me. If I didn't like it in the first place, I wouldn't have helped you like this. I was just silently watching.”

“Is that so...” Managing

Director Kim Young-chan puts on an expression full of regret at Jae-young’s words that he is quitting for a very personal reason. Looking at him like that, Jaeyoung smiled and added his words.

“If you appreciate me that much, could you promote two people here?”

“...Let’s try our best for that.”



Jaeyoung, who briefly enjoyed the reactions of assistant manager Goh Dong-ho and general manager Park Jin-tae, whose expressions changed moment by moment in their conversation, soon stood up with a smile. Then, managing director Kim Yeong-chan suddenly turned around with a curious expression and asked behind him.

“Could I ask... what caused you to quit?”

He couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked a question about his personal circumstances. And in answer to that question, the three of them froze in a daze for a while.

“Because I have to play.”

The source of this is freewe(b)nov𝒆l

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