Chapter 393 The end of the human era has arrived (4)

Jack, the creator and father of Arcadia.

In order to prevent the huge disaster of this second half crisis, which Minsu, a business partner and top manager, mobilized the simplest and most powerful means.

[It's not annoying. To suddenly carry out a mission.]

A transcendental dragon born with the blessing of God.

Among them, the blue dragon Dermian, who had been sleeping for a long time nesting in the Japanese continent, was flying in the sky with his eyes open at the sudden activation of his mission.


A medium-sized dragon that is over 5,000 years old. It's not as much as the so-called Elder-class Ancient Dragon, but since its physical growth has already been completed, its massive size, which reaches hundreds of meters, is enormous enough to be seen with the naked eye even at high altitudes.

[What the heck...]

Dermian arrived at the point where the mission led.

He had no choice but to stop blankly at the bizarre sight unfolding there, which he had never seen even after living for thousands of years.

Gee ying. Woo woo woo.

A gray metallic megastructure close to a city. And something unknown was flying around in the air and busily working on something.

[It's the first time I've seen it..... Did humans make strange toys again...?]

Wii-ing. Weiying.

Drones seem to be looking at themselves while making strange noises.

Seeing that, Dermian felt the curiosity peculiar to the dragon race aroused, but soon remembered what the mission assigned to him was, and licked his lips with a regretful expression.

[Sorry... I don't know what it is, but to destroy all of this...]

The reason he exists in this world, and the absolute order that must be fulfilled.


It was a pity that he had to destroy a toy that looked quite fun because of it, but he took a deep breath as he soon drew up the mana that filled his heart.

Woo woo woo.

This Dragon Heart, Arcadia's most powerful magic engine, can contain near-infinite mana.

While the heart radiated tremendous power and prepared to destroy the grotesque-looking structure, the mechanical consciousness that had turned into an outpost on the planet watched it all and prepared a response.

[warning. Confirmation of the organism's approach to the base.]

Gestalt continued to keep an eye on Dermian through biological reactions immediately detected by the radar. And he immediately sensed the attack as he watched a tremendous amount of energy gather.

[Detecting a large wave of psionic energy.]

[Detecting aggressive behavior. Switch to defensive posture.]


As if he had been through this situation not once or twice, he paused all work and focused his energy on the barrier, and soon started a process.

[Psionic energy wave analysis..... cracking attempt.....]

And that moment. Powerful and destructive magic began to project through the mouth of the Dreamian.


A dragon's power and symbol-like attack that has tremendous power to wipe out a city and bring down a nation.

Dragon Breath.

However, that breath was nothing more than a bit of a nuisance to a mechanical civilization that had already evolved to the point of pioneering the universe.


A translucent force field that surrounds the entire structure.

Dermian was shocked to see his own attack, which was blocked by the force field and failed to achieve its original purpose and vanished in vain.

[What is that...? Blocking the breath...?]

Looking at the structure that casually blocked the rays of death and destruction, which was established as a setting that it could be avoided but never blocked, Dermian couldn't believe it. made a face And soon, as if his pride was hurt, his face was distorted, his threatening eyes shining, and he raised his mana again.

[Let's try it once..... Block this too.]

Ku-gu-gu-gu-gung. Puff puff puff.

A feast of dozens of top-notch magics pouring in in an instant.

Starting from the 8th circle to the 9th circle, which is called a disaster, it was completely devastating the area, but the structure was still intact.

Woo woo woo.

A shield that shines translucently as if it were teasing.

Dermian, who glared at the shield for a moment, muttered with a venomous face.

[Is this because magic doesn't work...? If so, I'll trample it with my own hands.]

He thinks of crushing it with his body boasting enormous mass and thoroughly trampling it. However, Gestalt's actions were faster than Dermian's.

[Psionic wave analysis complete. Cracking success.]

While blocking countless attacks, he continued to analyze Dermian's mana. And right after destroying everything, the Gestalt launched a counterattack.

[Psionic Disruption Protocol activated. Destruction System On.]

[Switched to Instant Kill mode.]

After all preparations were completed, he gave the order to annihilate the organism in front of him.

And at that moment, the drones waiting inside the barrier turned red and began to fly into the air.


Small drones that seem to be less than 2 meters in size one by one.

To Dermian, an adult-sized dragon, it was just as cute as a mosquito or a fly, but he instinctively felt a sense of danger.

[What the heck is this...]

Tens of thousands... Hundreds of thousands... No, there are so many drones that we can't even accurately measure their size. And finally, Dermian could understand the fact that all of them were flying with a threatening force and aiming at him.

As the guardian of Arcadia, why was the mission that can only be activated in a huge crisis on the continent suddenly activated?

[This...isn't something I can handle alone...] I

couldn't quite understand what that unidentified structure was, but it was clear that it was a huge threat. So, although his pride was hurt, he was able to make a decision quickly.

[I'll have to report it to Rod. This is a problem that the entire race must come forward to solve.]

Dermian raises mana with the idea of retreating and planning the future.

Rather than rushing away, he thought of leaving the battlefield with space movement, but he could not hide his embarrassment at the sudden abnormal phenomenon.


Originally, he would have set spatial coordinates in an instant and cast magic at a level close to instinct. However, when he realized that the coordinate calculations necessary for the space movement were not working properly, he noticed something strange.

Woo woo woo.

[Spatial-time coordinate disturbance. gravitational transformation. Corresponding data encryption.....]

A long time ago.

After the machine consciousness, Gestalt, awakens self-consciousness.

In the process of annihilating all organisms, there were beings that posed the greatest threat to mechanical civilization.

Psychic... Organisms that used the so-called psionic energy to cause all sorts of strange phenomena. He was able to come up with effective countermeasures so naturally because the combat data obtained from those who survived to the end and somehow resisted the mechanical civilization were already stored in the database.


Dermian mobilizes all his mind to calculate the spatial coordinates to escape from this place. However, fighting a spacecraft from a transcendent other world equipped with hundreds of millions of computational circuits based on quantum computing was literally like a candle in front of the sun.

[I can't believe this..... Mana... Mana...!]

To top it all off, even Mana, who always moved according to her own will, started to run rampant like crazy, moving on her own. He shouted with a shocked face when he showed signs of going to a mana runaway that a dragon would never experience. The moment I struggled to rectify this situation somehow, Gestalt's attack came first.

[Charged particle cannon recharge complete. Attack commenced.]

A death ray completely blew away an existing city.

As the main gun, which had been converted into a key defense turret in the middle of the converted outpost, started operating, the cannon of powerful energy began to fly rapidly toward the sky again.



The blue dragon Dermean crashed with a huge flash that seemed to temporarily blind him.

With his skin burned black as if he had received a massive blow, he fell to the ground with a great roar, but he did not die yet.

[This can't happen..... Why... the shield...]

I tried to activate the shield in a hurry, but even that wasn't completed properly.

He feels an immense sense of helplessness and danger in a situation where he cannot activate anything properly, contrary to his reputation as the lord and absolute ruler of magic. And when he opened his eyes in excruciating pain spreading throughout his body, he was able to realize for the first time in his life what fear is.


A huge number of entities emitting red light while looking at them. As if it had absolutely no intention of letting itself go unharmed, it was floating in the air, making strange noises and waving its eight tentacles.

[Dismantle the organism and transport all its by-products to the base.] As soon as

Gestalt gave the command, the drones rushed at Dermian all at once, operating mining lasers with super-high heat and tremendous cutting power.

[Kuh... Kwaaaaagh! Get rid of these wormy things...!]

Dermian struggled fiercely against the indiscriminate attacks of the piranhas, but the meaningless struggle was quiet within less than 10 minutes.

He was thoroughly disassembled and divided to the extent that even his shape was unrecognizable.

Dermian, who faced a terrible and cruel end that was unbelievable for a dragon, was recovered as a by-product to be used as a material for the development of mechanical civilization.


A small blue jewel brought by a drone.

However, upon receiving the ore, Gestalt began to feel interest for the first time.

[Lots of psionic energy detected. Check output above limit.]

A material dragon heart that contains a staggering amount of psionic energy, more than any other instance stored in his database.

When you are looking at it, which is the best magical material that can store infinite mana and boasts an output that is superior to any other, when you are entering a precise analysis.

Jack, who was watching this situation, muttered with a face that he was really pissed off.

[To chew and eat the strongest dragon on this continent this way...? Isn't it a real scam?]

[This object has only a few characteristics and settings, but no level or ability.] It has no level or ability,

just a machine consciousness gestalt that actually exists in this virtual reality. After looking at the characteristics and settings he had, Jack muttered with a puzzled face.

[Psionic energy... So, it's an existence that has an absolute superiority in everything related to mana?]

[That's right. Normal cracking of anything made of mana is possible. This is based on the settings that the top manager conceived, and after the birth of Gestalt in the past...] [

Don't try to explain the rough settings to me, simply put... Didn't you make

it to prank me in the sense of not trying to push me away?

Jack asked, looking at the case of Dermian, who rushed in to attack recklessly, but was unable to do anything and was completely dismantled without leaving any flesh.

[...If you check the conversation record of the top manager, it is analyzed that there is a high correlation.]

Alice couldn't deny that. At her confirmation, Jack was speechless and stood there blankly for a while. And soon, I could feel deep in my heart that the words that his lover Jennica complained about every day were not for nothing.

This is Arcadia's top manager Kim Min-soo.

That he is arguably the craziest guy in the world.

[Let's eat fried dumplings] The best troller in the game

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