Chapter 26 Tears of a Mine Slave Verheimer,

a lonely paladin.

As the title bestowed upon him, he always acted alone, so no one remembers his name or his achievements. However, it was a very famous being called by a different name to the demons. [The hammer is out! You fucking demons!] A crusader holding a

huge, heavy, hideous hammer that was literally soaked in the black blood of fallen demons in one hand, and holding an incorporeal shield made of divine power in the other hand.

Devil's Breaker, which smashes the earthen pot of demons at once. It's called Verheimer.

[The celestial being dwells in the player's body.]

[The power of the existence can be temporarily exerted.]

“This is.....”


power boiling inside the body. Seeing his hand holding a giant hammer he had never heard of before, Jaeyoung made a surprised expression.

“ah! Why is it someone like that even if I summon him?”

“oh? Do you know who it is?”

“are you kidding? Among the devils in hell, is there anyone who doesn't know that idiot? The quiet devils came to Hell on their own feet and smashed all the earthenware pots with that hammer!”

From the perspective of the demons, he may be a rare heinous criminal who committed serial killings (?) due to lack of trespassing, but to the angels, is he not a glorious and righteous lamb who did justice for them? Verheimer, who died and went to heaven, was summoned to this earth again even though Tan ran around and shouted, ‘A guy like that really needs to go to hell!' In the form that dwells in Jaeyoung's body.

“Chwiik... Chwiik... Human... Something has changed.”

“The hammer... that looks scary.”

three orcs. Jaeyoung's appearance suddenly changed in an instant, and they looked back at each other as if they were quite embarrassed. Then, an orc threw down the ax he was holding.

“Chwiik.... Seonppang is the best...!”

A hatchet flew in the blink of an eye.

Perhaps the original Jaeyoung was at such a speed that he could not react and was hit or barely avoided it, but not now.

“Hmm... that’s how you use it.”

A huge divine shield that suddenly appeared in the other hand that was not holding a hammer. Reducing and increasing and adjusting the size of the shield, Jaeyoung was quickly grasping Verheimer's skills and characteristics.

[The unrepentant will is activated.]

[The divine shield is activated in battle mode.]

[The faith of justice is activated.]

[The flame of the burning dawn is activated.] All

passive skills and buff skills are activated and rapidly rise. defense and stamina recovery. And when the pure white flame began to rise from his hammer, the expressions of the orcs changed in an instant.

“Chwiiik... Humans... Scary.”

“Don’t come closer. Chwiik.....”

“That hammer... Chwiik... looks sick.”

The orcs instinctively felt fear at the sight of Jaeyoung slowly approaching with a flame hammer. They took a step back, but Jaeyoung had no intention of letting them go.

“Ttukbaegi is perfect, you kids.”

* * *

[Skill skill has ended.]

[Settlement for the duration and player's actions has begun.]

[352 probability consumed.]

The battle with the orcs ended abruptly. A lightly wielded hammer. The orcs fell down with a ‘knock' sound and turned gray. Jaeyoung couldn't help but lick his appetite in regret at the feeling that it was over after hitting one honey chestnut.

“Ehh.... I thought I would be able to fight like a real battle after a long time.”

It feels like I stopped pooping in the middle. This awkwardness was the same, but the probability of being ripped off like a knife was more uncomfortable.

“No, how hard is it to collect probabilities, but you can get 352 probabilities with just a few minutes?”

It took 3 minutes no matter how long it took to kill 3 orcs. Of course, before that, he said something stupid about checking his ability level, but he still didn't stay strong for 10 minutes. Therefore, the probability claimed this time could not be nothing but profiteering itself.

“Because it is probabilities that make meaningless situations make sense. I don't know about Mr. Dex, but the Verheimer he summoned was a saint with great power. It is not expensive at all because it is to bring that power to this land fully.”

In the end, ‘If you summon a strong guy, you have to eat that much. If you have any complaints, just summon the weak ones.' Seeing her like that, Jaeyoung felt anxious about how much probability she was trying to eat if she used this skill properly.

“It might be useful in a dangerous situation... but I'll have to use it sparingly.”

The performance of the skill itself is infinitely useful and excellent, but it is a hippo that eats probabilities. Because of that, Jaeyoung sealed the skill deep in his heart, vowing never to use it unless he was really about to die.

“Ugh, the probability of that guy really.”

Jaeyoung glanced at Tan and L, who were following him, and started walking again grumbling. He seemed to be thinking of an ominous future in which he would eventually be sucked down to the very marrow by two salesmen who were snooping around trying to extract any probability.

* * *

The Hellven Mine where Jaeyoung left.

Kaang Kaang-

The place was full of more users and workers than ever before, and it was enjoying a great boom with countless iron ores being mined every day.

“hey! there! Can't you pickaxe right? That way, when will I fill my quota!”

Of course, most of the users mining there were swinging pickaxes against their own free will.

“kill! kill! Damn gamer! kill!”

“Ah-oh! Is this a game!”

“Uhhhh... Can I just look at it once? All my friends went hunting.”

Exclusive contract for mining the Hellven Mine.

This long-named contract exempted the use fee of the ridiculously expensive Hellven Mine and allowed it to be used for free. With only a few restrictions and breach clauses in place.

“You just have to sign here, and you just have to pay 30% of what you mined as a fee. And the mined ore must be sold to merchants within the territory.”

“ah. And there are two types of contracts, term and quota. Which one would you like? Oh, I recommend the period. Because this contract is a little special event for the lord, so it won't happen unless it's this time... You say you're doing it for a period of time? That's a good choice. I'll take a one-year contract then.”

The contract was made in an instant, at the speed of blinding one’s eyes, like a mobile phone contract. All those who personally signed this contract were enslaved in the mines of Hellven, spending their days as mining machines.

“Does it make sense that this is a personal fault! Who knew someone would cheat in the game!”

“that's right! NPCs should help users, but on the contrary, where is the game that eats away!”

Of course, it's the fault of those who thought it was in the game and signed it casually, but that doesn't mean the users can't just sit still and watch this ridiculous situation. They protested to the customer center and held a sit-in in front of Baron Mikhail's mansion, but nothing changed.

“Ah... should I just beat them all up and run away...”

someone muttered, exhausted from the hard labor. But at those words, someone waved their hands in disgust.

“Hey Arthur. I'd rather just quit the game. Didn't you see what happened to the users who ran away last time?”

“What happened?”

“Due to the violation of the contract with the lord, he became a fugitive, and no matter what town or city he visited, he was treated as a criminal and was arrested and brought back here.”

Slitting his neck with his hand, he pointed at a user far away.

“Look over there. If you don't want to be like him, just keep calm. You only have to hold out for a year anyway.”

At first glance, a chubby boy with shabby feet and huge shackles that looked like an NPC was wielding a long pickaxe.

“hey! fugitive! When will you be released from that? Aren’t you digging harder?”

The boy, who even had a watcher attached to him, was none other than a middle school student, Lee Jung-sik.


On the outside, he seems to be just a novice user, but surprisingly, he was a beta tester for the game.

The first virtual reality user and the first visitor to Arcadia. But now, he was just a slave in the mine like everyone else, and he was digging iron ore with tears every day.

“I am crazy. It's a mine that I used to use anyway, and I'm going to save a little bit of that money

. That's why he often digs iron ore in the Hellven Mine and also works odd jobs in a famous workshop, raising his crafting skill proficiency quite a bit.

caang caang.

A contract that automatically renews if you don't log in or if you don't meet your daily quota. In the end, realizing that there was no answer other than running away, Jung-sik made a late night escape, and as a result, he obtained a title.

[Hellven Mine's No. 1 Slave]

After receiving the humiliating title, Joong-sik devoted all of his gameplay time to mining iron ore. Did that effort reach the sky? A text suddenly appeared in front of him as he swung his pickaxe like he was possessed.

[Mining skill has risen to rank 5.]

[Mining speed increases dramatically. It doesn't get tired even after mining for a long time.]

[The title ‘Relentless Miner' has been acquired.]

[The oldest fire takes an interest in you.]

“The oldest fire?”

A message you've never seen before. The moment his skill, which he had been mining even before the game started its official open service, acquired the title the moment he entered the 5th rank, and also came along with an unknown mysterious message. And as if giving him a clue, a phrase passed by.

[I feel the oldest fire like you who have been with iron for a longer time than anyone else.]

“...What do you mean by this?”

The content that ends with just saying that someone is interested, without any explanation or content. The watcher shouted at Jung-shik, who blankly stared at the sky.

“hey! Are you kidding again? Aren't you working soon?”

Joong-sik was startled at the shouting from behind and swung the pickaxe again. But he didn't know that Ellis, who oversees Arcadia, was watching his play more closely than anyone else.

[The estate of Baron Mikhail. Hellven Mine. Unusual matter detected.]

[Partially fulfilling the conditions for granting the hidden quest.]

[Giving clues to the related quest, ‘God's Blacksmith'.]

[Player Nayattongson. Designation of level 2 surveillance target.]

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