Chapter 149 Joseon's Counterattack (6) Poseia, the largest naval base of the Shoen Empire.

The 1st Fleet, which was the pride of the Empire and the strongest fleet, was stationed in the fortress of heavenly blessings, and was now engaged in defensive battles with its bolts locked tightly.

“Huh ... damn somehow, we have been insulted.”

Grand Admiral Caravel, who oversees all naval forces in the Shouen Empire. He gnashed his teeth, exuding intense resentment towards his predecessor who, along with the entire 1st Fleet, was sunk underwater.

“Even if I hadn’t been careless thinking that bastard was a pirate... No, I wouldn’t have been put on the defensive this far if I had minimized the damage and protected the 1st Fleet.”

predecessor's incompetence. As a result, the Shōen Empire's navy, fearing that they would be hunted rather than subjugating them because they were outnumbered, gathered all their fleets and started a defensive battle. Because of that, I had no choice but to keep my eyes open as the Black Pirates freely roamed the coastal waters of the Shoen Empire, destroying all kinds of coastal cities and ports.

“Don't worry, Admiral. Still, as you commanded, we evacuated all supplies and personnel from coastal cities in advance to cut off the pirates' supply system. Now, if they hold out a little longer, they will suffer from extreme material shortages.”

Pirates who are at the limit of being unable to get out of the sea. That's why Caravel knew very well that if the war of attrition continued over time, the Empire would eventually win.

“More than that... there are strange rumors going around about the identities of those pirates?”

A large-scale fleet that suddenly appeared at any moment. Beaten by their indiscriminate attacks, the Shōen Empire mobilized all their intelligence and began to gather information about them, and as a result, they were able to obtain strange information from the adventurers.

“As a result of collecting stories floating around among adventurers, we have secured many testimonies that there are several continents beyond the ‘Endless Sea' in addition to our continent, and that the pirates came from other continents.”

“...that's really absurd.”

The sea of death that reaches beyond the ocean at some point. The boundless and unpredictable sea and the unidentified giant sea monsters that appear at every moment. That's why until now, everyone on the continent, including Caravel, had taken it for granted that the continent where they live and hold their ground is everything in this world.

However, the thick papers handed over by his aide directly shattered Caravel's thoughts.

“It seems that the emperor did not think of it as an absurd story.”

[There is another world beyond the endless sea.]

The emperor of the Shoen Empire took an interest in this ridiculous story. Under his command, the ancient literature, ruins, and folklore artifacts that exist throughout the empire... As a result of collecting, checking, and putting the puzzle pieces together, the Shouen Empire had no choice but to acknowledge it. That they had been living as frogs in a well.


An order with the emperor's seal on it. The fact that the Emperor of the Shōen Empire had a direct command to her, Caravel opened the seal with a bright eyes and immediately opened it.


Looking at it, Caravel silently thought as if struggling with something. The staff member, who was watching him from the side, cautiously asked if he could not hold back his curiosity.

“Can you tell me what order was given?”

“He told us to stop the attack of vicious invaders from other continents at all costs.”

However, the order that Caravel had handed to him contained additional information. And the pupils of the staff member who confirmed the contents widened.

“This is...?”

“And he told me to rebuild the annihilated 1st Fleet again. An absolutely invincible fleet that is incomparably huge and powerful and no one can stop it.”

The Emperor's order to build a fleet dozens of times larger than before. As if to do whatever you want without worrying about the budget, he said to explosively increase the naval power on a scale that would only come out if a few pillars of the empire were pulled out.

“Admiral, I can't believe that His Majesty the Emperor asked me to increase the naval power like this...” A power increase that

will cost gold to the extent that even the emperor of the empire with great power would not dare to promote it. Not too foolish to understand the meaning of these orders now, the two were able to see exactly what the Emperor was drawing.

“The fact that the pirates have crossed over must mean that we too can cross over to other continents. Of course, a thorough preliminary investigation would be necessary, but if only that year could be identified...”

A large-scale air raid that was incomparable to the scale of the current attack. Through it, the Emperor of the Shōen Empire intended to avenge the blood to wash away the disgrace he was experiencing. Crossing the continent, planting the flag of the Shoen Empire on a new continent and making the land an empire.


Caravelle began to turn the happy circuit furiously in her head, imagining the immense wealth, power, and honor that would return to her if the Emperor's plan succeeded. Imagine yourself as the Grand Admiral in command of the mightiest Shoen Empire's naval forces, the first conqueror to conquer another continent, and praised as a great victor.

“Admiral, enemy ships are approaching.”

However, the present reality broke the wings of his happy imagination. A very urgent cry from the watchtower. Upon hearing the report, Caravel climbed onto the railing and took out a telescope to carefully examine the ships that began to appear on the horizon in the distance.

“The Black Pirates... do you dare to conquer the core strategic points of the empire?”

Numerous ships with fluttering black flags. However, Caravel's face looking at it was full of composure. Rather, he asked the staff with a mocking face as if he was laughing.

“Is the defense magic circle all right?”

“That's right. Currently, defensive magic is activated throughout Poseia, and enough mana stones and wizards of the Protect School are also on standby to maintain it.”

A magic circle designed and installed by the Archmage of the 7th Circle of the Shouen Empire. Although it required a tremendous amount of mana, it was not a flimsy barrier that could be pierced by a mere cannon attack.

“Not mere pirates have high level mages... We'll just have to wait until their firepower runs out.”

When they poured all their firepower with all their might to break through the shield. Aiming only for the moment when they would be most vulnerable, Caravel's eyes shone.

“Prepare all attackers and wait. As soon as their attacks stop, they immediately launch a counterattack.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“It's time to burn all the flags of those arrogant pirates.”

* * *


L with a serious expression on his face thinking about something.

Seeing her like that, Jaeyoung asked curiously.

“El, what happened all of a sudden?”

“it's nothing.”

L continues to make a silent sound as if he is in great agony and whines to himself while thinking about something. Seeing her reaction, Jaeyoung couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked.

“Why are you doing that? Is it because you don’t like what I’m doing?”

L didn't like the various things that happened in the process of helping Carlos invade another continent. Of course, she thought that the current situation, which made Carlos' ambition to overthrow the entire continent unleashed in a different way, was the best, but there was no way she would like to bring chaos to Arcadia.

“no. It's true that I don't like it, but that has nothing to do with it.”

L hesitated about something and wrapped up his headache again. Seeing her reaction, Jaeyoung asked again.

“What is it? let's talk for a while If there's anything I can help with, I'll help.”

Even at Jaeyoung's words, L hesitated for a long time. Then she pointed her finger at Poseia where Carlos' fleet was heading and said.

“Then... over there, if possible... that fortress we are about to attack.”

“Yeah, why is that fort?”

“Can you completely and irreparably destroy everything so that it can never be recovered again?”


“Hey chicken wings... what did you just say? Do you think I heard wrong?”

An unexpected request. Jaeyoung and Tan froze with their mouths open as if they were shocked by L’s completely unexpected remark.

“No, wait... I'm not saying to do it in moderation... just destroy everything?”


“No... why...?”

An angel who should love peace and life. It is also their leader, the archangel Michael. As she was asking Satan to do a favor, Jaeyoung wondered what the situation was.

“...Because that's right.”


“I can’t tell you exactly, but... I can see it. In order to prevent further chaos and sacrifice... the fact that the fortress over there and everything in it must be burned down.”

Archangel Michael, who saw the flow of a huge narrative flowing out of control. Although it was fragmentary, she realized after reading about the huge war between continents that would happen if that fortress were in good health. In order to prevent a huge tragedy, that one fortress was only a small sacrifice that must be made.

“This crazy..... It’s the first time I’ve ever had a comment stolen from a chicken in my life.”

‘Confusion! Destruction! Tan, shouting ‘annihilation!' He looked at El with strange eyes, wondering if he could not adapt to the situation he was experiencing for the first time, and wrote down something.

“Chicken chicks... are sometimes vicious... as expected, the owner... brings out even the viciousness of an angel... a great... being...”

Another strange A shot that turns things off. However, Jaeyoung left him behind and asked L again.

“Are you serious about that request...?”

“You can’t stop a huge narrative that is already flowing. But... in that huge narrative, we each choose the best we can in our own circumstances.”


L makes a contradictory choice in the value of goodness. Jaeyoung nodded her head as she looked at her looking complicated with a lot of thoughts.

“okay. If it's your request, I'll do it.”

Jae-young, who was planning to completely take over the fortress anyway, even if it wasn't for her request. So he accepted her request without hesitation.

“Hey Dex! Now slowly enter the range! What are you going to do with that magic circle!”

Numerous siege weapons and magic began to fly from Poseia. and cannons. Carlos's fleet, which was narrowly out of range, continued to move forward while being hit by a wave of water flying high from an attack from the water.

Now the situation has advanced to the point where the attack cannot be undone. That's why Carlos looked at Jaeyoung and shouted urgently.

“We need to neutralize that magic circle right now! Otherwise we are all dead!”

At those words, Jaeyoung looked at L and asked.

“Can I borrow your El power?”


L nodded without saying anything. In response to her reaction, Jaeyoung murmured as she stood at the head of the ship.

“Merlin, the great mage of truth.”


At the same time, a group of lights shining brilliantly from Jaeyoung. And around Jaeyoung's body, a huge magic power began to vibrate like crazy.


“This... what the hell is this...?”

The huge sea that stretched out in front of Carlos's fleet. The sea began to raise its heavy body.

“This crazy.....”

“Oh my God...”

A wall of water rising to a height of dozens... no, almost a hundred meters. As if there was an invisible wall in front of them, the water barrier stood tall and blocked all of Poseia's magic, arrows, and artillery fire that poured toward their ship.

“This can’t be...”

“What the hell! What is going on!”

When Carlos and the entire pirate crew were agitated and shouting with shocked faces. Jaeyoung, who created this ridiculous transfer, was concentrating on something as he was floating in the air. And they shuddered as they felt the huge magic power swirling around him.


The circle of a heart beating furiously. Jaeyoung, who was casting while delicately controlling the mana that was about to explode, finished all the preparations and released the huge water barrier full of destructive mana. Heading toward Poseia, the proud naval base of the Shoen Empire.

“Tidal Wave.”

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