Chapter 145 Joseon's Counterattack (2)

Third Continent of Arcadia.

Of the eight continents of Arcadia, this was the one allotted to Japan, with a population of over 100 million forming a single language and culture.

“Hey Sasaki.”

“Yes, chief.”

Arcadia Japan Branch, which is in charge of and responsible for everything that happens in the 3rd continent and total service for customers playing in Japan, such as Arcadia's various branches all over the world. Sasaki, who works here, answered the call of her boss, who was making an absurd expression while holding onto the receiver.

“Did we have any special plans recently in the Izumi area?”

“The Izumi Sea area? I'll check right away.”

A place that is not even known by its name. After searching the database and confirming that it was a small sea area located at the northernmost part of the continent, Sasaki tilted her head and said.

“We didn’t prepare anything special here. Is it a small area that is just a small port city? It is not a place where special settings were given.”

“yes....? I'll get it right away.”

Section Chief Akita puts on a strange expression at those words and speaks with someone on the receiver. Sasaki waited for a moment until he finished talking, then asked as soon as he hung up the phone.

“Who was the call from?”

“Head of customer service. They seem to be trying to find out if they got a call saying that strange NPCs from the Izumi Sea area are destroying the village with a huge ship.”

“yes? A strange NPC...?”

Sasaki asked back with an absurd face as if what the hell that meant. Looking at his expression, Manager Akita also nodded with a smile on his face.

“At first glance, it must be a stupid inquiry, but the original customer team receives a lot of strange complaints. Our planning team didn’t even come up with a scenario idea there, so what kind of nonsense is that?”

“I see... I understand that the project being prepared by the scenario development team is still limited to the center of the continent.”

The second continent where a beginner village was destroyed by a slime attack. However, unlike Korea, most of the players in Japan, where the beginner villages remained sound and well, had cities and kingdoms not far from the beginner villages as their areas of activity.

“of course. How many users would go all the way to the northernmost area and play hard? I don't think there will be even thousands of people, but it's still too early to plan a large-scale scenario there. For now, it’s right to focus on the center of the continent where most users play.”

Therefore, the scenario development team of Arcadia Japan Branch is preparing various scenarios from the center of the continent step by step. For at least one or two years, I was working hard to create various narratives through numerous stories and events that would take place in the center of the continent, and it was not a leisurely situation to pay attention to other things.

“But wouldn’t it be good to check it out?”

Sasaki cautiously speaks out with a strange sense of déjà vu. However, at those words, Manager Akita frowned with an expression full of annoyance and said.

“Hey, Sasaki. How many things do you have to do right now, check them out? Are you saying that because you don’t know how complicated the procedure is?”

Japanese culture values procedures and reporting systems above all else. So Akita didn't want to bother his boss with a trivial matter, nor did he want to waste his time and energy requesting cooperation from other monitoring departments.

“That's true, but...”

Sasaki replied with a puzzled look on his face. Looking at him like that, Manager Akita said with a confident tone.

“If you have time to care about such miscellaneous things, focus on your work! Unless there is a separate setting prepared by us, it's probably a trivial inquiry. You can just ignore it.”

“All right. I'm sorry, chief.”

At the words of his stubborn boss, Sasaki finally turns around, struggling to suppress his uneasiness. However, these two were so underestimating the game they were running. It is a game like a puppet like PC games of the past, where Arcadia was operated only according to the algorithm they set and prepared. * * *

“Hahahahaha! Destroy them all! All bombardment!”

Kwak Kwa Kwa Kwam.

Thick black smoke spreads. And the strong smell of gunpowder stinging the nose. Jaeyoung witnessed with his own two eyes the power of naval artillery fire from thousands of ships at the same time and was amazed.

“As expected... Is this why it is said that artillery is the best...”

A sight that seems to understand a little bit why the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Korea has become a firepower fanatic, saying that artillery power is the only way to survive. . Clearly, the small, peaceful port city that was visible from afar until just a moment ago was quickly devastated by the attack of the Black Pirates led by Carlos.

“Keuuu..... This is it! Destruction! confusion! Conquest! I raised this guy for this! You are the owner!”

And seeing the scene, Tan shouted with a voice filled with emotion. Like a mother who proudly watches her child, whom she has fed and raised since she was a baby, become a grown adult and become independent, she was diligently taking notes.

“When you raise a bad person... you shouldn't think that it's a waste of probability..... The original investment is a joke..... Until viciousness blooms, stick by the side and take care of it devotedly, someday the light will come out. ... No, the darkness is coming...”

Tan enthusiastically scribbled something over and over as if realizing a great investment principle that no one had grasped. El was looking at him with a look of genuine disgust.

“Haa..... Really, those bastard bats are...”

L muttered, revealing his uncomfortable inner feelings, saying that he wanted to burn them all with the torch. Leaving the two behind, Jaeyoung approached Carlos and asked.

“Carlos, I have a question for you.”

“hmm? What are you curious about?”

Carlos, who was destroying the village while commanding his subordinates. He tilted his head at Jaeyoung's sudden question.

“Once you take control of that village... what are you going to do next?”

“What do you mean?”

“Didn’t you confirm that people live here on this continent as well as where we used to live?”


“Then there must be a monarch who rules this place. They're not going to be blinded like this.”

Excited by the discovery of a new continent, the Black Pirates recklessly attack and prepare to land. But Jay knew. They are confused and confused because they do not yet know the full story of the incident, but when they find out that they are the ones who eventually came over from the Korean continent, the Japanese branch of Arcadia Co., Ltd. .

“Ah, you mean the punitive force?”

Carlos giggled at those words and his eyes lit up. He answered Jaeyoung's worried question in a confident tone.

“Don't worry about that, my friend.”

“Do you have other plans?”

At that, Carlos asked Jaeyoung with a fishy smile.

“Keep a close eye... I’ll show you how the Caribbean, a city of criminals, was able to survive and show off its strength until now.”

And the small port city of Izumi Sea, located in the northernmost part of the third continent, where Japanese users play, has been completely erased from the map. With an unknown attack from a large fleet waving a black flag from the Korean continent.

[The port city of Kael has been completely destroyed.]

[The Izumi Sea area has been forcibly occupied by the Black Pirates.]

[The linked quest ‘Occupation of the base' has been resolved.]

[The area of the Shoen Empire has decreased by 1.9%.]

[Across the continent Rumors about the Black Pirates begin to spread.]

[The risk of inspectors and subjugation forces being dispatched from the empire is very high.] [

The linked quest ‘Establish a defense line' has been created.]

In less than half a day, it is literally ashes under concentrated artillery fire. The port city of Kael has become a In the completely ruined place, the Black Pirates were busy moving around and carrying a lot of abandoned items to the ship.

“Hey, take only expensive valuables. Just throw away the bulky ones or bury them somewhere! Above all else, food and drinking water come first!”


plunder. and plunder again.

Carlos filled up the items needed to maintain this large-scale ship. He smiled contentedly.

“Hahaha. This is so much simpler than I thought.”

Because it is a port city, it is a large-scale warehouse built near the seashore. Carlos' face seemed to be full of composure, probably thanks to the discovery of the huge amount of food piled up there.

“You look in a good mood.”

Carlos shows off his teeth and smiles as if he doesn't deny Jae-young's words. He said, taking out a scroll with sharp eyes.

“of course. The food we just plundered was sufficient to operate the ship without starving for at least two months.”

The situation where each ship filled the empty food storage. So he said, unfolding the scroll he had just taken out with confidence that he could carry out his plan.

“I asked what my plan was earlier... This is my plan.”

Other cities located in waters not too far from the waters where they are now, detailed in it. Taking out a small dagger and crushing them, Carlos said with a mad face.

“We will thoroughly destroy and plunder the cities here and make the name of our Black Pirates known on this continent. And all those bloody pig-like lords and the king's minions who come to wipe us out will be buried in the sea and let everyone know our will.”

“We mean...?”

Jaeyoung looks at me as if asking what that is. Perhaps understanding his meaning, Carlos looked at the flag of the Black Pirates fluttering above his head and said.

“Gather those who want to live their own lives free from the chains of rulers who exploit, oppress, and enrich their stomachs equally and freely, regardless of their social status or origin, regardless of their stained or dirty past.”

Carlos muttered softly. But at his words, someone continued.

“No one discriminates against you, despises you, criticizes you, or slanders you. Under the black flag, we are brothers and sisters and blood comrades.”



No one told them to, but as if they had promised, they stopped what they were doing and everyone looked at Carlos and Jaeyoung and stomped their feet and shouted.

“Blood revenge for those in power. And liberty for the oppressed! Branded as criminals, we are free wanderers and liberators who part the sea!”

Those who gathered under the flag first set up by Carlos decades ago, created a city called the Caribbean, and fought for freedom. Of course, it was a freedom that could have been maintained because it was neglected for various reasons, but they were more proud of the value they had created by shedding blood with their own two hands.

And they... they were creating their own huge narrative again on this unfamiliar new continent that they had never known before.

“Whoever follows our will is a resident and comrade of our homeland, the Caribbean. Gather! for freedom! Gather! For the liberation of you and me!”

With the determination to sink even the countless fleets into the sea, Carlos shouted while raising the black cutlass that was crying all the time.

“Unfold the sails! Advance to the next city!”

“yes! Captain!”

And at that moment, an urgent notification was announced to the Japanese branch of Arcadia Co., Ltd., which was peaceful.

[The main scenario has been created.]

[Act. 1 continent invasion.]

The source of this c𝓸ntent is fr(e)𝒆webnovel

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