Chapter 13 Computer Engineering? Department of Virtual Reality Engineering!

“Nice to meet you, new students!”

“We are looking for new club members! If anyone is interested, bring the paper!”

“New students? Everyone, please gather here!”

Seomin University freshman orientation.

Jaeyoung was walking around the campus, looking around with curious eyes at the crowds gathered here and there. From the people who come to advertise the club, to the student council executives who hold the orientation, to the fresh new students who have just entered the school.

“Hmm... But the atmosphere isn't as bad as I thought, is it?”

Seomin University is ranked 81st in the national university rankings.

Considering the many unknown universities located in the provinces, it was ranked in the middle, but it was never a good school to say so proudly, so if Jaeyoung was not in Seoul, he probably wouldn't have thought about entering it.

Jae-young imagined a gloomy atmosphere because there were so many students taking leave of absence and dropping out. Still, he thought of a university as a university as he watched the green youth gather and laugh and talk.

“Hey... are you a freshman?”

Jae-young turned around at the sudden sound calling him. Behind Jaeyoung stood a male student who looked like a freshman. He wears glasses and clothes that look like he's wearing a chubby figure. It's a preconceived idea, but just looking at it, it looks like you're going to spend a long time in front of a computer desk. Jaeyoung nodded his head as he stared at him as he hesitated to ask in a voice without confidence.

“Yes, I am a freshman.”

“Ah... Ah! Ho Do you know where we should gather now? I came a little late because I came up from the province.”

“Ah yes. They seem to be getting together now, but I think you can follow me.”

Feeling restless as if he thought he was late, he let out a sigh of relief at the fact that he hadn't started yet and started following Jae-young. Jaeyoung started talking about various things with him.

“Is it computer science? Am I there too?”

“Uh... Really? That's our motive.”

“Iknow, right. It's a motive anyway, so let's talk to each other.”

“That... is that so?”


“That... then.”

Jaekyun Lim. Although he looks a bit dull and lacks sense, Jaeyoung was able to talk a lot with him in a short amount of time. As expected, Jaekyun was also a huge game fanatic.

“You know the virtual reality game that came out this time called Arcadia. Did something huge happen there this time? There are monsters called slimes, but they suddenly became incredibly strong and destroyed the beginner village itself.”


“really! Do you know how game companies responded to that? It really wiped out the beginner village completely from the game. Isn't that great? One quest in the game can have an impact on the whole. This is a great innovation!”

Jae-kyun's excited voice must have been loud, but when the eyes of the people gathered in the lecture hall were focused on the two, a person entered the lecture hall.

“uh? Who is it?”

Orientation is usually conducted through the department's student council or seniors. However, what appeared on the podium in front of the classroom was none other than an elderly middle-aged man.

“Welcome to all new students. I am Professor Kim Tae-hoon of the Department of Computer Engineering.”

Full professor and senior professor in the Department of Computer Engineering. Not only the new students sitting in the seat, but also the student council executives standing behind were unaware of the fact that he appeared at the freshman orientation, staring at him in bewilderment and whispering to each other. He stood on the podium with a serious face, looked at everyone, and opened his mouth.

“I’m sorry that I interfered in the welcome of the new students, but I stopped by because I had something to say to all the new students and to the seniors who are already working hard in their studies in the Computer Engineering Department.”

As everyone focused their eyes on him at his words, Professor Kim Tae-hoon started to make a bombshell announcement to everyone.

“You are probably familiar with the technology of virtual reality in the media. Now, that's what's revolutionizing the computer science world. And after a lot of discussion, we concluded that the curriculum of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, which has been going on so far, has difficulties keeping pace with the current wind of change.”

virtual reality.

As Professor Taehoon Kim said, the emergence of virtual reality technology has completely overturned the paradigm of related academia. Numerous knowledge that is proud to be the latest technology has become obsolete, and countless technologies that cannot understand the depth of it have been applied and utilized.

“So, after continued deep discussions with the school board and officials from the Ministry of Education, the final decision was made. From this year, ‘Computer Engineering Department' will change the department name to ‘Virtual Reality Engineering Department'. In addition, the department curriculum was also decided to be completely revamped. However, as it is the beginning of a new semester, there will be no major changes right now. But starting next semester, things will probably change a lot. So...”

His words caused a stir in the classroom. There was no one who couldn't be shaken when I informed the freshmen who had just entered that the department they would enter would be completely changed. However, just by looking at the student council executives whispering to each other behind the scenes with expressions of complete ignorance, I could guess how hastily this was decided.

“We know that this change is confusing to you. However, if we do not adapt to this revolution that is blowing in the industry right now, the reality in front of you after graduation will probably be nothing but weeding out.”


Professor Taehoon Kim encountered this game and felt fear beyond shock. It was not a bare virtual reality at the primitive and basic level of infancy. It was another reality that boasted flawless technology that perfectly realized the five human senses. The fact that such technology was applied and came out into the world made him realize how shallow and lowly his academic knowledge was.

That's why he strongly demanded the entire board of directors, including the university president. Ask for a chance to change in line with the technology of virtual reality. If not, I would rather get rid of the entire department. Anyway, even if I go outside with the things I am learning at this school, I will be treated as a rice bug who will not be able to use the contents of my major anywhere. That's why he looked at the freshmen sitting in front of him earnestly and said.

“You are at a great crossroads right now. Either adapt to the new changes and go out into society as an outstanding future talent, or become a young outcast because you can't get out of the existing way of thinking, let alone adapt to the changes. And by all means I hope you all can keep up with the changes.”

He made a wish-like request and left the classroom. Even after Professor Kim Tae-hoon left, everyone kept their mouths shut and immersed themselves in their own thoughts. And, very different from the first atmosphere, the orientation ended formally in a hazy atmosphere.

A change that began amidst the concerns and confusion of many. But they didn't know yet. The fact that this change, initiated by Professor Kim Tae-hoon's strong demand, is the beginning of Seomin University's growth into an engineering college leading the next-generation future industry, which later opened the world's first virtual reality department and fostered numerous virtual reality-related talents. I mean.

* * *

“Ughhh... it's finally over.”

“Shall we go eat some rice?”

“Is that so?”

After the orientation, Jaeyoung left the classroom with Jaekyun. The two of them went to the cafeteria together and bought a meal ticket. While waiting for the food to be served, Jaeyoung listened to a discussion on the extra-large TV on the wall.

[Look at this! Now that virtual reality games have started service in Korea, does it make sense that there are still no related laws?]

[Who is responsible for the lack of related laws? Isn't this situation because everyone refuses to cooperate and tries to make laws according to each party's taste! And we're not alone. The US has also proposed a ‘virtual reality law', but it has already been rejected with numerous objections.]

[That's because it was still proposed before the technology was announced, and the US has already passed the related bill urgently and started preparing to nurture and grow related talent. Why is the government doing nothing and letting go!]

[Isn't it a technology that hasn't even been tested yet! If a problem that causes even serious side effects to the human body is discovered, how can you promote it! We need to spend more time watching! There have already been several medical papers about the serious side effects that direct connection with the brain will cause...]

Discussion of current affairs that is fiercely contested. It was quite a sight to see the two panels arguing with red faces without even knowing they were spitting, but since the subject was also about virtual reality, both Jaeyoung and Jaekyun watched immersedly without even knowing that the food was served.

“Jaeyoung, don’t you play Arcadia?”

At Jaekyun's question, Jaeyoung shook his head after thinking a little.

“Hmm... I want to, but the capsules are too expensive. I haven't done it yet.”

He was shouting that the high-end capsule that occupied half of his room was a blatant lie, but Jae-young did not want to tell Jae-gyun that he was playing yet. Especially since he is a user who plays Arcadia.

-The first wish is to desire the murderer, and the second wish will be the pups, and the third wish will be the destroyed baby to eat.

- Does anyone know the identity of the killer?

-Can't you file a claim for damages? I can't forgive you for flying away from your hidden job.

The situation is already full of people who are enthusiastic(?) for his play. I don't know, but Jaeyoung denied the question at first because it was unclear how he would react if he knew about Jaeyoung's identity. Then Jaekyun nodded as if he understood.

“Well, isn’t it a bit burdensome to buy with college student pocket money? Because the entry-level price is 10 million won.”

Ten million won. How many college students in the country can afford this high price, which is equivalent to the price of a used car? Of course, the installment policy was excellent, but it was not at a level that the pockets of poor college students could afford. Of course, there were a few people like Jaeyoung who signed installment contracts like slave contracts as if they were selling their souls to the devil.

“So you are playing Arcadia?”

Jaejoong's question. At that question, Jaekyung smiled and nodded.

“then. Even if it looks like this, the level is quite high.”


“huh. Let me know if you ever start, and I'll help if I can. These days, the locations where new characters are created are all random, so it might be a bit difficult, but that’s okay.”

Jae-gyun speaks with a confident face. Seeing him like that, Jaeyoung took it lightly.

“Okay, I’ll tell you when I do it later.”

“lol. then.”

Jae-gyun puts a spoonful of rice with a pleasant smile. Seeing him like that, Jaeyoung also started eating. That's how Jaeyoung made his first friend in college.

I didn't know these two yet, but later people look at these two and say. Department of Computer Engineering, no, Department of Virtual Reality Engineering. They are the biggest idiots in history and ecosystem disruptors with natural talents from the current novels on fre(e)w𝒆bnovel

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