Chapter 126 Tyranny of Big Business (6)

Arcadia players access Arpandia ten times a day. Jaeyoung's video uploaded to that huge and actively operated community almost certainly went up on the main page and began to be exposed to everyone.

[Ah... I can't stand this haha.]

A stimulating title just to attract people's attention without knowing the content. However, the effect was much stronger than expected.

-lol. This is not really ‘tuna'.

- No, how can you stand it when you see this title hahaha.

-The owner knows how to pull aggro. You seem to have done it many times before.

Even if it's not just the title, it's definitely Jaeyoung's channel that brings huge issues. People were so aware of the value of the videos he had uploaded so far that the number of views of the videos was growing exponentially in the blink of an eye.

[Really... I've heard that even large corporations can be petty and vicious, but it's really no joke.]

A video that starts with lamentation from Apple, which runs the top of the small and medium-sized companies. And in it, he was thoroughly and tenaciously bringing out the ugly and dark side of the top of GM, a large company.

[Seeing that they are using the upper ranks, they must be beggars who would waste even 1 gold. They use it for cheap taste and get sick of it.]

[Since I live like that, I don't think I play badly in games, right?] The

dangerous desert Shrim. From exclusively absorbing essential manpower to cross there, forcing expensive tickets, and ridiculing remarks about small and medium-sized top players and users who use them.

[Hey, it seems like the items we sell are overlapping these days. Did you say the top of the pie...? If next time you bring something similar to our company's, be prepared to drop the market price.] [

Hey, hand over the ordering request your company received to us. On such a bizarre scale, I wouldn't be able to digest it properly anyway. Well.... If you don't pass it, you can imagine what's next.]

Even the appearance of those who do not tolerate the upper ranks invading their territory with all kinds of threats and threats, and do all sorts of sabotage operations forward and backward. This video, which contained the evidence sent by Apple and some people he knew, was the perfect firewood to buy public outrage.

-What are these bastards really like?

-Somehow, I thought the ticket price was too high, but was it because of these fuckers?

-Are you at GM again? Anyway, the big companies are all over the place.....

-Isn't this supposed to be publicized?

Users who had to pay a burdensome amount for the journey to the Dwarf Village. I vomited my dissatisfaction with GM, which I had not expressed in words until now, but the video wasn't all.

[Hey, you fucking bastards. What if GM is a big company? If you trample on me like this, do you think we can stay still? Just touch a single hair tip! I'm going to spread it all over the Internet.]

Apple screaming in anger. And the unidentified assailants who laugh at him and approach him.

[Ha GM top? We are just a bunch of bandits, so what are you talking about?]

[Don't talk nonsense! Do you think we wouldn't know that it was pulled off like that? Who else but you...]

[Isn't that a dangerous statement? If you get sued for mentioning a large company like GM without clear physical evidence, then it would be really difficult.

However, there was someone who appeared with a huge hammer in front of them.

[Now.... The hammer is out, you bastards.]


A small pie troupe that goes to and from the desert. People were shocked to see the nicknames displayed above the heads of bandits who attacked them and those who single-handedly defeated them.

[Lone Crusader Dex]

- Dex??? in real?

-It's Dex! Dex!

-what? Why is my brother here!!!!

The sudden appearance of Dex. People were excited about the appearance of a completely unexpected character. And even after watching the video that ended with Dex administering justice to them with a hammer, they started to debate in the comments for a long time.

-I don't have any confirmation on this, but you think the attack on the top of the pie is right for the top of GM?

-lol. Isn't that obvious? In a world of swords and magic, eliminating rivals is essential.

- A large company is a large company, so what's the problem? ^^

- No, but this is a bit over the line. Don't you know that big companies are moderately coexisting?

Users who have learned through past history how great the side effects come from monopolizing the interests of one force in the game. They began to react sensitively to the behavior of a huge organization called GM, which occupies one axis of the Korean economy, rather than a crude organization like the guild in the game, trying to take over the world of Arcadia.

- I have to do it in moderation. There is nothing to omit in reality, so are you thinking about what to omit in the game?

-The other day, he tried to make money by causing a war, but he keeps playing dirty.

-What is the game company doing? Are you just watching other companies messing with the game like this?

Jaeyoung's channel, which brought a lot of issues and was often snooped on by journalists. When the video was uploaded and users' public sentiment began to boil, reporters with the scoop called a rice cake all scrambled to publish related facts.

- The tyranny of large corporations even in games. What about their ugly barbarism?

-‘They were really devils' A shocking interview with a victim of power abuse.

-The GM Group, a company that abandoned morals for money and desire.

Articles that go up with provocative titles created by those who have completed the title academy. As soon as these started to decorate the main page of the portal site, Jaegyu's poop line literally started to burn. Kwaaang.

“What is this! What the hell!”

Choi Je-gyu, the general manager of the GM group and the youngest son of Choi Chun-sik, the chairman of the GM Group. He could not come to his senses as he watched what was happening in real time right in front of his eyes. And the attendant secretary was also busy making phone calls here and there to deal with the situation, but her complexion turned pale as if it was not enough.

“How is it?”

“They say they can’t upload the video.... If you want to go to court, you can do as you please.”

First of all, it is an urgent situation to download video data. So I contacted Iplus first and asked for it, but the answer was as expected.


Jegyu gritted his teeth so strongly that he was worried that his teeth might break. He trembled and shouted.

“Those bastards! Those guys who lived while receiving their salary from us are eating taffy like this because they left the company badly? Do you think I'll just sit there and watch this?”

Eye Plus was created by those who worked in the PR team of the GM Group. Perhaps it was because they were driven out for bad things, but they were always against each other, so they were a thorn in the eyes of Jekyu.

“First of all... the facts have not been ascertained and the evidence is ambiguous, so I think we will have to deny this case by saying that we have nothing to do with it.”

A situation that cannot be rectified with no response or no comment. Right now, the PR team was flooded with calls from reporters asking for interviews and inquiries, so at the words of the assistant secretary, Jaegyu nodded and said,

“Isn’t it true that there is no solid evidence regarding this?”

“I am sure. Even if related evidence emerges, the story has already ended with the people involved, so it will end as an individual act independently out of greed and has nothing to do with GM. However... I think I will have to accept the loss of the top image and the damage caused by it.”

The atrocities committed by the employees of GM to monopolize and dominate trade with the Dwarves. Jaegyu knew more about these atrocities than anyone else and was the one who gave direct orders, but his face showed no guilt. I just tap on the calculator while thinking about the damage that happened because of this incident.

“Then do it. GM's upper management group never gave such an order and never did anything like that. Regarding the matters mentioned in the video, it is only an individual's claim, and an internal investigation is underway to find out the facts about the related content. After talking about just this much, if it turns out that he was an employee at the top of GM, then you can talk about it to the extent that it was an independent and personal act and apologize.”

“All right.”

A really clichéd, but nonetheless most effective way in such a situation is cutting the tail.

Originally, the superiors did not know every single detail about the voluntary actions of the subordinates, so Jaegyu knew. The fact that the now-controversial video could have damaged the image of GM, but it could not deal a fatal blow to them.

“Anyway, among the users, we are the only upper guild that can stably interact with the Dwarves. The NPCs who run the large merchant troupe are gradually stepping in, so it was difficult to operate the bus as a monopoly anyway.

The physiology of consumers who forget any evil after time and just use it for good. Since he was very familiar with Korea's unique pot temperament, when he came up with a plan for the future, he even showed his composure, sat down in a chair, and spoke to his assistant.

“Anyway, I just need to throw some feed to the users who are like pigs and dogs.”


If his remarks leaked out somewhere, it would not be strange even if a flat wind broke out. Although the conversation took place inside the top-floor office with strict security in a building owned by the GM Group, Jae-gyu's assistant still trembled with anxiety wriggling in his heart.

“All right. Then we'll do that...”


“It was a big deal!”

Another employee hurriedly opens the door and appears before he can finish his words. Seeing the unexpected appearance of an uninvited guest, Jegyu frowned and asked.

“Ah... what else?”

Jegyu, whose voice is filled with annoyance and annoyance, seems to have gained some composure. However, the employee shouted with a really urgent face, as if he couldn't afford to pay attention to his open eyes.

“The dwarves are suddenly moving like crazy!”

“What the hell are you talking about...?”

Jegyu looked at the employee with a puzzled look at the word that the dwarves were strange and asked. His face was stained with astonishment at the employee's next words.

“The chieftain of the dwarves... has urged the GM corps and all guilds dealing with them to get rid of them right now before cutting them down with an axe! They told me not to think about doing business with them in the future.... Now all the items we ordered from us have been refused to be accepted, so we can't even sell the items and the merchants are all running!”

“What what...?”

Severing trade with the Dwarves.

Hearing that the dwarf chief Altair had come out and bluffed him, Jegyu stood there blankly for a long time with a look of disbelief on his face, then stammered and asked,

“No... why all of a sudden? There's something wrong with the dwarves, such nonsense...!”

“The boss needs to log in right now. The situation in the game is very serious! The damage and loss is huge because the users are openly terrorizing!”

“terror? Suddenly, what kind of terror?”

The words of the staff pouring urgently.

At that moment, Jaegyu realized.

How this situation, which I thought it was no big deal just now, is growing out of control into a huge problem.

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