Chapter 924: A Codename

The smell of medicine filled the air.

Lin picked up the herbal mix and drank it all at once.

“Must’ve cost a lot huh?” she put the bowl down and asked.

“It’s nothing much, you don’t need to worry about money” Gu Qing Shan replied without much care.

As Lin looked at him, she recalled the ball of light that the evil creature gave her.

It showed the scene of Gu Qing Shan being surrounded by women.

Is this fellow really that lustful?

Most of the things an evil creature gives can’t be trusted, but just in case...

“You returned quite late, looks like you went sightseeing somewhere other than the drug store, huh?”

Lin looked down at the bowl of medicine and casually asked.

Gu Qing Shan was about to gloss it over with a few words, but suddenly felt an unknown sense of danger.

He went silent and placed a medal on the table.

It was a relatively crude metallic medal.

“Primary-level Hitman? How uninteresting”

Lin scoffed, but her tone was a bit lighter.

She quickly turned her eyes a bit, gradually understood what Gu Qing Shan actually went to do.

“Oh well, at least you’re acting more like a man now”

Lin patted Gu Qing Shan’s shoulder and turned around, about to leave.

“When can you be fully healed?” Gu Qing Shan called out from behind.


“About that—– pixie’s bounty reward. I’m thinking of waiting until you’re fully healed until we try opening it”

“Your thinking is correct. God knows what they actually put inside there. Hm, wait a bit longer, I need to find some better medicine to help me recover faster”

After saying so, Lin left.

Gu Qing Shan stood alone on the balcony.

He carefully sensed his surroundings.

Hm... some sort of indescribable calamity seemed to have just passed?

That’s really strange.

Whatever, since it’s already passed, what use is there to think about it any further?

Recognizing something with his perception, Gu Qing Shan looked up.

A seagull flew over and landed on the table.

“Sir, as you’ve ordered, the list of auction items for the upcoming half-month is in here” the seagull told him.

“Thank you”

Gu Qing Shan generously took out three coins and tossed them to the other party.

The seagull received the coins and flapped its wings to leave.

Gu Qing Shan casually opened the catalogue.

He looked over the Cards offered for auction as well as their tentative starting bids.

How nice, I almost have enough money for the tentative starting bid for one of these Cards...

Gu Qing Shan deprecatingly thought to himself.

He thought about it briefly and took out three wanted posters.

——–most targets for a primary-level Hitman job weren’t very hard, so after finishing several hundred of them, he obtained the chance to be promoted to an intermediate-level Hitman.

After killing the three guys on these wanted posters, Gu Qing Shan would be promoted to an intermediate-level Hitman and can receive jobs with better pay.

—–the three men in these posters were the leaders of three different interstellar criminal groups.

Respectively, they held control over population-trafficking, illegal gambling, and illegal weapons’ trade.

Gu Qing Shan scoffed, then released his inner sight to observe this entire world.

He soon discovered the three men.

But strangely, all three of these criminal bosses were at the same place.

Gu Qing Shan observed them in surprise.

At the venue of an underground dinner party, the three criminal bosses sat together, calling one another ‘brothers’ as they drank and enjoyed themselves.

How interesting.

All three of them silently craved the business of the others, so they all issued a hit on the other two at the Hitman Guild.

The Hitman Guild was also quite a piece of work, accepting them all then giving Gu Qing Shan the three wanted posters with the request that he finish the three jobs at once.


“We work for money, but we’re also proud of our efficiency, so we hope that you will be able to clean things all up at once”


——this was the exact words of the Guild’s Manager.

With a bit of thought, Gu Qing Shan’s thoughts turned.

A clear autumn-water blue steel sword silently appeared from the void of space.

The Six Paths Great Mountain sword.

“I’m going alone this time, gongzi?” Shannu asked.

“That’s right, Luo Bing Li is sleeping so I can’t fully utilize the Heaven sword’s power, the Earth sword is too vicious, Chao Yin sword likes playing around too much, only you are the most discreet. And since you can ignore the Laws, doing this type of hit would be the simplest” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The Six Paths Great Mountain sword said nothing else, lightly vibrated, and shot away.

——-she seemed happy.

After a while.

A man who looked like an express delivery man riding a bike swiftly arrived in front of him from the air.

“Express delivery, from the Hitman Guild sir, please sign here”

“Ah, ok”

Gu Qing Shan received the box and signed the paper.

The man then rode away.

Gu Qing Shan praised the efficiency of this world and opened the box.

There was a smaller box inside that box, which contained another smaller box inside another smaller box, with the innermost layer being a small intricately decorated black box.

There was a silver medal inside the black box with a note right next to it:

[Congratulations for your promotion to intermediate-level Hitman. Please come to the Hitman Guild first thing in the morning to register your medal]

Gu Qing Shan put the silver medal away.

——–rather than this medal, he was actually more interested in the ability to accept better Hitman jobs now.

Gu Qing Shan stretched his back and went back to his room.

An uneventful night.

The next day.

The Hitman Guild.

When Gu Qing Shan arrived, he found the entire Guild to be empty.

Only the girl from before was waiting for him in front of the lobby.

As soon as the girl saw him, she pressed a button on the counter.

The Hitman Guild’s door closed.

“You’re here, please follow me” the girl said with a heavy tone of voice.

“Why is no one else here? And why did you close the door as well?” Gu Qing Shan asked doubtfully.

“Everyone had already been dispatched at midnight, I was the only one left here in order to help you with your corresponding processes” the girl replied.

She led Gu Qing Shan inside.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t ask much.

After all, Hitmen do a lot of things that can’t ever come to light, so keeping secrets was a must.

The girl brought Gu Qing Shan into an underground room of the Guild and helped Gu Qing Shan register.

“After becoming an Intermediate-level Hitman, you can earn a certain amount of fixed salary each month”

“When taking actions in certain worlds, you have the ability to call for help just once”

“You are allotted your own room within the Guild”

Gu Qing Shan checked the bag of money he received and smirked: “I didn’t think there would be so many benefits”

The girl continued: “There is more, sir. You can now pick out a codename for yourself”

“A codename?”

“Yes, as Hitmen, no one is willing to let others know their true identity and name, as an Archfiend, I believe you surely think the same”

Gu Qing Shan was a bit startled and replied right away: “Ah, that’s exactly right, we’ll never flaunt our real names, that would bring a lot of trouble”

The girl said: “Then, please choose a codename for yourself, this way it would be more convenient for everyone to call you from now on”

Gu Qing Shan thought about it briefly and felt a headache.

I’m really not good at this.

“It’s fine even if you can’t come up with something right away” the girl smiled and told him: “After you come up with something, you can always use the medal to contact me and register it, sir”

She had Gu Qing Shan take out the Hitman badge and taught him how to use it to contact people from the Guild.

“Then thank you for today, I’ll use this medal to contact you after I come up with a codename” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Understood. Also, these are the jobs that an Intermediate-level Hitman can accept, please take a look at it when you return” the girl gave Gu Qing Shan a clip of documents.

After they finished, the two of them left the underground room.

The girl then suddenly recalled something she forgot to mention.

“Do you have time right now? I’ll show you the rooms you can choose for yourself” the girl said.

Just as Gu Qing Shan was about to refuse, he changed his mind.

——-if I stay here instead, I’ll be able to save quite a bit of money.

“Alright, lead the way” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The two of them went deeper into the Hitman Guild.

They entered a bigger lobby compared to the main lobby.

“This is the general resting area, all Hitmen can hang out and discuss non-essential business here” the girl explained.

She then waved her hand and continued: “Please follow me, the dorm area is deeper inside”

Gu Qing Shan briefly glanced around the room and noticed a wanted poster.

The wanted poster was pinned onto the bulletin board with a dagger, depicting a man wearing a black jacket and a pair of fingerless gloves.

The man had an extraordinary bearing, his eyes were brutal and distant with a black pistol in one hand and a card in the other.

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze focused on the wanted poster briefly before moving away as if it wasn’t important.

He followed the girl to take a look around several rooms before choosing one for himself.

The girl gave him the key to the room and registered it under his medal.

The two of them then returned to the general resting area.

At this point, Gu Qing Shan casually pointed at the wanted poster and asked with an interested smirk: “What’s up with that wanted poster? Pinned up on the bulletin board like that, is the target worth a lot of money?”

The girl followed his gaze and saw the wanted poster.

She sighed and confirmed: “That target is certainly worth a lot. It was said that he managed to escape from the Strife Zones and remained under the radar for a long while. Just yesterday, we received intel that he showed up in a nearby world, that’s also why all the managers were dispatched to surround him in the middle of the night”

“Is he strong?” Gu Qing Shan continued to maintain his smirk.

“Hm, a true Hitman”

The girl answered with a bit of respect.

“If he’s also a Hitman, why didn’t we absorb him into our organization?” Gu Qing Shan asked in confusion.

“Because he’s mad. He wants to kill God”

“Kill God?”

“Yes, I heard that a friend of his was killed by God so he’s been traveling the Strife Zones in search of a chance to avenge that friend” the girl answered.

“The guy has guts, if nothing else” Gu Qing Shan praised.

The girl continued: “Afterwards, the Gods of the Strife Zones passed down a Divine Revelation that the Blasphemer Gu Qing Shan wasn’t dead and had managed to escape from his seal——– it was from that point onwards that everyone realized that man was actually friends with the Blasphemer Gu Qing Shan”

“Everyone knows that the Gods wanted to kill Gu Qing Shan, but what does that have to do with us going after this guy?”

Gu Qing Shan pointed at the man on the wanted poster and asked again.

“The Gods also wanted his life—– it was a considerably huge bounty, almost everyone went crazy looking for him and the Blasphemer Gu Qing Shan” the girl explained.

Gu Qing Shan went silent briefly after hearing her explanation.

“Meh, let’s ignore him for now, I suddenly remembered a codename that’s very suitable for me” he abruptly said”

“Please go ahead, I will register it for you” the girl took out a notebook and said.

“My codename will be... let’s say, Ye Fei Li”

“Ye Fei Li? Very well, I’ve recorded it”

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