Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 883 - A Chaotic Situation!

Chapter 883: A Chaotic Situation!

The Earth Creator had left.

But Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but fall into thought as he heard the final words before it left.

It wasn’t wary of the fact that its past self was still within this timeline, only that they couldn’t run into one another.

What kind of ability is that?

Gu Qing Shan thought for a while and sighed.

It’s useless to think about this.

The Earth Creator is too powerful, even more, powerful than the limit of my imagination of the word ‘powerful’, rather than trying to randomly guess things, it would be better for me to worry about becoming stronger myself.

As the Earth Creator left, the scene of the Primordial Heaven Realm returned in front of Gu Qing Shan’s eyes.

Shannu and Luo Bing Li both had frightened expressions standing right in front of him.

“Gongzi, why did you suddenly disappear just now?” Shannu asked in confusion.

“It’s fine” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Gongzi, the Bramble Saint Tree disappeared as well” Luo Bing Li who stood next to Shannu also questioned.

She was calling Gu Qing Shan ‘gongzi’ just like Shannu, how interesting.

“It’s fine” Gu Qing Shan smiled and replied.

“And also, I lost my connection with the Heaven sword briefly just now” Luo Bing Li worriedly said.

“Don’t worry, it’s fine” Gu Qing Shan told her.

“And I also felt that I lost my connection with gongzi earlier, this is completely unheard of!” Shannu nervously told him.

“Ah, that’s also fine” Gu Qing Shan continued.

Luo Bing Li fearfully shouted: “But then Little Dusk also abruptly vanished!”

Shannu followed up: “If she’s gone, how can we leave?”

Luo Bing Li replied: “Without her and the great tree, we probably won’t be able to leave”

Shannu showed an unwilling expression and muttered: “Do we really have to live here from now on?”

Luo Bing Li sighed: “It might be so”

The two girls both looked at Gu Qing Shan and spoke in unison: “”Gongzi, what are we going to do now?””

“D-don’t worry, everything’s fine”

Gu Qing Shan abruptly felt a headache.

Apparently something unexpected happened, and it was going to remain this way for quite a while.

The Earth sword and Chao Yin sword silently floated on one side and remained completely silent, as if they had already seen what the two girls were capable of.

“Ehrm, actually, Little Dusk is fine. Just now, I went to meet a certain boss-class character, it’s like this...”

After Gu Qing Shan explained what happened just now, Shannu and Luo Bing Li both calmed back down.

“Come on, we’ll leave right now” Gu Qing Shan told them.

The two girls finally went back into their swords.

All four swords disappeared into the void of space behind Gu Qing Shan.

Finally, the talk of these two girls couldn’t be heard any longer.

The only one who could speak up in this world was Gu Qing Shan himself.

He couldn’t help but sigh in relief.

As he looked at the bodies of the Soul Shrieker and the Abyssal Demon Dragon, then at the coin in his hand, Gu Qing Shan silently thought to himself.

In the future, these two who were tricked to death by the Earth Creator and me, would probably do everything they could to take revenge.

But all of my traces have already been hidden away.

The Earth Creator even left me a coin with the True Luck ability as protection, so there should be no problem on my way back, in the worst case, I can just escape to the Earth World.

With that in mind, he released his spirit energy to activate the Gold Coin.

Cling clang~

The Gold Coin let out a clear chime.

Golden light enveloped Gu Qing Shan as he vanished from this world.

The Primordial Heaven Realm fell into true silence.

No one knew for sure if anyone else would ever set foot here again.

On the other side.

Gu Qing Shan was traveling forward through the endless Space-Time fog.

The Gold Coin was constantly giving off a cheerful metal clanging sound, surrounding him in a golden glow as it pulled him forward.

Under the Space-Time fog, an exceedingly long river of light that extended endlessly in both directions.

This was the River of Time, the only river that stayed forever still.

Yet the living beings who existed within the river were constantly moving forward, continuing to flow along with the river towards their very own final destination within a certain branch of this river.

And Gu Qing Shan was moving forward at a speed that exceeded all other beings.

Occasionally, some immeasurably gigantic monsters would jump from the river, open their gaping jaws and devour the unfathomable as well as clueless entities within the Space-Time fog right above the river.

Each time, Gu Qing Shan would barely manage to escape from being devoured, making his trip frightening but without danger.

And these monsters from the River of Time wouldn’t necessarily win every time either.

During one of these attacks, Gu Qing Shan clearly saw a pixie take out a short stick and lightly poked the monster.

The monster instantly vanished.

The monster that belonged to the River of Time was so easily eliminated... or perhaps turned into some sort of sweets.

Because the pixie then took out a piece of cake from somewhere and began to enjoy it bit by bit.

That scene only flashed by for a brief second.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but sigh, feeling lucky for himself that he managed to see a pixie with his own eyes.

When Barry’s leg became wounded all those years ago, even as a master of Spatial magic, Kitty couldn’t manage to find the pixie’s kingdom no matter how hard she searched.

It wasn’t until Xiao Die gave them the Pixie Crystal Flower that Barry’s leg was healed.

Everyone knew about the existence of pixies, but no one knew where exactly the pixie kingdom was.

These gossips from the 900 million World Layers briefly flashed over Gu Qing Shan’s mind.

After an unknown amount of time, still unsure of where he was, Gu Qing Shan continued to fly forward, until the fog around him no longer scattered that he stopped moving along the River of Time.

He knew that he had arrived in the future.

Clang clang cling cling cling clang!

Clink clink clank clink clank!

The Gold Coin made worried-sounding noises.

The coin brought Gu Qing Shan to this branch of the River of Time, but it didn’t descend.

Gu Qing Shan had no choice but to linger here with the coin.

At first, he felt confused.

But as time passed, Gu Qing Shan’s heart became heavier.

The Gold Coin carried True Luck.

But it didn’t try to land into any of these points in time.

What does this mean?

Gu Qing Shan felt a chill running through his entire body and couldn’t help but ask: “There are no places that you can land?”

Cling clank!

The Gold Coin let out a confirming noise.

Gu Qing Shan became impatient.

True Luck is supposed to protect me, but the Gold Coin still wasn’t able to find a suitable place to land after all this time.

Doesn’t that mean I would die in any of these future scenarios as soon as I landed?

Even after a few more moments, the Gold Coin still couldn’t find a place for Gu Qing Shan to land.

This had been delayed for quite a while.

The Gold Coin jumped out from Gu Qing Shan’s hand and informed him of something.

(This cast of True Luck had managed to last during the entire trip through several ten thousand years, it is about to run out)

This was what the Gold Coin wanted to express.

Gu Qing Shan looked down at the glowing River of Time.

The river seemed silent and stable as it reflected countless fragments of countless worlds.

All of a sudden, a gigantic monster leapt out from the river, passed by Gu Qing Shan, and devoured some sort of invisible entity before falling back into the River of Time.

It barely missed Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan calmed his alarmed mind and asked again: “How much longer will the luck spell last?”

The coin once again informed him:

(Three minutes)

“Good, try again” Gu Qing Shan encouraged the coin.


The Gold Coin flew up again and brought Gu Qing Shan around this part of the River of Time.

There were several times that the Gold Coin almost tried to bring Gu Qing Shan into one of the fragments, but forced itself to stop at the final moment and went back into the thick fog.

Those fragments all contained fatal traps!

The Gold Coin continued to hover in the fog.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Two minutes and a half!

Only thirty seconds left!

The Gold Coin circled around Gu Qing Shan, vibrating as if shouting.

It really couldn’t find a single place where Gu Qing Shan could survive!

Time slowly passed.

The last ten seconds!

Gu Qing Shan gritted his teeth, abruptly reached his hand out to catch the Gold Coin, and used the teleportation technique affixed to it.


A golden flash.

The coin circled to another direction and brought Gu Qing Shan towards the edge of this branch of the River of Time.

It was the Earth World of this era.

A dark sky.

Lightning and thunder resounded all over.

A terrible shower of rain that didn’t seem like it would ever end.

The world almost seemed like an ocean-sized tropical swamp with constant heavy rain.

A flash of light broke through the sky and jetted across the shroud of night.

Gu Qing Shan caught the Gold Coin and put it into his pocket.

He followed the descending falling rain until he suddenly noticed that none of the restrictive Laws here acted on him and started to fly up.

My power, my cultivation, none of it is being restrained.

This isn’t how the Earth World is supposed to be.

What exactly is going on here?

After what happened in the Age of Old, the three Abyssal monsters held a grudge against him and still wanted to take the twin swords Heaven and Earth for themselves, so they had most likely used the time they had to weave a long net of countless traps in order to catch him.

And the Gold Coin wasn’t willing to lead him into any of those moments in time, this made sense.

But why did some sort of strange change also occur in the Earth World?

Gu Qing Shan reached both hands out to grab the Heaven sword and Earth sword, while the Chao Yin sword and Six Paths Great Mountain sword both manifested and floated by his side.

He stood alone within the heavy rain, floating in the air as he observed his surroundings.

The heavy rain had obscured his vision.

But he was easily able to release his inner sight to cover this entire city.

There wasn’t a single living being here, only the unending heavy rain.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t contain his surprise any longer.

He followed his inner sight and landed in a gigantic ruin.

He stood still for a few moments.

Gu Qing Shan then abruptly called out: “Venerable one, where are you?”

Pach pach pach pach pach pach

The heavy rain bombarded the cement ground to let out a constant unrhythmic beat.


An arc of lightning flashed across the sky but was quickly swallowed up by the darkness.

No one answered him.

The Gold Coin in his hand was letting out wave after wave of a wailing sound.

Gu Qing Shan pulled down his black robe a bit further and began to travel along with the ruins of this city.

Collapsed skyscrapers, abandoned stations, highly rusted metal bridges, highways that had been overgrown with wild grass.

After a long time of travel.

There was nothing but ruins here, he couldn’t even find a single sign of life.

Gu Qing Shan stopped.

He walked to one side of the highway, moved a collapsed wall to one side, and cleared out a lot of debris with a single push.

A broken giant metal beast laid still on the ground without moving that was quickly swallowed up by the intense rain.

Gu Qing Shan stared at this construct, completely frozen.

Another flash of lightning streaked across the sky, briefly illuminating this scene.

An abandoned city without people.

A sword cultivator who donned a black robe.

A destroyed Mech.

This looked exactly like a post-apocalyptic world.

Gu Qing Shan blankly stood there, trying to make sense of everything.

All of a sudden, a clear chime appeared in his mind.


[War God UI has been activated once again]

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