Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 878 - Did Someone Come To Take This Sword?

Chapter 878: Did Someone Come To Take This Sword?

As soon as the Indestructible Giant ran away, the Soul Shrieker’s body twitched as if it was intending to chase after him.

But it stopped immediately.

Its gaze fell to the ground and became fully focused on the human cultivator forging the weapon below.

The Heaven sword was about to be finished.

The components of the Abyssal weapon had begun to slowly attach themselves onto the sword.

The Immortal King was seemingly unaware of this, as all of his attention was focused on inscribing the runes onto the Heaven sword and was completing the final forging process.

No, it was no longer a sword at this point.

It was already a weapon of the Eternal Abyss!

The Soul Shrieker glided down, silently heading towards the Immortal King.

「 Don’t even think about taking that weapon away! 」

The Abyssal Demon Dragon roared and charged forward, knocking the Soul Shrieker away.

The two monsters once again engaged in combat.

The weapon was about to be done!

This seemed to have been some sort of signal, as their struggle became even more intense than before.

But after a brief moment of fighting, the Soul Shrieker abruptly shouted: 『「 That giant! Have you forgotten, that giant is still here! 』」

The Abyssal Demon Dragon’s attacks slowed down a bit.

Indeed, I can’t let a third party benefit from our fight.

But that giant was so weak, he wouldn’t be any threat at all.

After being briefly stunned, the Abyssal Demon Dragon opened its mouth and breathed out a liquid-like ashen flame.

The Soul Shrieker cautiously moved away from this ashen flame, then swiftly retaliated.

It didn’t stop trying to attack the Abyssal Demon Dragon either!

At this time, a black spot appeared on the horizon turning rapidly bigger.

The Indestructible Giant had come back!

Since the Heaven sword was about to be finished, he had no choice but to come back!

He traversed on the edge of life and death, endured countless trials and dangers, utilized all of his means, and traveled back from several ten thousand years in the future, all for this sword!

Under the two monsters’ watchful gazes, the Indestructible Giant didn’t try to head straight for the Immortal King and instead joined their battle.

The three monsters quickly joined into a chaotic struggle.

The Indestructible Giant attacked the Soul Shrieker with everything he had.

The Soul Shrieker retaliated.

The Abyssal Demon Dragon attacked the Indestructible Giant.

The Indestructible Giant gritted his teeth and continued to attack the Soul Shrieker.

The Soul Shrieker continued to retaliate.

The Abyssal Demon Dragon continued to attack the Indestructible Giant.

The Indestructible Giant took the damage and was still focused on attacking the Soul Shrieker.

The Soul Shrieker retaliated again.

The Abyssal Demon Dragon hesitated.

The Indestructible Giant is too weak, as the Abyssal Demon Dragon, I can win against him no matter what.

But the Soul Shrieker’s abilities can counteract mine.

The Abyssal Demon Dragon changed his focus and attacked the Soul Shrieker.

So now, the Indestructible Giant and the Abyssal Demon Dragon were attacking the Soul Shrieker together.

Whenever the Soul Shrieker was about to unleash its shriek, the Indestructible Giant would use the Lightning ability that forced them into a temporary blank state of mind and interrupt its shriek.

Whenever the Soul Shrieker stopped the Indestructible Giant’s attack, the Abyssal Demon Dragon would take that chance and ambush the Soul Shrieker.

『「 Wait! Don’t attack me together with him! 』」

The Soul Shrieker roared.

The Abyssal Demon Dragon ignored that and continued to unleash abyssal spells and techniques to attack the Soul Shrieker.

He was the one who benefited the most from the current situation.

『「 Damn it! Fool! 』」

The Soul Shrieker angrily roared.

But neither the Abyssal Demon Dragon nor the Indestructible Giant reacted to it.

It had no choice but to focus on taking the attack of two monsters.

This battle situation continued all the way until the Soul Shrieker became heavily wounded.

All of a sudden, the Indestructible Giant ambushed the Abyssal Demon Dragon!


A long bloody wound was carved into the Abyssal Demon Dragon’s body by the giant’s sword.

The chaotic energies on the sword caused the wound to open and worsen by the second, causing his blood to spill to the ground below.

「 Aargh! Despicable giant, I can easily take your life! 」

The Abyssal Demon Dragon roared in anger and charged towards the Indestructible Giant.

At this moment.

The Soul Shrieker caught the Demon Dragon’s opening and attacked him with all its power.


The Demon Dragon was sent spiraling outward and struggled to regain his balance.

The Soul Shrieker charged at him.

The Indestructible Giant also charged at him.

Now it was the Abyssal Demon Dragon’s turn to fight against two opponents at once.

It suddenly realized something and shouted at the Soul Shrieker: 「 We were fooled, stop! Otherwise, the two of us would kill each other and make things convenient for the giant 」

The Soul Shrieker currently held nothing but pure hatred for him, so it pressed on its attack with disregard for his words.

It and the Indestructible Giant continued to pummel the Abyssal Demon Dragon.

Until the Demon Dragon was heavily wounded as well.

The Soul Shrieker abruptly stopped and retreated.

It spoke to the Demon Dragon with a chilling cold tone: 「『 There, let’s stop here, we’ve been wounded to essentially the same degree, we can still kill that giant 」』

They both turned towards the giant.

At this point, the giant was the least wounded among the three of them.

If this was left to go on...

The Abyssal Demon Dragon felt his heart beating faster.

Fortunately, the Soul Shrieker understood that.

Furthermore, the Indestructible Giant wasn’t a match for either of these Abyssal monsters in a one-on-one fight.

And they were about to cooperate.

They intended to remove the Indestructible Giant from this world right here and now.

At a glance, the only possible end for the giant now would be to die.

「 Don’t let him run away again 」

The Abyssal Demon Dragon checked his own wounds and the intense aching sensation all over his body and grinded his teeth in.

『 We didn’t think of it last time, but this sly bastard won’t be running away any longer, I’m keeping my eye on him 』the Soul Shrieker’s female voice declared.

「 To make me wounded to this degree, I’m going to devour his soul 」its male voice spoke with anger.

The Indestructible Giant once again put up his sword in front of himself.

Using all my wits,

All my means,

Getting wounded all over,

I’ve finally delayed the situation up to this moment.

This is the final moment.

The moment I’ve been waiting for.

Heaven and earth went silent.

Strange illusory images began to rise from the ground all the way to the sky, illuminating the entire world with blinding colorful light.

Supernatural phenomenon!

This meant that the Heaven sword had been completed!

The three monsters all glanced towards the ground at the same time.

The Immortal King raised a sword up high.

Around him, the other weapon components had already been detached and scattered all over the ground.

The Immortal King abruptly stabbed the sword into his own chest while chanting a long incantation.

He sacrificed his life to complete the sword!

A moment later, a woman wearing a traditional Chinese silk garment appeared, her figure slowly becoming blurred as she infused herself into the sword.

Luo Bing Li!

The sword now had a spirit!

The final step had been completed!

The Immortal King drew the sword from his chest and raised it high.

Blood was spilling from his mouth, but he didn’t take any notice of it.

He was simply confused and desperate, muttering like a mad man: “Someone? Where are our people? Somebody, quickly come and take this sword!”

These were the last moments of his life.

But he wasn’t willing to simply die like this, because the one who sought the sword still hadn’t appeared before him.

The three monsters in the sky all witnessed this.

That was the completed Heaven sword!

Through thousands of years of planning by the Abyss, followed by several years of being forged by humanity, this precious weapon was finally complete!

The Soul Shrieker was about to move forward but stopped.

It noticed that the Abyssal Demon Dragon kept his eyes on it, prepared to attack at any moment.

The situation changed again.

The Soul Shrieker, the Abyssal Demon Dragon, and the Indestructible Giant were all restraining one another.

No one wanted to be the first to act.

Because if they did, the other two would surely move to attack them right away.

The Indestructible Giant silently regretted.

If I knew it would come to this, I wouldn’t have used [Ground Shrink] earlier.

Now that the two Abyssal monsters know about this spatial Divine Skill, if I tried to use it, I will be facing the most powerful strike from both of these monsters!

The Soul Shrieker patiently waited for a bit, then thoroughly regained its senses.

「 Demon Dragon! 」its male voice shouted.

The Abyssal Demon Dragon cautiously looked at it.

「 We need to kill this giant first, he doesn’t belong to the Abyss, his backgrounds are a mystery and he’s full of schemes. My instincts are telling me that we absolutely cannot give him a chance 」the Soul Shrieker said.

The Abyssal Demon Dragon stared closely at the Soul Shrieker for a while before turning to the Indestructible Giant.

After a bit, he also declared: 「 I also feel the same. He’s using humanity’s swordsmanship, uses the Bygone Era humans’ Soul Artifacts, yet he’s a Savage-type creature, his very existence is out of the ordinary 」

The Abyssal Demon Dragon finally spoke: 「 I agree, first we’ll kill him, then we’ll decide the winner among ourselves 」

『「 Very well, let’s kill him right now? 』」the Soul Shrieker confirmed again.

「 Let’s kill him! 」the Abyssal Demon Dragon replied.

Abruptly, the Indestructible Giant shouted: “If you want to kill me, then I’ll kill one of you first before I die!”

Hoh hoh hoh

The Indestructible Giant suddenly started to give off an unprecedented intense pressure.

Even the Soul Artifacts floating behind him were vibrating intensely.

The Indestructible Giant raised his sword high.

A sky-high sword phantom manifested on the giant metal sword, the chaotic energy contained within the sword phantom caused a hole to be burnt into the sky itself.

This was an intense chaotic energy created through the mix of many, both the Soul Shrieker and Abyssal Demon Dragon had already felt with their own bodies what it could do.


The giant uttered a furious roar with the resolve to die.

His eyes were filled with brutal killing intent, the glow around his rocky body also shined with a blinding sheen.

The Indestructible Giant’s fighting spirit had reached its limit!

At this point, he had focused all of his power to prepare for one last exchange.

Damn it, this guy is going to risk his life.

This thought appeared in the minds of both the Soul Shrieker and the Abyssal Demon Dragon at the same time.

Despite already being prepared to attack, they couldn’t help but halt and cautiously observe the giant.

One strike.

This giant only had enough power for a single strike.

After this strike, the giant’s life will wither.

The Soul Shrieker and the Abyssal Demon Dragon exchanged glances.

Indeed, the giant must be killed.

But, who’s going to go first?

Regardless of who goes first, they would be heavily wounded by the giant’s final gambit before death.

If there were to happen, the one who attacked second wouldn’t even need to attack the giant, they can even ambush the one who attacked first and gain the absolute advantage.

Both Abyssal monsters hesitated.

At the same time.

On the ground.

A gust of wind suddenly emerged out of nowhere.

The wind lightly swept down from above and stopped in front of the Immortal King.

In theory, the Immortal King should’ve died right after he sacrificed his life for the sword.

But during the last moments of his life, the desperate unwillingness to accept the current situation had made it so that he still had one last bit of life left in him.

He appeared to have lost all hope as he stood there with complete blankness in his expression and body.

The countless phantom images, countless planning, and preparations, even borrowing the power of the [Eternal Moment], was all of humanity’s power and wits still useless to prevent this sword from being taken by the monsters?

The Immortal King raised the Heaven sword in both hands as tears of blood dripped down his face.

He was feeling his limit.

I would soon no longer be able to hold on and lose my life.

For one last time, the Immortal King opened his mouth and muttered with a hoarse, dry voice: “Somebody? Did someone come to take this sword?”


The gust of lingering wind lightly wrapped around his hand and received the sword from him.

A human voice sounded from the wind:

“I’m here”

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