Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 862 - See You Once Again

Chapter 862: See You Once Again

[One two three four!]

[Two two three four!]

[Put some strength into it, and jump!]

The old voice appeared to be excited as it echoed across this space of empty darkness.

The bald old man was passionately dancing in front while Gu Qing Shan watched and copied him from behind, both of them were working hard and sweating as they did so.

Although their dance didn’t fit the scene around them at all, that didn’t stop the strange entities from appearing from the void of space.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t see them.

But as a cultivator with excellent spirit sense, Gu Qing Shan was able to tell the various powers that lingered around him.

All of them were powers that Gu Qing Shan couldn’t even begin to explain with all the knowledge he had obtained so far.

While dancing, Gu Qing Shan gradually realized something.

The bald old man dancing right in front of him was literally the Bygone Era humanity’s strongest Combatant.

And he praised the [Living Being Sacrificial Dance] as the greatest Occult-type Mystic power.

If such a person judged it to be ‘the greatest power’, then this dance must be a first-rate power even in the Bygone Era.

As for how he managed to confirm this conjecture...

Gu Qing Shan glanced at the void of space.

Blood-red lines of text were scrolling past the [Demon King Order]’s UI a bit further away from his vision.

[You’ve begun learning the Living Being Sacrificial Dance (primary-level improved version)]

[Your movements are resonating with the Laws of Mystic]

[The Demon Dragon’s erosion power is slowly being suppressed]

[You’ve obtained a strand of the Demon Dragon’s converted power, your body reflex has been increased by a tiny margin]

[You’ve obtained a strand of the Demon Dragon’s converted power, the range of your inner sight has been increased by 10 meters]

[Please continue your dance]

That wasn’t all.

As Gu Qing Shan continued to dance, some unseen, unknown entities had also began to dance with him.


A dull sound was heard.

Some of the giant black hands he summoned were touched by something and were immediately stripped of all their flesh, leaving only pale white bones behind.

These were the hands that emerged from the Abyssal Fate Weaver’s Abyssal Craft: [Spider’s Thousand Hands]!

Even a primary-level Demon Lord couldn’t struggle away from these [Spider’s Thousand Hands], yet those very same hands were stripped bare to the bone simply by being touched by a mysterious entity summoned by the [Living Being Sacrificial Dance]!

The mysterious entity didn’t pay a single bit of attention to that at all, it only kept dancing together with Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan’s expression remained the same as he kept up the dance, but he wasn’t quite so relaxed in his mind.

In every possible way, this [Sacrificial Dance] was too awe-inspiring.

He gradually let go of his internal struggles and focused fully on the dance.

[One last time, turn! Turn! Turn!]

The bald old man loudly shouted.

[Seven eight nine, wave your hands!]

[And~ finished!]

He turned around and looked at Gu Qing Shan:

[That was the first stage of the Dance. Since you’ve only just learnt it, you need to perform the dance for 9 consecutive times more to stop the erosion of the Demon Dragon’s power even after you’ve stopped dancing]

[Continue to dance, I’ll watch and see if you make any mistakes during the process]


Gu Qing Shan replied and continued to dance like he had learnt just now.

The catchy musical drum beats once again resounded around this space.

The bald old man stood aside, crossed his arms, and watched over Gu Qing Shan’s dance steps with an extremely careful attitude.

[Raise your hand a bit higher]

[You need to turn faster! Faster, got it?]

[That movement just now was wrong, do it again!]

Within the empty space of darkness, the bald old man’s strict shouts could occasionally be heard.

At the start, Gu Qing Shan had indeed made quite a few mistakes, but as he practiced over and over again, his dance moves became more coherent and skilled.

The bald old man was also shouting at him less.

From Gu Qing Shan’s third consecutive dance onwards, the bald old man no longer corrected any of his movements.

Time slowly passed.

Finally, 9 repetitions had been completed.

Just as Gu Qing Shan was about to stop, the bald old man spoke up again.

[Don’t stop!]

[Keep up the music!]

[Make sure to perform the dance perfectly this time, do your best!]

His voice seemed very mindful and full of anticipation.

At the same time, Gu Qing Shan heard the old man’s voice in his mind:

[I’m sure I have already told you that not only can this great Sacrificial Dance suppress and convert the Demon Dragon’s power, but it can also summon countless Mystic powers of the Occult-type and give you so much more]

[And now a chance has come]

[A famous power had descended, it is currently sensing you and trying to resonate with you]

[That’s why you definitely can’t stop now and must perfectly perform this dance!]

[Now, dance!]

Hearing this, Gu Qing Shan immediately understood what was happening and followed the rhythm of the music, swiftly and neatly performed each movement of the dance, trying his best to maintain every movement on their exact beat.

The [Living Being Sacrificial Dance] was divided into 9 stages, with the 1st stage being the primary and also simplest level. Since he had gotten used to it, it wasn’t hard for him to mimic the movements. As he continued, he was even giving off a feeling of fluidity and rhythm.

As time passed and the dance went on, Gu Qing Shan gradually felt the existence of a certain entity.

This entity was harmonizing with him, giving him the sensation of having another beating heart outside of his body.

After an unknown amount of time performing the dance later.

All of a sudden, the harmonized feeling vanished from Gu Qing Shan’s body.

[You can stop]

The old man called out.

Gu Qing Shan instantly stopped.

He was surprised to find that he was covered in sweat.

As a Three Thousand Worlds realm cultivator, it was quite unimaginable for him to sweat and become this tired by performing a single dance.

[How unfortunate] the bald old man spoke regretfully: [Since you only learnt the 1st stage dance steps, that Mystic-type power only lingered around for such a short amount of time. So, did you obtain any Mystic-type abilities?]

Gu Qing Shan was surprised to hear that.

Obtaining a Mystic-type ability after performing a dance?

It’s already impressive enough that I was able to suppress the Demon Dragon’s power, how could I obtain a new ability so easily?

Gu Qing Shan felt that notion to be a bit ridiculous and was about to shake his head when he suddenly froze.

An inexplicable piece of information appeared in his head at some point that he didn’t notice.

Gu Qing Shan was comprehending something, so he stood still without moving.

Seeing that, the bald old man’s regretful look on his face went away and asked with interest: [What did you get? Hurry up and tell me]

Gu Qing Shan muttered: “I think it’s called [See you once again]?”

[See you once again? This is a great ability to get rich with, wait! Could it be that your cooking skills have reached a very high standard?] the bald old man shouted in shock.

“I work as a chef”

[No wonder you were able to obtain this ability]

The bald old man looked at Gu Qing Shan in a completely different way from before.

Gu Qing Shan contemplated shortly, then suddenly tapped his Inventory Bag to take out a burner, a pot, a bowl as well as various spices and swiftly cooked up a bowl of noodles.

He picked the bowl of noodles up, scowled and spoke doubtfully: “This ability seems to be...”

But the bald old man had already taken the bowl of noodles from him without saying a word, picked up the pair of chopsticks from the cooking counter and ate it without reserve.

[Hm, your noodles are indeed great, you weren’t lying, you really are a decent chef]

The bald old man loudly praised him as he ate the noodles.

He swiftly finished the noodles, put the bowl back onto the counter, wiped his mouth, and explained:

[See you once again, is a unique kind of ability. It is unrelated to fighting, but it allows everyone who consumes your noodles to immerse themselves in their memories and reminisce about the old days. They would be able to look back at the time that had long since passed and visit those who were already long gone]

[This is an extremely special ability, you must treasure it]

After saying so, the bald old man closed his eyes and immersed himself within his own memories.

Hearing his explanation, Gu Qing Shan felt enlightened and instantly understood everything about this new ability of his.

Come to think of it, this is my first ever Mystic-type ability.

At the same time, small lines of text appeared on the [Demon King Order] UI:

[You’ve obtained an Occult Mystic-type ability]

[Name: See you once again]

[Usage method: Make a bowl of noodles for another person to eat, the one who ate your noodles will turn into a viewer, return to their memories and choose a period of time to silently observe it]

Gu Qing Shan quickly read through it and couldn’t help but wonder: “Can I eat the noodles myself?”

[You can’t]

The old man kept his eyes closed and replied: [The one who used this ability wouldn’t be able to view their memories even if they ate noodles that they made beforehand]

Gu Qing Shan felt a bit unfair.

He had a lot of memories he wanted to look back into.

The bald old man still kept his eyes closed and muttered emotionally: [It’s great to be able to meet all of you again, my own comrades...]

With that, he went completely silent.

Some faint light within the darkness weakly illuminated the old man’s face.

The looks of sorrow and warmth were constantly switching between one another on his face, then finally fused into a strange expression.

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